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        /:/  /           \::/  /   \:\ \:\__\   (
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        / _| || | '_ \/ -_) '_/ _/ _` \ V / -_) (
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       (    \(  )/  \ / _ \ / ___)( \/ )/ ___)  (
        ) D ( )((  O )\__  )\___ \ )  / \___ \   )
       (____/(__)\__/ (___/ (____/(__/  (____/  (
       Hello!  Welcome to The Cybercave of Dio9sys!
       This is my gopherhole.
       It's rather exciting, no?
       (           )
        ) Who am  (
       (     I?    )
       My name is Bri, or my hacker handle is dio9sys.
       Why a hacker handle?  Why dio9sys?
       Well, I decided to go by a hacker handle in some places for
       the simple reason of it makes me feel cool!  I have no real
       need for a handle beyond that and because I like being able
       post stuff without it immediately showing up when people
       (ahem, employers) google my name to see what comes up.
       The choice of dio9sys for a name was simple enough; I think
       that greek mythology is interesting, I like wine which Dionysus
       was a god of, and many stories of Dionysus talk about his
       existence as something between male and female or both or
       neither, which is appealing to me as a trans woman.
       Now, before you go and get scared thinking that choosing a
       hacker handle named after a greek god of wine and religious
       ecstasy means I'm some kind of ransomware broker or
       something like that, most of my "hacking" is stuff like what
       you're seeing right now - using weird or obscure technologies
       or using tech in a way it wasn't originally intended for.
       So, I haven't written any viruses, and I don't break into
       ATMs or steal people's private information, but I do like to
       do things like set up gopherholes on low power cloud linux
       machines because I got the domain for cheap, or install cowsay
       on an IoT camera because a youtube video showed me how to edit
       the firmware.  I consider those things hacking enough. :)
       When it comes to tech, my general philosophy is to ride
       it like you stole it. Whether that involves doing bug bounty
       or using a walkie talkie to talk to satellites or something
       in between is up to individual interpretation.
       < Ok, now what? >
               \   ^__^
                \  (oo)\_______
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                       ||     ||
       In time, this will be filled with things like write-ups, random
       musings, and maybe even ascii art that's not been made in 
       like 5 minutes from an online tool while I tested to see if my
       server was reachable.
       Until then:
   DIR Phlogs
   DIR Writeups
  TEXT How to set up a gopher server
                        Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Fedora/33 x86_64