Subj : Detain the Sick To : Aaron Thomas From : Flavio Bessa Date : Tue Jan 05 2021 13:53:25 On 04/01/21 16:19, Aaron Thomas -> All wrote: AT> The NY State Assembly has proposed a bill that gives the governor the AT> power to AT> detain any person who poses a threat to the health and safety of others. AT> Already passed by the ultra-liberal NY state assembly, the bill is now AT> in the AT> posession of the NY state senate for legal approval. AT> In a normal state, meaning a state not run by Andrew Cuomo, this bill AT> wouldn't AT> have been approved by a state senate, but in NY, anything is possible. I don't understand much about the American Constitution, but is it allowed for a citizen to deliberately harm other people and go unpunished? -- --- Flavio Bessa - 4:801/188 --- Thunderbird/MacOS 78.6.0 * Origin: Andromeda - Saturn's Orbit NNTP Gateway (4:801/188) .