Subj : Card trick when you guess wrong To : Roger Nelson From : Joe Delahaye Date : Sat Aug 12 2017 11:39:25 Re: Card trick when you guess wrong By: Roger Nelson to Joe Delahaye on Sat Aug 12 2017 06:01:02 JD>> inúfer RN> What are you in fer? 50 years JD>> /in'fYr/ JD>> verb JD>> verb: infer; 3rd person present: infers; past tense: inferred; past JD>> participle: inferred; gerund or present participle: inferring RN> Well, at least it isn't a dangling participle (yet). depends on if you grab it and hold it up :) JD>> deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather JD>> than from explicit statements. JD>> "from these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing" RN> Now you're talking. (-: JD>> synonyms: deduce, conclude, conjecture, surmise, reason, interpret, JD>> gather, understand, presume, assume, take it, extrapolate; RN> Conjecture is a noun and therefore out of place. Dont blame me, blame the dictionary I found. JD>> read between the lines, figure (out); JD>> informalreckon RN> Is that a word? (-:0 Must be. It was on the Internet after all JD>> "is it really possible to infer that a crime was committed, given JD>> this flimsy evidence RN> I don't see any evidence. You're lookin in the wrong place JD>> imúply JD>> /im'pl+/ JD>> verb JD>> verb: imply; 3rd person present: implies; past tense: implied; past JD>> participle: implied; gerund or present participle: implying RN> See above. JD>> strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly JD>> stated). "the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior JD>> knowledge" RN> Ah, that's what you're doing! JD>> synonyms: insinuate, suggest, hint (at), intimate, say indirectly, JD>> indicate, give someone to understand, convey the impression, signal JD>> "are you implying he is mad?" RN> Good enough. JD>> ct or occurrence) suggest (something) as a logical consequence. JD>> "the forecasted traffic increase implied more roads and more air JD>> pollution" RN> Something is missing here. That was cut and copy, so likely the 'CT" was part of "Fact" I googled both words and got those daffynitions Joe --- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32 * Origin: The Lions Den BBS, Trenton, On, CDN (1:249/303) .