Subj : Re: who's here? To : Daryl Stout From : George Pope Date : Tue Sep 14 2021 19:20:37 > GP> You can be dufferent & still share; pizzas can be made one side one > GP> way, the other side another.. . > I've heard of that being done. We do it all the time. . . Works best if both halves cost the same as a full pizza. > Years ago, at work, I was listening to big band and swing. One employee > asked "Are you trying to get old before your time??". I replied "You're > d@mn right, I am". I love big band! Have you seen that film of Gene Kruppa playing? > I'm not crazy...just ask my psychiatrist. I did, he says whenever you go for a walk you always take the cyclepath. > I usually get the 3 minute pizzas, either sausage and pepperoni, or 3 > meat. Plain chesse is too bland, and I don't care for supreme. I'm not much for microweave food. Although Delissio's pan pizza is good (puffs up a nice & fluffy crust, just like the real thing) > GP> Canada's Paralympic Curling team is called Adanac (Canada reversed) > Interesting. And, I know that "curling" is not what women do to their > hair. It is, but not in Canada much any more. . . > GP> True story: in olden times they didn't see green & blue the same way > GP> we do. > Especially if you're colorblind. The owner of the silkscreen print shop > I worked in for 18 years was strange is that?? We would say our abcestors from long ago were all blue-green colourblind > GP> Nah, we're fine with myselves. . . > You talk to yourself when you need expert advice, eh? Who told? Like when I go out to dinner by myself, Ip u t a mirror on the other end of the table to, I tell the waitress, "ensure I have good looking & intelligent company whi8le I eat." > GP> "I have a split personality," said Tom, being frank. > So, he changed his name, then?? Well, one of his personalities was, appsarently, nmaed Frank! I love Tom Swifties -- I read the entire book seroes the term comes from, about a heroic young inventor (I was 8 when I sat down & read all 50 books of the series to date from a big box my mom bought) Here's just the letter A from an online dictionatry of Tom Swiftys: "I'm wearing a ribbon round my arm," said Tom with abandon. "I'm concerned about the number of people not attending," said Tom absentmindedly. "I like modern painting," said Tom abstractly. "Now I have the tools to chop down that tree," said Tom with a heavy accent. "This salad dressing has too much vinegar," said Tom acidly. "There's room for one more," Tom admitted. "Here's your allowance for the next two weeks," Tom advanced. "I'd like to eat seventeen cakes," Tom agreed. "I'm halfway up a mountain," Tom alleged. "There's no need for silence," Tom allowed. "There seems to be at least one blood-sucking insect in every outhouse," said Tom aloofly. "It's a unit of electric current," said Tom amply. "These propulsion systems were used by NASA on moon rockets," said Tom apologetically. "I compliment the company that makes the Macintosh computer," said Tom applauding. "We can't have this and eat it too," said Tom archaically. "It's an actual parameter, not a formal parameter," was Tom's argument. "You have the right to remain silent," said Tom arrestingly. "Someday I'll run the CIA," said Tom aspiringly. "I've mailed the letter," Tom assented. "I decided which car to purchase after looking at the pictures," said Tom autobiographically. Excellent taglines, but "FUNNY" as is, too. . . Your friend, <+]:{)} Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .