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         ____/ (_)  __(_)__             
        / __  / / |/_/ / _ \            
       / /_/ / />  </ /  __/            
          / __/ /___ _/ /_/ (_)___  ___ 
         / /_/ / __ `/ __/ / / __ \/ _ \
        / __/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /  __/
       /_/ /_/\__,_/\__/_/_/_/ /_/\___/ 
                                              Served with Goophi[1]
       About Me
       Hi, my name is Sebastian. I'm a Vim[2] and Git[3] addicted
       software developer from Germany.
       I made software for technical, administrative and safety
       management of yachts over the last decade. Now I work in
       parking space management.
       On this site you find information about projects I created
       in my spare time and that I want to share.
   DIR Projects
       If you want to contact me please use email or Matrix:
       GPG[4] is much appreciated. 
  TEXT My GPG key
   DIR [1]: Goophi
  HTML [2]: Vim - the ubiquitous text editor
  HTML [3]: Git - distributed version control system
  HTML [4]: GNU Privacy Guard