Subj : Re: Eat What You Like To : Daryl Stout From : George Pope Date : Sun Apr 04 2021 09:02:40 > George, > GP> That's so adult & responsible. You know the tv ads/corporations want > GP> you to go wild & impulse buy/splurge, right? > The joke is that the ham radio gear manufacturers are rejoicing, and > hoping that the ham radio operators will order new gear from them. Several > years ago, there was a "DC To Daylight" rig at the big ham radio event in > Ohio for $20,000!! > Now, I (and most other hams) agree that we could "outfit a nice ham radio > room for $20,000"...but for one rig, that's overkill. Prices change, yup. I like looking at old Radio Shack ads from the 1970s. $5,499 for a brand new state of the art IBM PC Jr (8088). I had a 'high speed' 300baud external modem (once sold as the sysop's choice, years before I discovered computing); I had it when win98 was current & I did use it to log on to the internet once! I also logged onto the net using Windows 2.0 around then, too! > GP> Oh well, I guess you were also raised to understand you don't work for > GP> them, eh? > Nope. The most splurging I get anymore is going to a fancy restaurant for > lunch. I like that on occasion, but not during covid. . . Now, if extra funds, after paying bills & filling cupboards & freezer, I might treat the family to something good from Uber Eats (A&W, NYFries, & Freshii are our faves); I'm bored of pizza. > GP> Some things my moderatoin level is zero. (e.g. tobacco -- 18 years > GP> under that devil on my baxck was plenty -- I was freed, PTL, & I'm not > GP> going back!) > The only thing I want smoking or steaming is the food on my dinner plate. > (think sizzling fajitas at Applebee's). I mentioned that at my heart clinic, > and the young black nurse laughed, and said "That's what I'm talking > about!!" . Good plan! No positives from smoking cigarettes. It's the hardest drug to quit, they say. My experience seemed to bolster that. . . until I looked seriously at my habit & heard the verse, "do everything as unto the Lord" Well, I realized that nobody seeing me smoking was going to automoatiucally assume I was a Christian, so I asked myself what I would need to change (besides quitting, as I'd marked that as impossible) I got the clue one day while waiting on a bench for a bus. I was on the one far end, & a young boy (11-13?) waas on the other; he sat down AFTER I'd been smoking, so I figured he made that choice. I noted hie was lookin miserable & trying to cover his face with his shirt. I lifted my cig & asked, "Is this bothering you?" he nodded so miserably(no attitude of 'I'll get that smoker'), I immediately tossed it into the rain drain, & realized I can't smoke even outdoors at a bus bench as somebody might NEED to sit, & only sit to save falling, then my smoke could exacerbate asthma or allergies. So I took to standing, with my bad leg, behind bus shelter(in the rain) or a half block downwind. This was painful, but whsat it weas incumbent upon me to do. Then I realised that even in my own home I was not sovereign. When I had guests, I'd ask them if I was allowed to smoke" (freaked a lot out!) One neighbour spent 6-12 hours a day just parked in my place, so I negotiated with him, that I'd cut down to 1/hour & burn a candle beside me during that. (he had allergies) Evebntually it became too much trouble to smoke 'properly' & kindly, & I was truly ready to quit, so I asked God, in prayerr, to help me. My church(Mennonites) was rabidly anti-smoking(think Baptists), yet offered to pay for The Nicotine Patch system (way out of my affordability, at $60 a set every 2 weeks) I was out of smokes the first day I picked up the patch kit, as I wanted to be. I'd been without a cig foir 2+ hours when I got it, & hid myself in some u nderground stairs to read tghew instructions & put my first patch on my shoulder. WHOOSH!!! Even as addictyed as I was & immune to any noticeable response to nicotine, that patch contained enough nicotine that I got momentarily 'high'; that gave me the assurance I needed that this could work for replacing my high nicotine input habit. It was still difficult -- I caught myself lighting up occasionally while on the patch (a good way to have a heart attack) I prayed for protection, & fought the urges for the 6 week program & actually fully quit the patch a week early, while on a church outing to the beach up the coast at a member's home. Nothing but love for God for this one. I didn't HAVE to quit -- I could afford my habit just fine, & I'd come to a truce about it with my church's leadership. (never on chuirch property or on the same block, even, & tru to cut back) But trying to focus on my job as a man of God(unordained at this point) did the trick, with the Spirit guiding me when & as needed. . . Hmm. .smoking. . . Sure, smoking helps you lose weight: one lung at a time! Doctor to patient do you smoke? Patient: yes. Doctor: marijuana, cigarettes, cigars, Vapes? Patient: mostly brisket, and pork. > GP> How come? I love cheesecake; a friend dropped me off a duble height one > GP> when I was 20, expecting it'd last me a while; I returned her pan the > GP> next day!) > It's too rich. There is a small computer deal called a Raspberry Pi (there > are apparently variations, such as Banana and Orange Pi's), which run under > Linux...and are in use by amateur radio operators, among others. I tell them > that "I don't know much about a raspberry pi...but a pineapple upside down > cheesecake sounds awfully good". I'd try raspberry pie; can't afford raspberry pi. > GP> I use sparkling spring water for punches, so there's no added > GP> flavour(not even the soda water component) to change the base > GP> punch/juice flavour. I buy the 2L spring water for $99 usually. (Ginger > GP> Ale same, unless name brand name, then it's $2.35 for 500ml!) > I'm staying away from the carbonated beverages...I'm drinking diet green > tea citrus now. The eye doctor said the caffeine won't increase the eye > pressure...the "diet" ensures no sugar...and it's also a diurectic, but > not as strong as Lasix. The latter has the kidneys working overtime, but > that's better than kidney stones...the pain is the closest thing a man > can get to childbirth. Sparkling spring water is natural water, not a soda. > GP> I rarely drink pop -- the occasional Coke just for the caffeine. > I used to drink Coca-Cola and Ginger Ale to settle my > they wouldn't put me to sleep like Odansetron (Zofran, Promethazine, > Phenagren, etc.) does in treating nausea. Per "Mythbusters" the best treatment for nausea is simple ginger (more so than dramamine or even prescription antinausea meds) I have ginger lozenges of dramamine. (acts quickly & assuredly to kill nausea) > GP> I used to drink about 2 ounces of root beer a year & that was the only > GP> pop I drank! Now, with work & family. . . *sigh* (permatired) > There are several brands of root beer...A&W, Dad's, Hires, Barq's, and > I've seen some with Kroger and Wal-Mart. But some beverages (especially > the Pepsi products) are like I was drinking prune juice. I used to make A&W root beer from scratch every Saturday morning in '89, whebn I worked at one of the lsadt A&W drive-ins in Canada -- fun. Barq's is the only root beer that contains caffeine(& not much of it) I drink mainly Coke now, just for the quick-acting wake-up drug in it. & Ginger Ale when I order meals at NYFries at home. Your friend, <+]:{)} Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .