Subj : Kamala aint black To : AARON THOMAS From : TIM RICHARDSON Date : Fri Aug 14 2020 23:26:00 On 08-11-20, AARON THOMAS said to ALL: AT>Will Kamala Harris even vote for Biden? She ain't black; she's a half and AT>half, just like Obama. What is it with Biden & his taste for half & halfs? AT>Will BLM find this acceptible? Biden promised a black woman, not a woman AT>who's half Indian - but maybe they all look the same to Joe? I heard he AT>was racist - I actually heard it from that Kamala Harris lady! Harris isn't `black'. She's part Indian (as in `India') and part Jamacian. Tagline; "If Bernie Sanders has been promoting Socialism for decades....why didn't he just move to a Socialist country instead of becoming a millionaire in America?" --- *Durango b301 #PE* * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140) .