       Title: Faster SSH with multiplexing
       Author: Solène
       Date: 22 May 2018
       Tags: unix ssh
       I discovered today an OpenSSH feature which doesn't seem to be widely
       known. The feature is called **multiplexing** and consists of reusing
       an opened ssh connection to a server when you want to open another
       one. This leads to faster connection establishment and less processes
       To reuse an opened connection, we need to use the **ControlMaster**
       option, which requires **ControlPath** to be set. We will also set
       **ControlPersist** for convenience.
       - **ControlMaster** defines if we create, or use or nothing about
       - **ControlPath** defines where to store the socket to reuse an opened
         connection, this should be a path only available to your user.
       - **ControlPersist** defines how much time to wait before closing a
         ssh connection multiplexer after all connection using it are
         closed. By default it's "no" and once you drop all connections the
         multiplexer stops.
dataswamp.org:70 /~solene/article-ssh-multiplexing:25: port field too long