Subj : Re: Synchronet vs. Mystic To : Nick Andre From : Kurt Weiske Date : Fri May 06 2022 07:02:00 -=> Nick Andre wrote to Kurt Weiske <=- NA> Thats one part of my career I've never been tasked with, hiring others. It's an eye-opener, seeing things from the other side of the table. I feel like I'm a much better interviewer and interviewee after seeing both sides. I was involved in group interviews at my last job, and was amazed at the lack of empathy I saw on my side of the table. I was looking for the person, they were looking at the accomplishments and how well they answered the questions. When I interview again, I'll keep that in mind. I'm an upfront person, and will let you know when I don't know an answer. It's almost better with an audience like that to answer to deflect to something you do know. :) Then again, these were those weird canned questions where we weren't supposed to deviate, and couldn't clarify the questions effectively. It doesn't give you a chance to learn about the candidate in depth. .... This will go on your PERMANENT RECORD! --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52 * Origin: | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700) .