Subj : Here we Go SUPERBOWL Pick To : HusTler From : DaiTengu Date : Wed Jan 31 2018 14:01:05 Re: Here we Go SUPERBOWL Pick By: HusTler to Dumas Walker on Tue Jan 30 2018 05:16 pm >>> The Eagles vs The Patriots? This ball game couldn't get more >>> American if it tried. >>> Well, unless they teamed up to beat the Redskins. Hu> I'm pretty sure NFL Football has always been American. Hu> BTW. If you haven't heard..Native Americans want the "Redskins" to change Hu> the name of the team. That's sort of the (tasteless, insensitive, but politically accurate) joke. DaiTengu --- þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - .