Subj : War or Planefuls of To : aaron thomas From : Lee Lofaso Date : Sat Jun 29 2019 20:52:32 Hello Aaron, >LL>Separating children from their parents is a violation of human >LL>rights, as well as a violation of international law. This "zero >Sorry to break it to you, but in that case, the USA has never cared about > what you call "human rights." The US Constitution (with the inclusion of the Bill of Rights and other amendments) makes it a human rights document. Which is exactly what the idea of this country is all about. Or rather what it is supposed to be about. >I was separated from my kid by the court 12 years ago, and I didn't even > endanger him. Even children have rights, which proves my point. >Didn't make him swim the rio, didn't make him ride across provinces under > the hood of a cement truck either. That is one of the reasons why we, as Americans, should help those in need. We can do this in many different ways, including helping those countries where they are from be able to provide for their own citizens so that they would no longer have to endanger their own lives as well as others by making hazardous journeys. >But I still love the USA and won't do anything to offend it. We show our love towards others by sharing what we have. Not by denying those a chance to live a decent life. >If you let illegal aliens have a free pass when it comes to >child-endangerment, you're going to have a lot of angry Americans. >LL>You ae comparing *children* as being criminals? That is twisted! > >You're making no sense of the stuff you quoted me on? That's twisted too! Children are not criminals. People (both children and adults) who are applying for asylum are not criminals. Even those who sneak across the border are not criminals, as doing so is only a misdemeanor (kind of like jaywalking). >LL>Donald J. Trump and his Republican enablers should be ashamed of >LL>themselves for their adamant refusal to help those countries better > >What do you, on behalf of central american ldcs, want us to do to fix your > failed products of greed? Want us to buy you some abortions? How about if > we buy some of your drugs too? - Wait - we've been doing you these favors > for years now! We should not limit ourselves to people from Central America, but rather should open our doors wide for everybody to come in - from all over the world. That is our mission, as inscribed on a statue given to us by France. >Who's asked for help & been denied? Everybody - except for Melania and her parents. --Lee -- Your Hole Is Our Goal --- MesNews/ * Origin: - nntp:// - Lake Ylo - Finland - (2:221/360) .