Subj : #1 To : August Abolins From : George Pope Date : Tue Jan 31 2023 06:58:58 >> That only works if you also disable the volume! > On that tv (and on mine as well), enabling CC automatically > mutes the speaker. How do you run it so both hearing and non-hearing can enjoy it at the same time? I still recall getting a new cable digital box & wondering why someone was describing the stuff I was looking right at -- then realized it has a control for the blind who want to /watch/, get this. . teleVISION. I killed that in a hurry, as it was annoying me, but I must have the CC on nowadays, & don't like when watching TV I've downloaded, trying to follow the story without hearing everything -- Hollyweird loves to have people whisper for effect, but these actors today learned on sets, not on stage, so don't know how to project a whisper properly. >> One old lady was watching the news on their new TV, on which she had >> accidentally clicked on the mute button. . . >> Her hubby walked in, saw the new anchor's lips moving & the word "Mute" >> at the bottom of the screen & remarked, "My, how those disabled news >> folk try hard!" > That could qualify to be a Gary Larson cartoon if that could be > emulated. I might've read it in a cartoon, actually. A two-panel one, though, IIRC, & I likely don't (IIRCAIPD as a new TLA?) Q: What do you call Minecraft on Mute? A: Mimecraft First rule of ôMute Club:ö Nobody talks about ôMute Clubö Yesterday, I found out I was mute! I can't tell you how angry this makes me! --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757) .