Subj : Re: Good News And Bad New To : Daryl Stout From : George Pope Date : Fri Apr 02 2021 07:07:12 > George, > > It makes you wonder where they minds were. > GP> Oh, I've known(none "Biblically") a few church secretaries -- I *KNOW* > GP> where their minds were! *LOL* > Several years ago, at a church I was attending, a large number of married > women > in the choir were becoming pregnant. The jokes were "There was something in > the Baptistry Water", and "These were the ones who took the church bulletin > note that > said 'All those wishing to become pregnant, please see the Pastor in his > study'... > and 'The pancake supper will be at 8am Saturday. All ladies wishing to give > milk, > please come early'". Whoops. There wa something in the air at the church picnic. . . LEGS! > > So much for getting that refund check and package on time. > GP> Have you got all you're due from those? > As far as I know. I dropped the tax stuff off at the preparer earlier > today. I do mine o9nline & get the refund the next day or so; it's alrweady been spent. By lw we hgave to hve our T slips sent out by end-Feb by employers (I get most by email, so instant reception--none of that atavistic snail mail stuff!); my wife does it online Form is auto-filled with income data; se's just asked to make a donation for use of the software (we usually give $5-$10 for each for our three forms (wife, daughter, & me) Very handy, especially since they re-added the Working Disability Tax Credit (used to be a refundable $1k; now only $250 *sigh*) > GP> Yeah, insurance comnpanieds already prnt money, but that's not good > GP> enough -- they want MORE! (it's "love of money" I think) > And, we know what the love of money is. :P Evil begins with greed, yup. > GP> A good friend of mine, recently passed, was a lawyer who exclusively > GP> worked to sue the government auto insurance co here. He made a good > GP> living, with zero lost cases in 50 years - that shows how wrong this > GP> insuiranceco is on average! > Well, I needed the money to keep from getting overdrawn...they did pay > the $9100 chiropractor bill. I get you. . . sadly, the practice is now to rebate you first paying the expenses. (thus the co keeps earning interest no their money longer) If & when you everhave to go to court with an insurance co, include interest as part of your ask. > GP> They caught on & cheated, now passed a law making it illegal to dispute > GP> their findings (they're always right i they're not proved wrong in a > GP> court of law, right *sigh*) > Sort of the workplace rules where: > Rule 1: The boss is always right. > Rule 2: If the boss is wrong, refer to Rule 1. I long ago decided if Uim ever a boss, that's going on my door. I operate as if it's the rule everywhere I work. It works. > GP> Anmother buddy, a cabbie, got hit buy a drunk at 02h30 on 01/01 (oh, > GP> sorry, I forgot youse puts the dates goofy: make that on 01/01); his > GP> wheelchair van cab was totaled($186,000 gone!); the insuranceco is > GP> giving him $10K replacement value. :( > They prefer you settle it out of court, and if I didn't need the money > so quick, I would've taken them to court. Yup, because they know you alone will sign quicker(cheaper) than you+lawyer+judge. Rule 1: sign nothing unless advised to do so by a competent lawyer. > GP> Criminal. I don't drive, so I'm good. . . > In driving to and from Cabot, about 30 miles northeast of Little Rock, > earlier today...I went through town. It took longer to get there, but > people weren't passing me like I was sitting still. Why? You drive at the speed limit & they've increasded "speed of traffic" by leaving he house late & filling up bladder with a venti Staryucks coffee or two? True story, in Ontario up here: Guy gets a ticket for going too fast whenhe was under the speed limit by 2KPH(1MPH); he disputed it in court, of course, & loses, as the cop said "weather conditions" Fast forward a year, same stretch of highway he gets a ticket for going too slow, when he was slightly OVER the posted speed limit. He goes to court, producing both tickets & the prior judgement as evidence, still loses as the cop said "speed of traffic" Basically, if you dispute & the cop shows up in court, you go down, no matter what actually happened. If the cop is too busy doing REAL police work to show up, you win. So, if a municipality is pushing for more revenue from traffic tickets, showing up is considered important police work. They tried to cheat on this here in BC, too -- they tried passing a law allowing cops to phone their testimony in - that got shot down Constitutionally (We, too, have the right to face one's accuser) But they TRIED, & that itself browns my biscuit! > That's why athletic events have degenerated. The parents are fighting > the other much for a sportsmanship lesson to the kids. No kidding. Lately I'm seeing news articles of parents, not players, being kicked out of games for yelling at the ref/ump. Good! Remind me of story where lady was cursing up a blue streak in her car & waving the middle finger at a driver who cut her off. A cop pulled her over. She looked in rear view as he sauntered up to her window & thought, "Oh, good, he's from my church." The cop told h er she was under arrest? "What for?' she aked, expecting only a warning, or, at worst, a traffic ticket. "Lady," he replied, after looking at ownership papers, "I saw your bumper sticker from our church, with the fish on it, & I saw the driver[her] acting as you did, I had to assume this car was stolen!" > That drive to and from Cabot wore me out...I'm about to pass out here > at the computer. I've been fighting intestinal flu the last few days (I > must have eaten something that my colon didn't like), and haven't slept > well. So, it'll be nap time once I finish this QWK packet. jeeze, dude! NEVER put emails ahead of health! Make it a rule! I had to do that, when I lived alone & was typically online 32 hours/day! > Hallitosis is better than no breath at all. :P True. > ... Death is nature's way of saying "Howdy." -Unknown Death is Nature's way of saying, "You had a good run, but Game Over." Your friend, <+]:{)} Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .