# 🖭 Why I prefer physical media and old tech # First published on Gemini [0] So I was reading this post on Station on Gemini[1] that really got me thinking about things. I'm hardcore pro-physical media, almost to the point I wouldn't even consider buying a game, film or album if I can't have it in some tangiable form. Never been sure as to exactly why that was. I've always said it by saying that physical media will last longer and is more durable, and while that is true to an extent, making it last requires a good bit of work. Other reasons I used include independence from corporations, which is absolutely true, as we've seen with things being delisted from Netflix, Spotify and Steam, and while people protest or petition for their return, I'm sitting with a physical copy on my shelf, able access it at any time. However, while I still agree with those, they felt more like justifications than actual reasons. I realised that the formats available also made a difference to me. For example, a film is available on VHS or Blu-Ray, I would prefer the VHS version. The VHS version is much lower quality, and you'll need to worry about if the tape is clean and not bugger the player up, requiring you to open it up and clean the heads. Also the potential problem that the tape can just be eaten by the VCR. The same feeling applies to an album on tape/record vs CD, though CDs will always win out because of the cheaper price and ability to rip to your computer. (If I really like an album that's on all those formats, I will get them all!) So why do I prefer the older formats? Well, the Station post ended up helping me make that connection. I love the mechanical nature of these products, and sounds they make, and if I can, watch them work their magic. The experience just isn't the same without those sounds. It always feels satisfying! This is probably also the reason I prefer games consoles with optical drives over digital media. Whenever I see someone mod a console to remove the optical drive and replace it with a card reader, it actually hurts for me to see it, and I'm left wondering what on earth possessed them to do that! The Dreamcast's drive is loud and at times, slow, sure, but that's part of what I think makes it so cool! While I still don't fully understand why, I understand now that some people just find the noises and slowness of the tech from yesteryear annoying and they get in the way. To me, getting rid of them is the equivalent of not booking a holiday and instead just watching videos about the destination online, because going on a plane is slower and more expensive. Anyway, just wanted to let out the fact I finally understand this, and I hope I'm not the only one, because if I am, there won't be anyone making new parts or servicing the machines, and I won't be able to enjoy it for long... [0] gemini://cobradile.cities.yesterweb.org/gemlog_en/2022-01-13_Why_I_prefer_physical_and_old.gmi [1] gemini://station.martinrue.com/isoraqathedh/00d1e10e3cd74f9b9a1504a13d558c8f