Subj : CONTEST!!! To : All From : George Pope Date : Tue May 31 2022 09:53:42 If you're new, post a topical post (must contain funny content) If you're a current member, enlist/recruit a new member; give their name in a post, & include obligatory funny content (joke(s), pun(s), etc) In either instance, include "CONTEST"(all caps) at the front of the Subject, as it is above -- if your reader adds in a Re, delete it, so the first 7 letters of the subject are CONTEST. Say how you first heard of this echo, why you're here, & how often you expect to read, how often you expect to post into it. . . Your history line at bottom, after you've posted, will identify where you're connecting via, by its Fidonet node numbering -- feel free to say which part of the world you're in.. Give us a funny bio of who you are, what you are, what you do, who you do, et al, for gits & shiggles. . . or don't -- either way, you're entered into a draw for a. . . oios, sorry, I almost gave away the surprise! --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757) .