Subj : Re: BBS'ing To : Nick Andre From : Andre Robitaille Date : Fri Jun 03 2022 19:23:44 NA> I heard the source of WWIV was available, pretty sure thats what NA> influenced Renegade and some others. Mark Hoffman I believe still runs NA> Wwivnet? I helped him add the INTL kludge to Netmail. I've heard bits and pieces about different software influencing each other. I just liked the menu system a lot more than other stuff out there, and I enjoyed being able to modify the source. And WWIVnet offered a lot to me because of the smaller community in my city... But then I switched high schools and got a girlfriend, so the BBS never recovered. Just for kicks, I just logged into one of the WWIV boards. I am no longer nostalgic about it, and appreciate Mystic and Sync a hell of a lot more than I did fifteen minutes ago. - Andre --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux * Origin: Radio Mentor BBS - (1:154/70) .