       Title: Writing an article using mdoc format
       Author: Solène
       Date: 03 July 2018
       Tags: unix
       .Dd July 03, 2018
       .Dt "Test using mandoc"
       I never wrote a man page. I already had to read at the source of a
       man page, but I was barely understand what happened there. As I like
       having fun and discovering new things (people call me a Hipster since
       last days days ;-) ).
       I modified cl-yag (the website generator used for this website) to be
       only produced by mdoc files. The output was not very cool as it has
       too many html items (classes, attributes, tags etc...). The result
       wasn't that bad but it looked like concatenated man pages.
       I actually enjoyed playing with mdoc format (the man page format on
       OpenBSD, I don't know if it's used somewhere else). While it's pretty
       verbose, it allows to separate the formatting from the paragraphs. As
       I'm playing with 
       .Ic ed
       editor last days, it is easier to have an article written with small
       pieces of lines rather than a big paragraph including the formatting.
       Finally I succeded at writing a command line which produced an usable
       html output to use it as a converter in cl-yag. Now, I'll be able to
       write my articles in the mdoc format if I want :D (which is fun). The
       convert command is really ugly but it actually works, as you can see
       if you read this.
       .Bd -literal -offset indent
       cat data/%IN  | mandoc -T markdown | sed -e '1,2d' -e '$d' |
       multimarkdown -t html -o %OUT
       The trick here was to use markdown as an convert format between mdoc
       to html. As markdown is very weak compared to html (in
       possibilities), it will only use simple tags for formatting the html
       output. The sed command is needed to delete the mandoc output with
       the man page title at the top, and the operating system at the
       By having played with this, writing a man page is less obscure to me
       and I have a new unusual format to use for writing my articles. Maybe
       unusual for this use case, but still very powerful!