Subj : Re: Health Q&A To : George Pope From : Daryl Stout Date : Sun Nov 07 2021 14:33:00 George, > It's so hard to view stuff on those screens, let alone type on them. GP> Fully agree to both of those. . . :P It gives "fat finger syndrome a whole new meaning". Yet, without fat fingers, how do you pick up the food and the silverware?? GP> I guess the new Samsung phones are designed better for viewuig their GP> screens, but too wide for me to use one-handed. (Ihold the phone in my GP> hand & usde my thumb to do all the typing -- quytre the opopsite of the GP> teen girl thumbs those on-screen keyboards are designed for. I have, GP> as on The Simpsons: Fat Finger Syndrome. I quit T-Mobile...their Samsung Android phones were defective. After six months, 4 separate phones would no longer hold a charge, or go dead. The last 3 customer service reps acted like they didn't want me there. GP> They finally realized what a stupid idea this was & renamed it "safer GP> sex" but I still like tyhe old memes generated by the original. My late wife roared with laughter seeing "one sex humping another one". GP> Kind of like "global warmning" -- it got proved wrong, decisivelky, so GP> now it's "climate change" because you can't argue that the climate GP> changes; I will argue against us mere mortals being the instrument of GP> said changes, though. We've always had "climate change"'s called WEATHER. GP> "My wife was so fat. . ." (how fat was she?) "she was so fat that when GP> she sat around the housem, she sat AROUND the house!" -- H. Youngman I liked what Foghorn Leghorn told Prissy...who was trying to get a husband. He said "You don't bat 'em on the bean with a rolling pin!!"... then he put his wing up to his mouth, and said "that comes later". Daryl .... Deja New: A feeling you've bought this product before. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33) .