Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Nick Andre From : Jas Hud Date : Tue May 10 2022 18:50:55 |03Quoting message from |11Nick Andre |03to |11Dan Clough |03on |1110 May 22 17:34:08|03. NA> On 10 May 22 15:10:00, Dan Clough said the following to Jas Hud: NA> DC> I have called a lot of random (and now forgotten) BBSes, like most DC> anyone has. Possibly I did call yours and have no idea what it was DC> called. NA> NA> Never admit you did, because the screenshot-game and logfile-game has been NA> trotted out in Fido so many times over the years in some desperate attempt NA> win whatever stupid arguments. Both these things can be faked. that just shows how pathetic you are and your moral compass. i'd never fake something so stupid as that. NA> The fact that he took the trouble to do a screenshot, blur it out, upload NA> sharing site means "the end" has been reached for any rational discussion. NA> NA> It might not even be his user-file... i blurred it out because other users are in that datafile. it's a backup of a user file. it's funny that you dont believe it. it's sad and pathetic, but i'm not surprised. .... Cease & Desist citizen, or I'll reduce your head to a fine mist. --- Renegade v1.30/DOS * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .