Subj : Binkd DOS Packet Driver To : Troy Tuttle From : Max Vasilyev Date : Tue Apr 14 2020 20:40:36 Hello Troy! 13 Apr 20 10:01, you wrote to Thierry Olmedo: TT> I ported binkd to using wattcp and DJGPP a few TT> weeks back. So it's version based off version 1.1 and I've used it for TT> awhile and seems stable. I used it with a packet driver and it's had TT> no issues at all. Could you share an instruction how to compile it (needed libriries, compiler version, etc...) and how to make DOS environment for testing (drivers, autoexec/config)? WBR, Max. piwamoto!писем-нет --- скучаю по FleetStreet'у :-((( * Origin: Personal Reality (2:5057/77) .