       | Christian Remnant Now |
       Welcome to Christian Remnant Now's
       Gopher site! This is a new outreach
       to provide information on the
       following topics: KJV Bible,
       Unix/Linux, and Health.
       ======== Important =========
       Below you will find in PDF and epub
       format, "The Lethal Dose". If you
       want to stay alive, please read it.
       It will change they way you view
       the "death care system". -Mitch
       ======== Please Note  =========
       Please remember you are not alone.
       More and more people are waking up.
       And once they are awake they dont go
       back to sleep. Distrust the
       Government, avoid mass media and
       fight the lies. Remember: if you are
       not paranoid by now then you have not
       been paying attention.
       - Dr Vernon Coleman
       --- Quote of the day (KJV) ---
       John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my
       words abide in you, ye shall ask what
       ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
       Tip:  Use plastic shopping bags to wrap food
       for the chest freezer, drop them in
       small boxes to organize them by type
       (pork, chicken, etc...).
   DIR Av Bible/
   DIR Books/
   DIR Db/
   DIR Diy/
   DIR Kjv Mp3/
   DIR Mp3/
   DIR Notes/
   DIR Orthomolecular/
   DIR Pictures/
   DIR Scripts/
   DIR Survival/
  TEXT About txt 8.0K
  TEXT Caps txt 4.0K
   BIN Favicon ico 4.0K
  TEXT King James Bible txt 4.5M
  TEXT Modern Miracle Men txt 28K
  TEXT Notes On Health txt 4.0K
  TEXT Receiving Jesus txt 4.0K
   BIN Recipes epub 36K
  HTML Recipes html 84K
   BIN Recipes pdf 384K
  TEXT Religious Objection Jab txt 4.0K
   BIN The Lethal Dose By Jennifer Daniels epub 164K
   BIN The Lethal Dose By Jennifer Daniels pdf 648K
  TEXT Tips txt 12K
   DIR Pygopherd Home
   DIR Quux.Org Mega Server
   DIR The Gopher Project
       Written by: Mitch Johnston
  TEXT crn.hopto.org
       Updated:  Thu 17 Oct 2024 12:30:21 AM CDT