Subj : Test Drive To : Tom Swartz From : Sean Dennis Date : Wed Nov 28 2018 13:50:04 Hello Tom, 27 Nov 18 08:26 at you wrote to Dale Shipp: TS> I used your full .EXE patch. Nice work! I was reading your .DOC file TS> on it and you mention something about the C libraries expiring in TS> 2038. Can you elaborate on this? That's when the UNIX timestamp, a signed 32-bit integer, will "flip" and become a negative integer. This affects pretty much everything, not just C, that relies on the UNIX timestamp. A web search engine search on "2038 timestamp issue" will elaborate even more. :) Later, Sean .... My other computer is a piece of junk. --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200) .