Ryumin's Dome -- System Status: newest messages on top - 24-09-10: server was offline for some days, sorry for noticing late! - 24-01-24: corrected broken link for gophermap documentation - 24-01-06: HNY 2024 ! git daemon (anonymous git:// server) was offline since about a month, it seems -- sorry about that! :-/ - 22-01-08: again server was offline for several days, as I've been off grid; sorry and Happy New Year anyway! ^-^ - 21-10-14: server was again offline; ramnode seems to shut it down every now and then without apparent reason; changed default host name to dome.circumlunar (which should finally solve the recurrent issue of gophernicus failing on non-root gopher directories) and rebooted - 21-03-26: found the server offline since about a week -- sorry, I was on vacation and monitoring was not working correctly! Apologies for the long downtime! - 21-03-14: Happy Pi Day everybody! - 20-12-07: system working well - 20-09-20: system was offline for several days, reason unknown; sorry, only noticed it now -- everything up and running again! - 20-03-25: all running smoothly since several months - 19-11-11: today or tomorrow, the VPS running the Dome might be down some time, due to system upgrades; please be patient! - 19-08-06: reached 100 days uptime; reboot after various security updates - 19-06-16: Due to a security blunder by the admin (spotted by new user e79e), host keys needed to be recreated; don't be alarmed if you get a warning about changed host keys, when you access through ssh! Sorry, and thanks to e79e! (If you're paranoid and want to check, see the updated fingerprints in the documentation about how to get access to the Dome.) - 19-04-27: rebooting for security updates, all fine - 19-04-14: submission status lookup should now work again, with static files - 19-02-24: scripts are globally blocked in gophernicus, to plug a security hole (locally running gophernicus is patched with an additional option for this) submission status lookup therefore is currently broken, until gigof is updated - 19-01-08: Happy New Year, domedogs! - 18-12-29: restricted lynx is available for browsing gopherspace and web - 18-12-16: local schat and managing of gopher repo added (see 'schat' and 'mango' git-shell commands)