             $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  $$\   $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\
            $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$  _____|$$  __$$\
            $$ /  \__|$$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |
            $$ |$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$ |$$$$$\    $$$$$$$  |
            $$ |\_$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$  ____/ $$  __$$ |$$  __|   $$  __$$<
            $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |
            \$$$$$$  | $$$$$$  |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |
             \______/  \______/ \__|      \__|  \__|\________|\__|  \__|
       [We] like to consider the hundreds of interconnected Gopher servers to
       be one large distributed entity; thus, we speak of "the Gopher", with
       its many small parts, spread throughout the Internet. The Gopher is
       always growing, always changing. It's everywhere, but you can't locate
       it; it's always there, but you can't see it. ... The Gopher is the
       largest and most practical example of applied pantheism in the history
       of mankind.
                        -- Hahn; Stout. The Internet Complete Reference (1994)
       |                               Software                              |
   DIR Gopher clients
       Applications for various operating systems.
   DIR Gopher proxy with Opera
       Configuring Opera 12 to use a Gopher proxy.
       |                                Videos                               |
RESERV mpm_gopher.mp4 (70 MiB)
       A rare interview with some of the founders of Gopher: Mark McCahill
       and Farhad Anklesaria, also includes some early screenshots.
RESERV Gopher_World_Tour_T-Shirt_on MTV.mpg (772 KiB)
       A 7 second video of Adam Curry fulfilling the terms of his commercial
       use of Internet Gopher server software license from the University of
RESERV Internet_Show_12_-_Gopher.mp4 (21.8 MiB)
       "Since Gopher is a very popular service, gopherspace is a huge and
       expanding part of the Internet."
RESERV gopher.avi (241 KiB)
       Surfing the Gopherspace with WS Gopher 1.2 on Windows.
       |                                Images                               |
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 1
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 2
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 3
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 4
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 5
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 6
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 7
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 8
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 9
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 10
   IMG Gopher Mascot GIF 11
       |                               Articles                              |
       The following Gopher documents are mostly taken from:
  HTML Offbeat Internet
       --- Vogue Growth Era --------------------------------------------------
  TEXT Usenet_Gopher_Announcement.txt
  TEXT On_the_Trail_of_the_Internet_Gopher.txt
  TEXT Gopher_spiel.txt
  TEXT The_Internet_Gopher.txt
  TEXT Lets_Gopher_it.txt
  TEXT IUBio_Gopher_hole.txt
  TEXT CCSO_through_Gopher.txt
  TEXT Summer_Go-pher-it_Workshops.txt
  TEXT A_Preliminary_Design_for_a_3-D_Spatial_User_Interface_for_Internet_Gopher.txt
  TEXT Announcing_GopherVR.txt
  TEXT GopherVR_now_available.txt
  TEXT Announcing_TurboGopher.txt
  TEXT Internet_Diving.txt
  TEXT Gopher_Jewels_Design_Change.txt
  TEXT WWW_vs_Gopher.txt
       --- Mass Defection Era ------------------------------------------------
  TEXT Who_Killed_Gopher.txt
  TEXT Gopher_Jewels_Closing.txt
  TEXT SEC_Gopher_discontinued.txt
  TEXT Mother_Gopher_Obituary.txt
  TEXT TCP-IP_Guide.txt
  TEXT Where_Have_all_the_Gophers_Gone.txt
  TEXT Interview_with_Paul_Lindner.txt
  TEXT Bob_Alberti.txt
  TEXT About_Gopher.txt
  TEXT Gopher_Manifesto.txt
  TEXT Gopher_Underground.txt
  TEXT Gopher_still_going.txt
  TEXT The_death_of_WELLgopher.txt
  TEXT JumpJet_Gopher_terminated.txt
  TEXT How_Gopher_nearly_trumped_the_web.txt
  TEXT Bandwidth_and_Gopher.txt
       --- Stagnancy Era -------------------------------------------------
  TEXT OmniWeb_now_includes_Gopher_support.txt
  TEXT Fun_Sites_from_the_Early_Internet.txt
  TEXT Long_Live_Gopher.txt
  TEXT Why_is_Gopher_Still_Relevant.txt
       |                              GopherCon                              |
       Documents of various Gopher Conventions from the 1990s.
       --- GopherCon '92 -----------------------------------------------------
  TEXT GopherCon_'92_Trip_Report.txt
       --- GopherCon '93 -----------------------------------------------------
  TEXT GopherCon_'93_Trip_Report.txt
  TEXT GopherCon_Mar93_Minutes.txt
       --- GopherCon '94 -----------------------------------------------------
  TEXT Directions_to_Radisson.txt
  TEXT GopherCon94_Registration_Info.txt
  TEXT Attendee_List_through_Friday_April_15.txt
  TEXT Agenda_at_a_Glance_FINAL.txt
  TEXT Agenda_in_detail_FINAL.txt
  TEXT GEN1  = 1994_State_of_the_Gopher.txt
  TEXT EQ1   = Information_Quality.txt
  TEXT COL1  = K-12_Learning_Resource.txt
  TEXT APP7  = WSGopher_a_Windows_Gopher+_client.txt
  TEXT APP12 = Running_WWW_on_top_of_Gopher.txt
   DOS APP14 = Growing_the_MIT_Libraries_Gopher.zip
  TEXT Go4zgate.txt
  TEXT GopherSQL.txt
  TEXT SQLEvents.txt
  TEXT SafeGopher.txt
  TEXT 3Dgopherspace.txt
       --- GopherCon '95 -----------------------------------------------------
  TEXT Directions_to_Radisson.txt
  TEXT GopherCon95_Announcement.txt
  TEXT Agenda.txt
  TEXT Go4zgate.txt
  TEXT ScreenScrape.txt
  TEXT WebbedGopher.txt
  TEXT Hyper-G.txt
  TEXT Cluster.txt
  TEXT 3DUnixServer.txt
       |                                 RFCs                                |
       Standards referencing Gopher:
  TEXT rfc1436.txt - The Internet Gopher Protocol
  TEXT rfc1580.txt - Guide to Network Resource Tools
  TEXT rfc1594.txt - Answers to Commonly asked "New Internet User" Questions
  TEXT rfc1614.txt - Network Access to Multimedia Information
  TEXT rfc1689.txt - Networked Information Retrieval: Tools and Groups
  TEXT rfc1727.txt - A Vision of an Integrated Internet Information Service
  TEXT rfc1738.txt - Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
  TEXT rfc1808.txt - Relative Uniform Resource Locators
  TEXT rfc2219.txt - Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services
  TEXT rfc2396.txt - Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax
  TEXT rfc4266.txt - The Gopher URI Scheme
       Enhancement proposals:
  TEXT Gopher+
  TEXT +MENU block suggestion
  TEXT Changes to RFC1738 and RFC1808
  TEXT Proposed Item-type Changes
       |                       Licencing Fiasco of 1993                      |
       The following Gopher documents are mostly taken from:
  HTML Offbeat Internet
  TEXT Gopher-Software-Licencing-Policy_ANCIENT.txt
       This policy hung a dark cloud over GopherCon '93.
  TEXT Gopher-Software-Licencing-Policy_NEW.txt
       The lifting of prohibition had little impact, occuring seven years
       too late.
  TEXT Peers Condemning the Ancient Gopher Licence
  TEXT UMN Justifying their Ancient Gopher Licence
  TEXT Retrospection on the disasterous impact of licencing Gopher