Subj : Card trick To : Paul Quinn From : Joe Delahaye Date : Sun Jul 30 2017 10:54:48 Re: Card trick By: Paul Quinn to Joe Delahaye on Sun Jul 30 2017 13:56:00 RN>>>>>>>> Then you knew how it was done all along and were RN>>>>>>>> just testing the rest of us? (-: JD>>>>>>>> No idea. RN>>>>>>> When will you get one? JD>>>>>>> Might take some time RN>>>>>> I'll stand down until then. JD>>>>>> Good idea RN>>>>> That will give you time to figure out what the RN>>>>> opposite of stand down is. (-: JD>>>>> Sit up? RN>>>> No. Would you like another guess or two? (-: PQ>>> An ex-Air Force wallah wouldn't have a clue. Make him PQ>>> squirm. :) JD>> See my answer to Roger PQ> Keep twisting. You may twig to it yet.[smirk] Might also have different meanings, depending on which military of course. Stand down order means to stop and go relax. We have been (as a base) been stood down for weather related stuff, Like a foot or more of snow, or extremely high temperatures. Joe --- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32 * Origin: The Lions Den BBS, Trenton, On, CDN (1:249/303) .