Subj : Re: Eat What You Like To : Daryl Stout From : George Pope Date : Tue May 04 2021 11:47:56 > GP> guys who delibertey pee o the floor st the urinals (I can't get shoes > GP> that fit, so I'm in sock feet when I'm out -- not fun to stand in a > GP> puddle of pee & then know the bacteria/etc are breeding betwixt my toes > GP> until I get home & can wash them. . . :( > No kidding. There are country folks that say "you haven't lived until > you've walked barefoot through a cow pasture". Uh, no thanks. :P I'd ask them if they can do it barefoot & blindfolded! > There should've been a sign: > "WE AIM TO PLEASE -- YOU AIM, TOO....PLEASE." One place I hung at had that & the other: Ladies: Please say seated during the entire performance Men: Stand close, it's shorter than you think. > With incontinence, I don't have the luxury of a fly > everything "drops". Years ago, I had put a pair of long underwear on > BACKWARDS, and did NOT realize it...and I thought "Crap!! They've sewn the > fly shut". :P I'm getting that (incontinence) too :( dang it all, can't I skip even one of the frailties of age?! I've neverused the Y-front in any ginch in my life -- takes too long, I just pull the waist of both pants down enough to haul Russell out & do my biz(which rhymes with biz). . > No one has any concern for their fellow man or woman anymore. You've noticed that, too, eh? > It is. I think of ventriloquist Jeff Dunham's dummy, Walter, who wondered > "Why are these folks wearing a mask but not covering their face?? It's like > wearing a jock strap down on your knees. :P Ditto for a bra., but I think the 80-year-old women might have no choice, as that's where the twins have decided to move to. . . > Hard to say...but when I was growing up, kids ate dirt, made mud pies, > etc., and built up resistance to all the germs. Nowadays, everything is > over-sanitized, so the kids have no chance to build up resistance or > immunity to these diseases. George Carlin talks about this, how the mos go nuts with the sanitizer every time little Jimmy or Julie touches ANYTHING. He pauses and asks, "Do you kow how you build an immune system?" then goes on to his story of him & his peers swimming in the East River in NYC, & how that was essentially swimming in liquid sh*t. Then describes his immune system in military elite commando team terms, & how they obliterate ANY germ that gets in there, before it can do any harm. He can weave a good tale -- pure poetry! If you can understand his use of cusswords as just his personal type of commas. . . > I did get both COVID-19 shots, looking at it like any other innoculation. > If you get the disease (notice how NO SHOT is "100% effective"??), it'd be > a milder case than you would've gotten otherwise. In the last year, I've > had shots for flu, tentanus, shingles, B-12, Low-T, and now COVID-19. Milder, or even zero, especially if you're treating your immune system well (eating lots of fruits, vegetables, vitamin C, Zinc, garlic, onion, ginger) I'll cut up 2 large onions into 2" chunks into a cpouiple quarts of water with 1" of fresh ginger sliced thinly, & 5-6 garlic cloves also sliced thinly, add in some cayenne pepper powder & red pepper flakes (more for just than when the famly is having some) & let it boil an hour (fills house with health-giving steam) then drink/eat the entire pot's contents. I feel top of the world for a week! > GP> You're one of the rare few who actually reads up & understands what's > GP> going on -- most especially rare in your country, sadly. . . > I have a 4 volume "Medical Encyclopedia" (my late wife would've loved > reading that). I was looking in the section of appendicitis, and it said > "If the appendix bursts, that can lead to peritonitis"...and added "This > is a very serious condition". In reading that, I thought "What was your > first clue??!!". No kidding! I'm pretty sure the burst appendix is bad enough on its own. I love reading medical/etc. texts. As part of my job, whgen I was in oipoeratons, I had to fully understand every medical report of any cae I worked. Google weas my friend. . . It got so when I talked to doctors they assumed I was one, too, as did nurses (helps get the job done, but I still,to be legal, would correct them, if they asked) Like the guy in Switzewrland in teriary care (a bench in a storage shed, likely) who had a brain tumur that was going to kill him if he wasn't put into a first world hospital with a skilled neurosurgeon asap. I contacted his home hospital in Edmonton(Alberta), explain the situation to the head surgical nurse, after I got her respecting me thoroughly, who put me through to the surgeon's mobile as he drove home after 13 hours sttaight surgery I began by sayting I had a patient wih a 2cm GBM in ther frontal cortex & we need a neurosurgeon to accept him as theur patient stat. He asked me 2-3 questions, which I fielded with zero hesitation (as I'd read everything relating to the patient & his condition) then pulled over to get the info. He verbally acdcepted t he case & I instantly faxed the latest reports & info on the patient to his office, then called the hospital to reserve a surgical bed, stat, then got one of our air ambulance guys to muster a crew to Switzerland to fly this guy straight to Edmonton. He took care of booking the OR, & the patient was fixed up & healing within a day. My boss called me in the next day to say I saved the guy's life. I just said, "Just followed my training, sir." I then realized I had a lot of power, even with no medical degree. . . I've even learned to read doctor's writing(mostly, I've lerasrned how to cheat if needed), as it's critical at times; I needed to send a concise summary medical report on every one of my cases to our principals overseas. I've learned I LOVE nurses -- I don't even ask for doctors 95% of the time; I call his/her nurse directly, as she'll talk to him for me & put anything in front of him needing his signature, & done! A little lighthearted flirting with someone with sore feet working a 12-hour night shift goes a long way! Now I'm kicked upstairs from Operations & miss doing that interactive stuff; now I just negotiate contracts with doctors & hospitals throughout the world. .. . Happy not to have to talk to NYC ER nurses any more, though! Every call for a reasonable request was a tough battle/negotiation. Onew's telling me she's the hospital's HIPPA(US privacy law) expert; I explained that I ate HIPPA for breAKFAST & WIPED MY BUTT WITH HER HOSPITAL'S INTERNAL POLICIES. Oops, sorry for caps. . . (well, I may have translated that to use more diplomatic language, but my point was made clear!) Nurses! Gotta love 'em! & puns (alreay love 'em) Want to know why nurses like red crayons? Sometimes they have to draw blood. The nurse was eating corn The physician was eating comd Nurse: Sorry for the waiting Any dad: No problem, I'm patient The nurse made my heart skip a beat It was fine after she plugged the life support back in. Nurse: A patient named Stephen has come into the hospital with acidosis (meaning their blood has become too acidic) Doctor: Stephen with a "ph"? Nurse: Yes, a low one. -=- Nurse: Sorry for waiting 14 year old son: don’t worry, I’m patient. Me: proudly crying. Nurse: Hi patient, I’m nurse > GP> The fax they are listening to me & so eager to poke me scares my wife & > GP> me somewhat, but. . .eventially not having it will close employment > GP> doors to me, so might as well conform, I guess. . . > The same applies to the "Real ID" with the drivers license (at least here > in the US). Eventually, without the Real ID, you can't enter a federal > building, or fly...and it may apply also to having had the COVID-19 shot. > GP> Of all our delivery apps, Uber has the biggest selection; they must > GP> give the better deal to the restaurants. > I got Uber eats from Wendy's last I had a coupon to use. > GP> Since discovering a fave food court restaurant(Bourbon Street Grill) is > GP> on Uber, my fam & I been ordering it regularly. For $15 each, it's > GP> enough food for 2-3 meals, mostly meat! > Not bad. I went to a local restaurant that offered this huge plate of > spaghetti and meatballs...made like my late mother used to do. My brother > gets 3 meals out of it...and he said "If you eat that whole thing, I'll > give you $10". So, after munching on some garlic cheese sticks, and some > vegetable beef soup, I ate everything there, plus a slice of lemon icebox > pie...and washed it all down with sweet tea. He had stepped outside for a > smoke, but some of his other friends were there, and said "I was at the > table the whole time, and did eat everything" (he thought I had thrown > some of it out). So, he gave me $10, which I promptly gave to the waitress. > He then said "I'll give you $5 if you'll order and eat the meatball > marinara sandwich" which I said "Forget the $5, I want $100". > GP> Thge one that gets me ois how fruit & milk(& others) farmers > GP> deliberately destroy(bulldozing it under) at least 20% of their crops > GP> just to keep prices higher. . .Grrr. . . > Now, they're saying there's a shortage on fuel truck drivers to get the > gasoline from the refineries to terminals to gas stations. Well, you also > apparently have to have a CDL, and HazMat certification, before you can > drive those tanker trucks. > > > If you smoke during sex, you're doing it too fast. > GP> I love the Dunham Bunch! Especially Walter & Achmed! > Did you see the recent one where Jeff changed the 4 Wi-Fi passwords, > and Peanut didn't have a clue??!! It was Jeff's version of the classic > "Who's On First?" routine. And, in the original routine, there was no > name for who was in right field (no, who is on first! ) I named > him "When". So, with the Baseball Dice door from Sunrise Doors, I renamed > all the players in there to characters from the skit. > GP> Not sure I'll ever visit LR, AK, as I heard it's against the law to > GP> mispronounce the state name there (I like to say ar-Kansas too much) > First, AK is Alaska...AL is Alabama, AZ is Arizona, and AR is Arkansas. > You wouldn't believe how many get those confused. Second, residents are > known as Arkansans, not Arkansawyans. However, I'm a native Floridian, > myself. At one time, some called it SASNAKRA (Arkansas spelled backwards), > because they said "NO GAMBLING"...but you could bet on the horses at Hot > Springs, and the greyhounds at West Memphis (a double standard). > I am in the process of putting the BBS into the cloud. I've been doing > ISP roulette, and dealing with weather issues. Hopefully by late next > week, the BBS will be back up...but with a different address (I'll > advise of it once everything's in place). > Today is the BBS's 29th looking through the bulletins, > especially on the one thanking users for contributions, etc., your name > is in there. :) > Daryl > ... Support bacteria. It's the only culture some people have. > === MultiMail/Win v0.52 > --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 > * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) Your friend, <+]:{)} Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .