       Title: Obsolete in the IT crossfire
       Author: Solène
       Date: 09 July 2021
       Tags: life linux unix openbsd
       # Preamble
       This is not an article about some tech but more me sharing feelings
       about my job, my passion and IT.  I've met a Linux system at first in
       the early 2000 and I didn't really understand what this was, I've
       learned it the hard way by wiping Windows on the family computer (which
       was quite an issue) and since that time I got a passion with computers.
        I made a lot of mistakes that made me progress and learn more, and the
       more I was learning, the more I saw the amount of knowledge I was
       Anyway, I finally got a decent skill level if I could say, but I
       started early and so my skill is related to all of that early Linux
       ecosystem.  Tools are evolving, Linux is morphing into something
       different a bit more every year, practices are evolving with the
       "Cloud".  I feel lost.
       # Within the crossfire
       I've met many people along my ride in open source and I think we can
       distinguish two schools (of course I know it's not that black and
       white): the people (like me) who enjoy the traditional ecosystem and
       the other group that is from the Cloud era.  It is quite easy to bash
       the opposite group and I feel sad when I assist at such dispute.
       I can't tell which group is right and which is wrong, there is
       certainly good and bad in both.  While I like to understand and control
       how my system work, the other group will just care about the produced
       service and not the underlying layers.  Nowadays, you want your service
       uptime to have as much nine as you can afford (99.999999) at the cost
       of having complex setup with automatic respawning services on failure,
       automatic routing within VMs and stuff like that.  This is not
       necessarily something that I enjoy, I think a good service should have
       a good foundation and restarting the whole system upon failure seems
       wrong, although I can't deny it's effective for the availability.
       I know how a package manager work but the other group will certainly
       prefer to have a tool that will hide all of the package manager
       complexity to get the job done.  Tell ansible to pop a new virtual
       machine on Amazon using Terraform with a full nginx-php-mysql stack
       installed is the new way to manage servers.  It seems a sane option
       because it gets the job done, but still, I can't find myself in there,
       where is the fun?  I can't get the fun out of this.  You can install
       the system and the services without ever see the installer of the OS
       you are deploying, this is amazing and insane at the same time.
       I feel lost in this new era, I used to manage dozens of system (most
       bare-metal, without virtualization), I knew each of them that I bought
       and installed myself, I knew which process should be running and their
       usual CPU/memory usage, I got some acquaintance with all my systems.  I
       was not only the system administrator, I was the IT gardener.  I was
       working all the time to get the most out of our servers, optimizing
       network transfers, memory usage, backups scripts.  Nowadays you just
       pop a larger VM if you need more resources and backups are just
       snapshots of the whole virtual disk, their lives are ephemeral and
       # To the future
       I would like to understand better that other group, get more confident
       with their tools and logic but at the same time I feel some aversion
       toward doing so because I feel I'm renouncing to what I like, what I
       want, what made me who I am now.  I suppose the group I belong too will
       slowly fade away to give room to the new era, I want to be prepared to
       join that new era but at the same time I don't want to abandon the
       people of my own group by accelerating the process.
       I'm a bit lost in this crossfire.  Should a resistance organize against
       this?  I don't know, I wouldn't see the point.  The way we do computing
       is very young, we are looking for a way.  Humanity has been making
       building for thousands and years and yet we still improve the way we
       build houses, bridges and roads, I guess that the IT industry is
       following the same process but as usual with computers, at an insane
       rate that humans can barely follow.
       # Next
       Please share with me by email or mastodon or even IRC if you feel
       something similar or if you got past that issue, I would be really
       interested to speak about this topic with other people.
       # Readers reactions
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       # After thoughts (UPDATE post publication)
       I got many many readers giving me their thoughts about this article and
       I'm really thankful for this.
       Now I think it's important to realize that when you want to deploy
       systems at scale, you need to automate all your infrastructure and then
       you lose that feeling with your servers.  However, it's still possible
       to have fun because we need tooling, proper tooling that works and
       bring a huge benefit.  We are still very young in regards to automation
       and lot of improvements can be done.
       We will still need all those gardeners enjoying their small area of
       computer because all the cloud services rely on their work to create
       duplicated system in quantity that you can rely on.  They are making
       the first most important bricks required to build the "Cloud", without
       them you wouldn't have a working Alpine/CentOS/FreeBSD/etc... to deploy
       Both can coexist, both should know better each other because they will
       have to live together to continue the fantastic computer journey,
       however the first group will certainly be in a small number compared to
       the other.
       So, not everything is lost!  The Cloud industry can be avoided by
       self-hosting at home or in associative datacenter/colocations but it's
       still possible to enjoy some parts of the great shift without giving up
       all we believe in.  A certain balance can be found, I'm quite sure of