Subj : Re: who's here? To : Daryl Stout From : George Pope Date : Sun Sep 12 2021 08:28:38 > Sometimes, I'll call them if I'm going to be out on errands, to see if > there are any medications that have come in. Right now, I'm not needing > any (most of us are on too many medications as it is!!). I'll drop by the pharmacy in the back wshen I'm shopping, to see if anything ready for me, or used to; now they're all bundled in blister packs eavery 4 weeks, like clockwork. > Or, like the meme with a guy who had just jumped out of the airplane, > and deployed his parachute. The view of one passenger of him, noted that > the parachutist was holding a sign "I WAS YOUR PILOT". :P That'll ruin > your whole day. Nah, I'm good til I see tyhe copilot catching up to him with a similar sign (only needsone of those two to fly the plane, & even then I'm ok, unless the cockpit door is locked. . . > GP> Came across a funny YouTube channel today; do you know of "It's A > GP> Southern Thing"? I liked their southern commercials pair. Another Youtuber you'd like is Tim Dawkins; heard him yet? (100% clean & an actually funny, stand-up comic) > I did. Another female I used to work with (she's the one that lost her > first husband to colon cancer), always kidded me, as I would help her > rack decals from the press. But, I had to kneel down to get the stuff, > and work my way up the rack. She'd always say "Assume the position...on > your knees". Me: Only for you, mistress! > GP> Avocaton or vocation, give your all, & really try. . . > That's all you can ask of someone. It;s likwe marriage & other relationships: Takers ruin tyhe equation every time, but if you ohave two GIVERS, you have something beautiful indeed. not taking is not the same as not receiving. Receiving is truly wonderful, but only true givers get the opportunity to ferel this. . . > GP> I do volunteer work to the same commitment level as paid. > There's also an acronym, N.A.V.Y. -- Never Again Volunteer Yourself. Oh, I don't mind. Some days, I'm not sure if I took 2 sdteps forwaed or if everyone else stepped back 2 steps. The Army Motto, as I heard it: Why run, when you can walk? Why walk, when you can just stand still? Why stand, when you can sit? Why sit, when you can lie down? Why just lie there when you can sleep? I set the new baby rule with my wife and I "any time you or I have 5 minytes fre -- SLEEP!"; we survived a couple years of our son not sleeping through the night. Finally getting a formula right just for him. . . > Otherwise, you're doing that job until the moment you die. If you do an exztra task once at work: nobody notices twice: your coworkers call you a suckup & keener thrice: it's now part of your job description Doing a good job around here is like peeing your pants in a dark room: you get a warm feeling, yes, but nobody notices. I tend to asrrive first, even before the boss; Once I goty told by my boss to come later, even late, but to never beat him again (yes, sir; so I arrived just 1 minute early from then on, waiting, around the corner in the cold, counting the minutes until go time) He also told me to stop taking short lunches (20 mins was enough to eat my sandwich, slam a coke, & have a quick cigarette(I'm a non-smoker now & since 1993), then back to my desk. . . He told me to take a minimum one hour from here on in. Again, I had to wander aimlessly, killing time. . . My counsellor later explained that my being morew capable than the many volunteers they rely on is poptentially bad for morale for the core of their man-hour requirements as a large non-profit. Then she said, "It doesn't matter; if the boss says do it, you just DO it!"; I agree & lesson learned. I'm noa kener so much as I'm not a slacker. If I'm being paid 8 hours, i give 8h15m or more. I've since learned to focus on giving extra value during the 8 instead of giving more than 8 hours time, as m,y family needs me, too. & I've usually got some side gigs going on, so need timie to fulfill my obligations (& get paid); my philsophjy, especially after we had a special needs son, is I'd get a second job outside the family before she has to get a first. > It's rare that I'm bored...more often than not, I'm tired...from not > resting well at night. I'm going to have to get a power nap this afternoon I hear ya; people don't know how being without a 9-5 to get to exhausts you. . . I'm just now, FINALLY, thanks be to God, starting to sleep the night through. . . (niiiice!) > sometime. I'm charging the phone for the heart monitor...I'll have to swap > out and charge the monitor tomorrow. I had to order some extra monitoring > patches, as 2 were defective...but they won't be in until tomorrow. Patches? You're on the Holter Monitor? i had to use that for 72 hours, but it died on my shift with it (it would take BP every 4 minutes instead of every 15. & once pumped so much air into the cuff, my hand & forearm turmned purple -- just try unhooking yourself one-handed, when you're in pain! *LOL* > For ham radio, normally, we can't accept money for our services. However, > there are exceptions where compensation is permitted: Keyword is compensation, not recompemnse, eh? You don't get PAID, per se, but you can avoid losing too much monmey in providing these certain services? So yuo're by definition, a non-profit hobbyist? But if a national or international disaster you can be drafted to send m,essages on behalf of government & medical corps? The guy I know talked of relaying messages to assure family members of one's being alive. Hmm. . ham. . what gopes with ham? Oh yeah! For a Halloween party this year, I'm going as Cheesus Christ, the Gouda Shepherd. I asked my son to stop making cheese puns They can Brie pretty annoying via George Takei: Sweet drerams are made of cheese Who am I to dis a brie? I cheddar the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for Stilton. . . One time, two ships carrying only cheese crashed in the middle of the ocean, and all that was left was da Brie. Q: Why is Edam cheese so special? A: Because it’s made backwards! Q: What kind of cheese is the moon made of? A: Moonster. Q: What kind of cheese is really good at guitar? A: Shreddar. Q: What is Scotland's most famous cheese? A: loch Ness Muenster Don't bring cheese to a sword fight. But if you do, make sure it's extra sharp. My friend just told me that pizza restaurants’ mozzarella is actually blended with provolone to make it more affordable and my only response was “They cut the cheese?!” And I’ve been laughing hysterically at my own joke for 10 minutes > 1) In an education institution (school or college), where ham radio is the > course, and the individual, a ham radio operator, is the instructor. > 2) In the position of an Emergency Communications Coordinator at a local > hospital. There are restrictions on when "drills" can be done...but as far > as the FCC is concerned, if it's a bona fide emergency, you can "throw the > rule book out". > 3) Operating a club station at least 40 hours per week, with the schedule > published 30 days in advance, using a large amount of frequencies to > maximize coverage, in the transmission of ham radio bulletins and related > information. > 4) Reimbursement for expenses in preparing for, conducting, or after, a > ham radio license exam session. > GP> Yup. . . I have no problem with whomever is assigned to provide nursing > GP> care, unless they deliberately cop feels of my personal bits, then I > GP> politely request a change. > I think of the one instance where a man is lying in his hospital bed, > wearing an oxygen mask, when a student nurse comes in to give him a partial > sponge bath. > The patient's communication is behind the mask, so it's distorted and > muffled. It sounded like he asked "Nurse, are my testicles black??". > The young nurse, embarrassed (I want to know why) replies "I don't know, > sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet". > He struggles to ask the question again, asking her to check for him. > Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure worrying about his > testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment, and pulls back the covers. > She raises the gown, and does a thorough investigation of his genitalia. > After a close inspection (you'd think they've seen it all before), she > says "There's nothing wrong with them, sir. They look fine". > The man pulls off the oxygen mask, smiles at her, and says very slowly: > "Thank you very much. Now, listen very, very closely..." > "Are - My - Test - Results - Back??". > That's also like the old man in the doctor's office, and the doctor > tells him "That's very nice, Mr. Smith...but I said I wanted to hear > your heart". Hmmm...I resemble this exchange. > GP> In one hospital I was in, the food was AWFUL(yeah, I know); so bad I > GP> wouldn't eat anything I didn't trust (like mystery meat in mystery > GP> sauce); the nurses (female) felt bad for me, & wshen I was walking at > GP> night, would share their ordered in food (chicken, fish, Chinese, > GP> Pizza) with me. > That was nice of them. > > Long before COVID-19, I was hospitalized for several days. Several > GP> ladies > > I square danced with were nurses on my ward...they gave me such grief. > GP> Oh, you loved it! :D > With friends like those, you don't need any enemies. > > And, they think "until death do you part" is murder by one of them in > > an angry rage. > GP> Some call that a Sicilian Divorce. > That's about it (sigh!). Speaking of Sicilian, now you've got me craving > pizza for lunch. :P > GP> Q: What's 6.9? > GP> A: Something fun ruined by a period. > Yep. > GP> Q: What's 68? > On the same scale as 6-Up and Preparation-G. > GP> A: I'll owe you one > GP> Or in Bingo caller slang, "O69, dinner for two with a horrible view" > Or does a gastroenterologist say "Holey Crap"?? > GP> People forget the Bible exemplified: > I grew up with a brother...I didn't know it took women forever and a day > to get ready, etc. > GP> I think the time can vary byu the couple but I'd never consider > GP> anything less than a year, total, to be enough (I'm a hypocrite in > GP> this, though, full disclosure) > At this point, I doubt anyone would want me. I can barely support myself, > let alone worrying about someone else or their offspring. But, folks who > "want a perfect marriage" won't find one in this life. > There are several young ladies at a local restaurant...who are all very > pretty, sweet, and courteous (not to mention having a nice pelvic build > and structure ). But, I could easily be their grandfather, and I'm not > getting into the deal of pedophilia. Now, if they were 20 years older, and > I was 20 years younger, there might be something there. I didn't marry until > I was 43, but never dreamed I'd be a widower at 47. > I've basically given up on getting remarried, especially with all of the > health and financial issues now. But, I originally had no intention of > getting married. Yet, The Good Lord made a liar out of me once, and He can > do so again, if He so chooses. That'd be if He'd appear before me, with > this female, and said "This is your new bride". I would, at first, bow > before Him in worship...but then would ask "When do I set the wedding??". > GP> Yup -- that showed maturity & willingness to consider the other's > GP> position. > It was funny when my fiance' and I went to purchase wedding invitations, > they had the name of my ex-fiance' (who I broke the engagement off with > before I got married...she was to do all the taking and I was to do all > the giving), and myself...both with how they were spelled. My fiance' > (who became my wife) was laughing, and I growled "I feel like I'm gonna > puke". :P > > Sex is NOT the be all and end all of's a fringe benefit. > GP> Granted. I'm saying, if they MUST, then avoid the baby making. > I like what Walter (one of ventriloquist Jeff Dunham's "dummies") noted... > When my wife says "Screw You!!", I yell "Bite Me". :P Or the pictures of > "Safe Sex" safe humping another one...or a naked man and woman, all > cramped up, crawling out of one of those things. But, the question remains: > How long must we practice sex before it's safe?? > > Exactly. Nowadays, there are pre-nuptial agreements...and some of the > > items can be quite bizarre. > GP> Yup, like Johnny Carson paying $42,000/month for dog food to his ex. > "Oh, bother!!" said Pooh, as he called his lawyer. If one's wife was > named Allie, is she wanting Allie-Moaney (alimony)?? :P > GP> I still don't get that much a YEAR for food AND shelter! > Never mind keeping up with the Jones'. > GP> & $75K/mo so she could buy gifts (isn't that HIM buying the gifts?) > As noted, my ex-fiance' wanted me to always take her to the most > expensive restaurant, always pick up the tab, and forsake all my > hobbies, interests, etc. outside of work, and spend every waking > moment with her. Basically, she was to do all the taking, and I was > to do all the giving. That does NOT work in a relationship!! > My late wife didn't care whether we ate at McDonald's or Olive > Garden -- Food Was Food. When we ate out, she'd ask me "Who's > Paying For This??". I'd usually give her a big toothy, full dentured > grin , and she'd say "I was afraid of that". But, there were a > few times when I asked if we could "go Dutch", or if she'd mind paying > for it...not once, did she complain about that. My ex-fiance' wouldn't > have been caught dead doing that. > > If a turtle loses his shell, is he naked or homeless?? > GP> Indubitably. > Don't look, Ethyl!! > > Blame San's all his fault. And, an earthquake in > > Washington, DC, is obviously the government's fault. > GP> It wasn't the trucker's fault, it wasn't the car driver's fault; it was > GP> the asphalt. > That's what the pilot of the Southwest Airlines Flight confessed to the > passengers, in apologizing for the rough landing. Besides, I thought that > asphalt was when you hit the tennis ball with your butt cheeks. Man, that's > gonna leave a mark. > > Give me a B. Give me another B. What have you got?? Beauty... > > because that's in the eyes of the B holder. > GP> I heard it as "in the eyes of the beer holder" > That, too. To folks who say that beer doesn't make you smart, you > have to wonder "then, why is Bud Weiser??". > > ... Newspaper Headline: "4-H Girls Win Prizes for fat calves." > GP> Ain't nothing wrong with meaty legs! > More for one to love. I saw a meme, with these sweat pants, and > there were these hands pushing up the butt cheeks, with the words > "Push 'Em Up!! Push 'Em Up!! Way Up!!". > GP> Q: What has got 8 legs and 1 eye? > GP> A: 2 chairs and a half of a fish. > What do you have with 32 redneck women?? A full set of teeth. :P > GP> "No" says the pirate "it was my first day with the hook!" > Never mind hook, line, and sinker. > GP> Q: Why was there a dead calf in the boot of a Germans car? > GP> A: It’s his spare veal > Years ago, Burger King had a veal parmagean sandwich, with > marinara sauce and mozarrella cheese, that I really liked. They > also had a Yumbo (hot ham and cheese) that was replaced by what > I called a hoagie (a ham and cheese sandwich, with mayonnaise, > lettuce, and tomato). Now, if I want that, I go to Subway. > I haven't eaten yet today, so now I'm getting hungry. > GP> Doctor: :You’ve damaged several muscles including your calf and your > GP> quad." Patient: "Is that true, or are you just pulling my leg?" > As long as it's not the middle one. :P > GP> Q: Why did the hungry baby calf cross the road? > GP> A: To get to the udder side. [sic. redundancy isn't by me] > We need to moove on with this thread. > GP> My personal trainer said I should start doing calf raises. > GP> I can barely lift up my cat, let alone a baby cow. > Old MacDonald had a farm, the doctor was surprised. > But, when the farmer had a cow, the doctor up and died. > Mary had a little watch, she swallowed it all gone. > So now, when Mary takes a step, time marches on. > GP> Q: What do you call a bovine who's had an abortion? > GP> A: de-calf-inated > That's what I had to do...give up tea. Apparently, all that > caffeine was accelerating my heart rate. So, I'm making what > I call "Kroger Koolaid"...but all that water is irritating my > digestive tract. So, it's "From Revenge Of Monty Zuma, to the > $***$ of poop-pour-ee". :P I guess I'm practicing for the > colonoscopy prep. > Daryl > ... The wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead. > === MultiMail/Win v0.52 > --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 > * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33) Your friend, <+]:{)} Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .