Subj : Re: Covid-19 bill To : Dale Shipp From : Gregory Deyss Date : Sat May 09 2020 08:25:58 On 08 May 2020, Dale Shipp said the following... DS> GD> Yes is time that I can never get back. DS> GD> It is a fine example of how not to conduct fairness with a hearing. DS> GD> That was not remotely the way things are to work in America, w/ no DS> GD> counsel from the President was allowed. It was a like a Banana-Repupl DS> GD> court. DS> DS> You have a FOX news lack of understanding of the procedures that are DS> followed in an investigation. What the House did is similar to a DS> Grand Jury. There are no defendant counsel allowed there either. Of DS> course counsel for the President were allowed at the actual trial. Yeah but more of what Fox News has been reporting, is now your new reality. The deep state is unraveling and disintegrating. In the process -it must be beyond panic mode at CNN and MSNBC. DS> GD> The actual Impeachment also failed to bring the verdict that they were DS> GD> trying to prove. DS> That was expected. The Republican Senate would not even allow witness DS> testimony. They violated their oath to have a fair trial, having made DS> up their mind well before hearing any testimony. Never should of went that far in the first place. You know why THEY; "could of" of made up their minds before hearing any testimony? It's called lack of evidence. What the dems were bringing forth was not worthy of such charges, it was of the democratic mindset that the phone call the President had was faulty and criminal, it was not, which is why the skeem failed, these charges and accusations lacked integrity, there was no constitutional violation and those charges lacked merit to prove such. DS> GD> Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi all DS> GD> belong in Federal Prison for the charge of and the conviction of DS> GD> treason. DS> DS> Then you do not understand the meaning of the word treason. treason ['trez?n] NOUN the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. "they were convicted of treason" synonyms: treachery ú lese-majesty ú disloyalty ú betrayal ú faithlessness ú perfidy ú perfidiousness ú duplicity ú infidelity ú sedition ú subversion ú mutiny ú rebellion ú high treason ú Punic faith the action of betraying someone or something. "doubt is the ultimate treason against faith" Mmm seems to fit, but that is the very heart of the matter, isn't? You see nothing wrong with what, the Democrats are doing, you find their behavior normal and "THAT" is the "REAL" issue. . ______ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ _[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ HUB ³ ³ Another Message ³ { NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³NY-=-HQ³ ³ by Gregory ³ / 00ÄÄÄÄ00'-¨€ÀÄ00ÄÄÄ00ÄÙ¨€ÀÄ00ÄÄ00ÄÙ¨€ÀÄ00Ä00ÄÙ¨€ÀÄÄ00ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ00ÄÄÄÙ --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet:// * (1:267/150) .