Subj : D'Bridge 3.99/SR19 releas To : SEAN DENNIS From : Daryl Stout Date : Sun Feb 11 2018 12:35:00 Sean, SD> NA> The exact detail of the problem will not be disclosed publically in SD> NA> order to avoid unfair and unnecessary "sky is falling" discussions; SD> NA> almost always started by non-D'Bridge people with no life outside of SD> NA> Fidonet. SD>You've been around here too long, haven't you? :D Glad to see you caught th SD>issue. I have to wonder the same about ham radio operators checking into nets, who seem to have no life outside of said hobby. Now, while you and I are both ham radio operators and Sysops, we know the meaning of "priorities". :) Daryl, WX1DER === þ OLX 1.53 þ PMS jokes aren't funny - period! --- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32 * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) .