Subj : Re: The 9 Parts Of Speech To : George Pope From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Jul 16 2021 17:03:00 George, GP> I'm with you -- that's just plain disonesty - the owners can put lower GP> prices on t he menu, making you think "Oh, not a bad price" when it's GP> actually 20% higher. I'm not responsible for your being a bad employer GP> who doesn't pay his employees a fair wage. There was a Burger King restaurant in Nebraska, where apparently the franchisee has horrible working conditions and benefits for the employees. It can get HOT in those kitchens, and combined with a long shift, it can take its toll in several ways. Well, the employees put out on the sign out front: WE ALL QUIT. SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE. It was up for a few hours, before it got taken down...but not before it went viral. Apparently, the place is still understaffed. GP> I like the pic of "modern gruonding" with a padlock attached to the GP> prong on the charger cable. That works, too. :) GP> Things were different amongst the earlier generations -- more respect, GP> fewer scofflaws. . . That's for sure. Nowadays, the kids treat their parents like crap. GP> Those kids likely never stole anything ever again, because society & GP> parents worked together to teach appropriate living behaviour. There isn't much of that anymore. The thugs have weapons, and aren't afraid to hurt or kill anyone who gets in their way. Many Target and Walgreens stores in California have closed early, or shut down entirely, for all the shoplifting. GP> I had my rebellious teen years, but I knew the realities. Most kids nowadays don't care, or know their parents won't do a thing about it. GP> So I try for following the appropriate degree of respect per context. Nowadays, everyone is offended at everything. GP> English puns make me feel numb GP> But math puns make me feel number You can count on that. GP> Why is the English weather like a Muslim (not bigoted) GP> Because its either Sunni or shi'ite Never mind the rising of the crescent moon. GP> I’m only familiar with 25 letters in the English language GP> I don’t know why. Well, if plan A doesn't work, you have 25 other letters to work with. GP> Some people say that "icy" is the easiest word in the English language GP> to spell. GP> When I think about it, I see why. That was cold. GP> Q: What do you call a software engineer who was an English teacher? GP> A: A pro-grammar Real programmers practice safe hex. GP> English for foreigners... When do S and C sound the same? GP> When it's necessary. I find it interesting how spellings of various words differ between the US, and places like Canada, the UK, and Austrailia. GP> Q: What do you call an English fisherman? GP> A: Angler Saxon If he can get the lure on, and the fish off the hook in record time, does that make him a master baiter?? GP> Q: What is an English Teacher’s favourite drink? GP> A: Tequila mockingbird There was a BBS by that name, but I think it shut down. Daryl .... GPS: Great Posterior Seated. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33) .