Subj : Re: Your tax dollars at To : AARON THOMAS From : TIM RICHARDSON Date : Wed Dec 04 2019 23:38:00 On 12-03-19, AARON THOMAS said to DALE SHIPP: DS> House Democrats have passed a wide range of bills since they came to AT>But that's what I mean; do you want Mitch McConnell to open the Senate up AT>for votes on a bunch of partisan bills? Any time a leftie whines about `those terrible republicans' won't allow votes...a real good policy is always take a hard look at `what' sort of bills they're refering to. DS> pro-democracy reform known as H.R.1, to bills to save net neutrality, DS> pass universal background checks for guns, and reenter the United States DS> into the Paris climate accords. Shipp refers to H.R.1 in the usual leftist democrat high-falutin' way they have of giving bills that will probably pass more government control, and a sneaky reduction of citizens' rights, into law. A glance at this bill reveals its' title as `HR-1 For the People Act of 2019'! House-House Administration; Intelligence Permanent); Judiciary; Oversight and Reform; Science, Space, and Technology; Education and Labor; Ways and Means; Financial Services; Ethics; and Homeland Security..... Just a glance through the first parts of it I already find excellent reasons for it not to pass; Here's just a few problems: Right at the beginning of it under the softie-sounding title: Sect. 1000 Subtitle A Voter Registration Modernization Under that They list; Requiring availability of Internet for voter registration. (That alone opens up voter registration to fraudulent non-citizen voting; a democrat staple) Use of Internet to `update' registration info And it goes on with a whole list of democrat `goodies' .... AT>These all sound partisan to me. Aren't they? Maybe McConnell doesn't think AT>it's fair for House Republicans to be muted while opening up the Senate AT>for a partisan takeover? AT>I don't know - I'm just guessing. Why else wouldn't he want the Senate to AT>vote on this stuff? Most of it is all slanted toward illegal voter registration and thats just the first several paragraphs! I'll look through it over the next few days. --- *Durango b301 #PE* * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140) .