       Title: Create a dedicated user for ssh tunneling only
       Author: Solène
       Date: 17 April 2019
       Tags: openbsd ssh
       I use ssh tunneling A LOT, for everything. Yesterday, I removed the
       public access of my IMAP server, it's now only available through ssh
       tunneling to access the daemon listening on localhost. I have plenty
       of daemons listening only on localhost that I can only reach through a
       ssh tunnel. If you don't want to bother with ssh and redirect ports you
       need, you can also make a VPN (using ssh, openvpn, iked, tinc...)
       between your system and your server. I tend to avoid setting up VPN for
       the current use case as it requires more work and more maintenance than
       running ssh server and a ssh client.
       The last change, for my IMAP server, added an issue. I want my phone
       to access the IMAP server but I don't want to connect to my main
       account from my phone for security reasons. So, I need a dedicated
       user that will only be allowed to forward ports.
       This is done very easily on OpenBSD.
       The steps are:
       1. generate ssh keys for the new user
       2. add a user with no password
       3. allow public key for port forwarding
       **Obviously, you must allow users (or only this one) to make port
       forwarding in
       your sshd_config**.
       ### Generating ssh keys
       Please generate the keys in a safe place, using
           $ ssh-keygen
           Generating public/private rsa key pair.
           Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
           Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
           Enter same passphrase again:
           Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
           Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
           The key fingerprint is:
           The key's randomart image is:
           +---[RSA 3072]----+
           |                 |
           | **              |
           |  *     **  .    |
           |  *     *        |
           |  ****  *        |
           |     ****        |
           |                 |
           |                 |
           |                 |
       This will create your public key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and the private
       key in
       ### Adding a user
       On OpenBSD, we will create a user named **tunnel**, this is done with
       following command as root:
           # useradd -m tunnel
       This user has no password and can't login on ssh.
       ### Allow the public key to port forward only
       We will use the **command** restriction in the **authorized_keys** file
       allow the previously generated key to only forward.
       Edit **/home/tunnel/.ssh/authorized_keys** as following
           command="echo 'Tunnel only!'" ssh-rsa PUT_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE
       This will tell "Tunnel only" and abort the connection if the user
       connects and
       with a shell or a command.
       ### Connect using ssh
       You can connect with [ssh(1)](https://man.openbsd.org/ssh.1) as usual
       but you
       will require the flag **-N** to not start a shell on the remote server.
           $ ssh -N -L 10000:localhost:993 tunnel@host
       If you want the tunnel to stay up in the most automated way possible,
       you can
       use **autossh** from ports, which will do a great job at keeping ssh
           $ autossh -M 0 -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" -o
       "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -o "TCPKeepAlive
       yes" -N -v -L 9993:localhost:993 tunnel@host
       This command will start autossh, restart if forwarding doesn't work
       which is
       likely to happens when you lose connectivity, it takes some time for
       the remote
       server to disable the forwarding effectively. It will make a keep alive
       so the tunnel stays up and ensure it's up (this is particularly useful
       wireless connection like 4G/LTE).
       The others flags are also ssh parameters, to not start a shell, and for
       a local forwarding. Don't forget that as a regular user, you can't bind
       ports less than 1024, that's why I redirect the port 993 to the local
       9993 in the example.
       ### Making the tunnel on Android
       If you want to access your personal services from your Android phone,
       you can
       use **ConnectBot** ssh client. It's really easy:
       1. upload your private key to the phone
       2. add it in ConnectBot from the main menu
       3. create a new connection the user and your remote host
       4. choose to use public key authentication and choose the registered
       5. uncheck "start a shell session" (this is equivalent to -N ssh flag)
       6. from the main menu, long touch the connection and edit the forwarded