Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Nick Andre From : Kurt Weiske Date : Mon May 09 2022 21:52:37 Re: Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic By: Nick Andre to Dumas Walker on Mon May 09 2022 11:08 am NA> I kinda wished I studied Cobol or Fortran or mainframes or anything that NA> the six-foot-tall-300-pound-bearded-wizards are retiring from, where they NA> were paid all kinds of money and where there is apparently a HUGE demand NA> that is not being filled by the millenial crowds. Isn't there an epoch coming up in 2038 when UNIX time_t rolls over? Time to dust off the consulting web site... Old languages are interesting to re-discover. I'm setting up a DOS VM mostly to play with Turbo Pascal, and I'm looking for a good FORTRAN environment (go figure...) Nowadays, you could emulate an old IBM system and write COBOL or RPG code on a home system with more power than you'd have used back in the day. --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32 * Origin: | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700) .