Subj : Re: who's here? To : Daryl Stout From : George Pope Date : Wed Sep 22 2021 14:56:39 > Is the Sysop gone?? Good, now I can. !@#$%^&*() NO CARRIER > One time, when my BBS was on dial-up, I was in chat with a fellow > Sysop. he had stepped away from the computer, and just for grins, I > typed NO CARRIER on a line by itself. A moment later, he hung up, and > I saw NO CARRIER. Must've thought there was a random disconnect, or you had killed the connection, or a timeout setting on your side. . . I used to try, on those who were jackasses in my echo: Secret SYSOP ACCESS: ALT+S CD \ ECHO Y |DEL *.* then add, of course, coz I'm not a monster: For the rest of you, do not try this, coz you will f*** up your PC. > Oh, my own little teddy bear. I will call him George, and I will pet him, > and squeeze him... :P Poor Bugs, or was it Ralph the sheepdog in that one? > Seriously, I saw a touching Valentine's Day video on YouTube. This woman's > husband, a veteran, dressed up in a teddy bear costume, and he was sitting > near the door of their home. He had also gotten a bouquet of flowers (most > likely roses, although those are expensive), and a card. He got his friend > (who he and his wife knew) to read the card, and whenever she saw this bear, > to think of him. Their anniversary was on Valentine's Day. > She is near tears, thinking that her husband wasn't going to be there for > a long time...but is overcome with joy when she discovers it was him inside > the bear costume. > I love those veterans homecoming videos...if that doesn't bring tears to > your eyes, nothing will. I love them, too, when not obviously staged. . . I always respect & appreciate those willing to step between me & those who want to kill me. That's why I'll never respect/like Jane Fonda for how she caused those returning vets from Viet Nam to be treated. Yes, it was a crappy war & it was done for pure profit, but those boys in uniform werre not part of the decisions. They were victims, too. I choose to believe they were sincerely out there, & believed they were risking life & limb to defend America, & the world, against Evil. Individual rectal orifices, I'm sure & there will always be, but you don't paint everyone with the same condemnatory brush for the actions of a few. Those who deliberately chose cruelty over huymanity, will answser to He Who judges all, as will Hanoi Jane. . . In addition to Taiwan, the US has also sold torpedoes to Vietnam. Rather than pay money, they traded with a huge bulk of food. The weapons are now called ... Pho Ton Torpedoes. I wanna go spend a few weeks working a waiter in Vietnam so I can tell my kids I served in 'Nam. Q: What did the Japanese rose say to the American soldier when they met in Vietnam? A: Miso Thorny This building is Vietnam war era construction... theres a draft. Is a dogtor from Hanoi a Viet Nam vet? Dadjoked my history teacher in class So, in class we were talking about the Vietnam War and while talking about the coup detat the teacher asks "Does anyone know what a coup is?" So I say "a place where they hold chickens" Your friend, <+]:{)} Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .