Subj : post facto inclusion of ObPuns to CONTEST post To : All From : George Pope Date : Tue May 31 2022 09:58:56 Oops; I, your fallibull Moderator, forgot to include ObFunny to my last post. . . Yes, this Pope admits to being fallible, but I'm improving on that front with age. . . (or vice-versa & I'm tool durned old & senile to know the difference?) hmm, right. . contests as a topic: My wife and I have contests to see who can scream ôNO!ö louder, but she always wins. She noÆs better than me. Q: Why do people from Norway always win against Englishpeople in tear-shedding contests? A: Because crying is gråter in Norwegian. Two sketchers had an art contest. It ended in a draw. Q: 10 puns entered a contest. Who won you ask? A: No pun in ten did [It's ancient and I'm almost ashamed to have included it, but c'est la vie.] A meat-loving king has a contest to find the next royal chef A meat-loving king has a contest to find the next royal chef. He invites 3 renowned chefs from all over the kingdom to serve him and the favorite will become the new royal chef! The first chef serves the king an enormous rack of ribs. "Very impressive," said the king. The second chef serves a huge steak, cooked to perfection. "So satisfying," said the king. The third chef gives the king a plate with small rocks on a bed of shredded cabbage. "What the hell is this," the king asks. The third chef says, "These rocks fell from the sky into my back yard. Indeed, ribs and steak are very meaty, but asteroids are meteor!" --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757) .