Subj : Re: The 9 Parts Of Speech To : George Pope From : Daryl Stout Date : Sun Jul 18 2021 18:03:00 George, GP> We don't have to work as slaves -- that got abolished a long time ago. It's as bad as at the stores now, where they want you to go through the self checkout. Sorry, I don't work there. If you want me to go through self checkout, you'll give me a discount. GP> Yup; was on the skytrain (commuter train here in Metro Vancouver) and a GP> mom was holding her infant over her shoulder, patting hyim, going, GP> "shhh, shhh," when the little one said, clear as day, "f*** you, GP> mommy." . GP> Yup, get the kids young & teach them correctly, using corporal means, GP> if necessary. Nowadays, they consider that abuse. I got more than my share of spankings growing up, and I consider myself better for it. GP> A Metric Dozen of TAGLINES: GP> Federal Law prohibits the removal of this tagline GP> Procrastination Day Has Been Postponed! GP> Taglines: the toilet-stall walls of BBSdom. GP> Talk is cheap -- supply exceeds demand! GP> Lye, Cheetham, and Steele: Attorneys at Law GP> Mason-Dixon Line n. Separates y'all from youse guys GP> PRESS To test. RELEASE to detonate. GP> Sir! Romulan Warbird decloakingò2šOÿ:þ­*bœ— NO CARRIER GP> Strip mining prevents forest fires. GP> A penny saved is a Congressional oversight. I'll add these to the collection. :) .... Get your free subscription before the price doubles!! === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33) .