       Title: How to use sshfs on OpenBSD
       Author: Solène
       Date: 23 July 2022
       Tags: openbsd security
       Description: This simple guide explains how to use sshfs to use sshfs
       on OpenBSD
       # Introduction
       Today we will learn about how to use sshfs, a program to mount a remote
       directory through ssh into our local file system.
       But OpenBSD has a different security model than in other Unixes
       systems, you can't use FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) file systems from
       a non-root user. And because you need to run your fuse mount program as
       root, the mount point won't be reachable by other users because of
       Fortunately, with the correct combination of flags, this is actually
  HTML sshfs project website
       # Setup
       First, as root we need to install sshfs-fuse from packages.
       # pkg_add sshfs-fuse
       # Permissions errors when mounting with sshfs
       If we run sshfs as our user, we will get the error "fuse_mount:
       permission denied", so root is mandatory for running the command.
       But if we run "sshfs server.local:/home /mnt" as root, we can't reach
       the /mnt directory with our regular user because it's root property:
       $ ls /mnt/
       ls: /mnt/: Permission denied
       This confirms sshfs needs some extra flags to be used for non-root
       users on OpenBSD.
       # The solution
       As root, we will run sshfs to mount a directory from t470-wifi.local
       (my laptop Wi-Fi IP address on my LAN) to make it available to our user
       with uid 1000 and gid 1000 (this is the ids for the first user added),
       you can find the information about your users with the command "id". 
       We will also use the allow_other mount option.
       # sshfs -o idmap=user,allow_other,uid=1000,gid=1000 solene@t470-wifi.local:/home/solene/ /mnt
       After this command, when I switch to my user whose id and gid is 1000,
       I can read and write into /mnt.
       # Credits
       This article exists because many OpenBSD users struggle using sshfs,
       and it's not easy to find the solution on the Internet.
  HTML OpenBSD as NAS FOSDEM talk giving an example of sshfs use
       = > https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=153390693400573&w=2
       misc@openbsd.org email thread explaining why fuse mount behavior
       changed in 2018