       Title: Set up your own CalDAV and CardDAV servers on OpenBSD
       Author: Solène
       Date: 23 April 2023
       Tags: caldav carddav openbsd selfhosting
       Description: In this tutorial, you will learn how to install radicale
       on OpenBSD to self host your own calendar and contacts server
       # Introduction
       Calendar and contacts syncing, it's something I pushed away for too
       long, but when I've lost data on my phone and my contacts with it,
       setting up a local CalDAV/CardDAV server is the first thing I did.
       Today, I'll like to show you how to set up the server radicale to have
       your own server.
  HTML Radicale official project page
       Basically, CalDAV (for calendars and to-do lists) and CardDAV (for
       contacts) are exchange protocols to sync contacs and calendars between
       # Setup
       On OpenBSD 7.3, the latest version of radicale is radicale 2, available
       as a package with all the service files required for a quick and
       efficient setup.
       You can install radicale with the following command:
       # pkg_add radicale
       After installation, you will have to edit the file
       `/etc/radicale/config` in order to make a few changes.  The syntax
       looks like INI files with sections between brakets and then key/values
       on separate lines.
       For my setup, I made my radicale server to listen on the IP
       `` and port `5232`, and I chose to use htpasswd files
       encrypted in bcrypt to manage users.  This was accomplished with the
       following piece of configuration:
       hosts =
       type = htpasswd 
       htpasswd_filename = /etc/radicale/users
       htpasswd_encryption = bcrypt
       After saving the changes, you need to generate the file
       `/etc/radicale/users` to add credentials and password in it, this is
       done using the command `htpasswd`.
       In order to add the user `solene` to the file, use the following
       # cd /etc/radicale
       # htpaswd users solene
       # chown _radicale /etc/radicale/users
       Now everything is ready, you can enable radicale to run at boot, and
       start it now, using `rcctl` to manage the service like in:
       # rcctl enable radicale
       # rcctl start radicale
       # Managing calendars and contacts
       Now you should be able to reach radicale on the address it's listening,
       in my example it's and use your credentials to
       log in.
       Then, just click on the link "Create new addressbook or calendar", and
       complete the form.
       Back on the index, you will see each item managed by radicale and the
       URL to access it.  When you will configure your devices to use CalDAV
       and CardDAV, you will need the crendentials and the URL.
       # Conclusion
       Radicale is very lightweight and super easy to configure, and I finally
       have a proper calendar synchronization on my computers and smartphone,
       which turned to be very practical.
       # Going further
       If you want to setup HTTPS for radicale, you can either use a
       certificate file and configure radicale to use it, or use a reverse
       http proxy such as nginx and handle the certificate there.