Subj : Graphic Novel To : August Abolins From : Charles Pierson Date : Wed Nov 18 2020 21:45:55 Hello, August Abolins. On 11/18/20 9:42 PM you wrote: AA> Hello Charles! ** On Wednesday 18.11.20 - 19:36, Charles Pierson AA> wrote to August Abolins: CP>> Then they either learn better pricing, or hold too much CP>> inventory. AA> Charles.. the price is "fixed" by the publisher. Stores, like AA> mine, pay for stock according to THAT price. When Amazon or AA> Indigo sell at 40% or more off, they are not earning anything. I AA> have seen Amazon/Indigo invoices sent to me in error. I know AA> what "deals" they may be getting. I know the price is from the publisher. I understand how all of that works. I have been on enough writers mail lists to pick up on that. My point is still valid. They set the price because there are people that will pay that price. CP>>>> Convenient isn't 4 letters. ;) CP>> I was joking of course. I PREFER local shops when available, but CP>> you've seen yourself an idea of especially with bookshops, that CP>> is near me. AA> Local book shops are not ubquitous in every town. They are AA> often more successful in larger communities. But many of those AA> shops have simply given up - and far too early IMHO - when the AA> the ereader was introduced around year 2006. Here, I think B&N chased everyone off. AA> I use online shoping when it is best too. I have explored building AA> an online ordering/shopping system for my shop. The only tool AA> that makes the most sense is the one at Bookmanager. (I'll AA> avoid the link, because that would break "Fidonet being AA> Fidonet".) If/when you find it, explore the pricing. To gain the AA> web storefront requires mandatory modules. The total startup AA> cost is substantial - for me. There are yearly fees to keep the AA> system going. I've looked into online stores. It's painful. AA> Explain to me how could I sell at below cost (to compete with AA> the 4-letter companies) and maintain the fees for an online AA> ordering system. You can't you can't do their volume. -- Best regards! Posted using Hotdoged on Android --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android * Origin: Houston, TX (1:153/757.26) .