Subj : Pandemic To : Ryan Fantus From : Lee Lofaso Date : Wed Mar 18 2020 04:26:28 Hello Ryan, >LL>Bottom line, we are looking at 160+ million infected and 10 to 12 >LL>million dead people due to the coronavirus in the USA by the end of >LL>this year - and maybe much higher. > >Yeah. The only thing that would prevent this would be a vaccine or a >legitimate quarantine, neither of which are realistic right now. A vaccine is wishful thinking. And at least a year away, if one is or can be found. How long can a massive quarantine be expected to remain in place, and how effective it could really be, are two open questions. People in the US have been making runs on buying up all the guns and ammo they can find. Along with enough toilet paper to last a million lifetimes. >I think what we'll see instead are repeated attempts of very limited >quarantines which result in people not being able to work and a further >breakdown of society. Look on the bright side. The government said your check is in the mail. --Lee -- Everybody Loves Our Buns --- MesNews/ * Origin: nntp:// - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0) .