       Title: Storing information on paper using the Pen To Paper protocol
       Author: Solène
       Date: 15 July 2022
       Tags: life fun nocloud
       Description: This article is about describing the process of storing
       and extracting information on paper using a pen.
       # Introduction
       Here is a draft for a protocol named PTPDT, an acronym standing for Pen
       To Paper Data Transfer.  It comes with its companion specification
       Paper To Brain.
       The protocol describes how a pen can be used to write data on a sheet
       of paper.  Maybe it would be better named as Brain To Paper Protocol.
       # Terminology
       Some words refer to specific concepts:
       * pen: a pen or pencil
       * paper: material on which pen can be used
       * writer: the author when using the pen
       * reader: the author when reading the paper
       * anoreader: anonymous reader reading the paper
       # Model
       The writer uses a pen on a paper in order to duplicate information from
       his memories into the paper.
       We won't go into technical implementation details about how the pen
       does transmit information into the paper, we will admit some ink or
       equivalent is used in the process without altering data.
       # Nomenclature
       When storing data with this protocol, paper should be incrementally
       numbered for ordered information that wouldn't fit on a single storage
       paper unit.  The reader could then read the papers in the correct order
       by following the numbering.
       It is advised to add markers before and after the data to delimit its
       boundaries.  Such mechanism can increase reliability of extracting data
       from paper, or help to recover from mixed up papers.
       # Encoding
       It is recommended to use a single encoding, often known as language,
       for a single piece of paper.  Abstract art is considered a blob, and
       hence doesn't have any encoding.
       # Extracting data
       There are three ways to extract data from paper:
       1. lossless: all the information is extracted and can be used and
       replicated by the reader
       2. lossy: all the information is extracted and could be used by the
       3. partial: some pieces of information are extracted with no guarantee
       it can be replicated or used
       In order to retrieve data from paper, reader and anoreader must use
       their eyesight to pass the paper data to their brain which will decode
       the information and store it internally.  If reader's brain doesn't
       know the encoding, the data could be lossy or partially extracted.
       It's often required to make multiple read passes to achieve a lossless
       # Compression
       There are different compression algorithms to increase the pen output
       bandwidth, the reader and anoreader must be aware of the compression
       algorithm used.
       # Encryption
       The protocol doesn't enforce encryption.  The writer can encrypt data
       on paper so anoreader won't be able to read this, however this will
       increase the mental charge for both the writer and the reader.
       # Accessibility
       This protocol requires the writer to be able to use a pen.
       This protocol requires the reader and anoreader to be able to see.  We
       need to publish Braille To Paper Data Transfer for an accessible