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  HTML   Should We Chat, Too? Security Analysis of WeChat's Mmtls Encryption Protocol
        ELPROFESOR wrote 1 hour 14 min ago:
        est wrote 2 hours 41 min ago:
        Chinese apps don't need encryption but pretends to, the government had
        direct access to all clear-text data. If you can't comply your business
        would be fucked one way or another.
        Security researchers need to stop beating the dead horse. The
        encryption mechanism is mostly used for compliance or certification. In
        fact many corp-intranet middleboxes can decrypt wechat communications,
        it's not a bug, it's a feature.
        IRL people just treat wechat as somekind of Discord with payment
        options. If you say something slightly wrong your account would
        instantly get into trouble. Just assume your wechat chat records are
        public one way or another.
          CGamesPlay wrote 2 hours 22 min ago:
          Just to be clear, encryption to hide from broad government
          surveillance is one valid use for encryption (which WeChat doesn't
          have), but it is far from the only reason for encrypted
          communications. Common theives, abusive exes, or overbearing
          employers are a few others that immediately come to mind.
            est wrote 2 hours 11 min ago:
            > Common theives, abusive exes, or overbearing employers
            as I commented on other thread, they don't even bother with network
            They just mandate install spyware on your end devices. So E2EE
            won't help here.
            Chinese Android ROMs are notorious for this. Even the phone
            manufacturers are collecting data
        imiric wrote 5 hours 47 min ago:
        These findings are so unsurprising that the research is borderline
        What I would like to see are similar efforts directed at the tower of
        complexity that is the modern TLS stack. From the Snowden leaks we know
        that the NSA has tried to break cryptographic algorithms for decades
        via their project Bullrun, and that they bribed the RSA to default to
        their compromised algorithm. From the recent XZ incident we also know
        that supply chain attacks can be very sophisticated and difficult to
        How likely is it that the protocols we consider secure today are
        silently compromised by an undetected agent? Should we just assume that
        they are, like a sibling comment suggested?
        I'm frankly more interested in knowing if there is oversight of these
        complex technologies that could possibly alert us of any anomalies of
        this type, so that we don't have to rely on whistleblowers or people
        who happen to notice strange behavior and decide to look into it out of
        curiosity. Too much is at stake for this to be left up to chance.
        upofadown wrote 6 hours 23 min ago:
        >Generally, NIST recommends[1] not using a wholly deterministic
        derivation for IVs in AES-GCM since it is easy to accidentally re-use
        A quick skim of the referenced document did not show where NIST
        recommended against the use of deterministic IVs. The document actually
        spends a significant amount of text in discussing how one would do such
        a thing. Did I miss something?
        >Lack of forward secrecy
        The article mentions that the key is forgotten when you close the app.
        Probably enough forward secrecy for most people.
        >Since AES-CBC is used alongside PKCS7 padding, it is possible that the
        use of this encryption on its own would be susceptible to an AES-CBC
        padding oracle, which can lead to recovery of the encrypted plaintext.
        This is a messaging app. Is there actually an available oracle? Does
        the implementation even generate a padding error?
  HTML  [1]: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublica...
          tptacek wrote 4 hours 30 min ago:
          The GCM IV thing didn't ring true to me either; in fact, the whole
          reason we have XAES-type constructions is to enable fully
          nondeterministic IVs, which don't fit comfortably in the GCM IV
          Regarding padding oracles: it is most definitely not necessary for a
          target to generate a "padding error", or even an explicit error of
          any sort, to enable the attack.
            mozman wrote 3 hours 3 min ago:
            > nondeterministic IVs
            Can you explain what this means?
              tptacek wrote 2 hours 55 min ago:
              In this case it's just a fancy way of saying "random". What's
              important about a GCM nonce is that it never repeat, not that
              it's unpredictable (to me, a distinction between a "nonce" and an
              "IV"; a CBC IV must be unpredictable).
              Because you only get 96 bits of nonce space with vanilla GCM,
              there's common advice to use a counter as the nonce.
            upofadown wrote 3 hours 28 min ago:
            There has to be some reverse channel to do an oracle. Timing? That
            might not be a thing for messaging. Signal apparently also uses CBC
            with the same type of padding. So the same shade could be thrown in
            that direction if someone really wanted to do so.
            I would be happier if there were fewer vague assertions in these
            sorts of writeups...
              tptacek wrote 3 hours 24 min ago:
              I'm not sure what part of Signal you're referring to, but the
              Signal Protocol generally uses AEAD constructions. That aside:
              the kind of padding is not the issue; every serious system that
              uses CBC uses PKCS7 padding. The issue is the lack of
              authenticated ciphertext, which is what enables the attack. The
              authenticated scheme composing CBC and HMAC in an EtM arrangement
              is not susceptible to padding oracle attacks. There are other
              error and behavior oracles for other padding schemes, and for
              different block cipher modes.
        spacebanana7 wrote 6 hours 30 min ago:
        I wonder whether WeChat is one of the safest messaging apps because it
        has the strength to say no to western agencies.
        Signal and Matrix can be pressured with a rubber hose if there’s
        enough desire. And I imagine bureaucratic equivalents exits for
        iMessage and WhatsApp. But the CCP can offer genuine protection to
        WeChat executives.
          palata wrote 6 hours 12 min ago:
          > I wonder whether WeChat is one of the safest messaging apps because
          it has the strength to say no to western agencies.
          That is not how cryptography works.
          If you use proper end-to-end encryption (e.g. the Signal protocol),
          and assuming that you use it properly, then the server does not have
          access to the content of the encrypted messages. So the server cannot
          be pressured, period. So the Signal protocol is strictly better than
          a protocol that is audited and found wanting (TFA talking about the
          WeChat protocol here).
            vbezhenar wrote 6 hours 1 min ago:
            Until next update will send your keys. Do you disassemble every
            update? I doubt it. In the end it's all about developer trust,
            because no popular messaging has thriving multi-client ecosystem
            after Jabber was abandoned. They all have "official" blessed client
            and some even fight third-party clients.
            Not even talking about server side, things are just grim there.
              hackernudes wrote 4 hours 47 min ago:
              Signal does a far better job than most. They have open source
              clients. They sign their builds. The android build is
              reproducible (you can build it yourself and it will match exactly
              what they publish, see [1] ). Presumably some people in the world
              do it.
              Now of course I personally don't check the app shipped to me from
              the Google Play Store, but at least I could!
              It's not that I disagree with your point at all. There are still
              many places for world powers to compel companies to spy on users
              (in both hardware and software). Just want to call out that
              Signal is doing pretty much the best they can.
  HTML        [1]: https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android/blob/main/re...
          osamagirl69 wrote 6 hours 18 min ago:
          I have not been following the end-to-end encryption discussion in a
          while so please excuse my ignorance in asking...
          How does the 'rubber hose' threat apply to Matrix? So long as you are
          in control of your home server (or at least use a home server you
          trust) I am not sure who your advisary would pressure.
            jeltz wrote 5 hours 42 min ago:
            They could force them to add a backdoor in the Element build
            uploaded to the app store so they can use that backdoor to attack
            specific users. This is why we need reproducible builds and code
            which automatically check for discrepancies.
        thimabi wrote 6 hours 36 min ago:
        WeChat using a custom protocol like MMTLS instead of sticking with
        something solid like TLS 1.3 is a risky move. Rolling your own crypto
        almost always leads to trouble. Of course, there may be ulterior
        motives behind Tencent’s decision, and users have little power to
        change it. For an app with over a billion users, that’s pretty
          tptacek wrote 4 hours 30 min ago:
          Is it concerning? It's not end-to-end secure to begin with.
            thimabi wrote 4 hours 24 min ago:
            It is insecure depending on one’s threat model. Though I agree
            end-to-end encryption would be the best practice.
              est wrote 2 hours 32 min ago:
              > end-to-end encryption would be the best practice
              If you think about it, no it's not in this case.
              The "end" you are refering to here, are mostly Chinese android
              The system just hook into your apk, read your (encrypted) sqlite3
              local data, or screen-read your UI for content.
              Even the Wechat realized how badly the landscape was, so they 
              even rolled rolled out inhouse "input method" for "privacy
              tptacek wrote 4 hours 12 min ago:
              Can you articulate what that threat model would be?
                xvector wrote 3 hours 45 min ago:
                You are only okay with the CCP and your recipient knowing your
                  tptacek wrote 3 hours 30 min ago:
                  That's kind of how I read it too, which makes some of the
                  suppositions here (about the CCP inducing bad protocol
                  design) odd.
        bzmrgonz wrote 7 hours 4 min ago:
        What do you say to observers who would see this analysis as a parallel
        to the huawei or Tiktok western argument, meaning, "don't let them spy
        on you, let us spy on you instead!!!"
          jeltz wrote 5 hours 33 min ago:
          Isn't this the opposite? It is warning that WeChat's security might
          be weak since it is using weird non-standard stuff which means
          everyone might be able to spy on WeChat users, not just China. If
          WeChat fixed this then only China would be able to spy on the users.
          two-sandwich wrote 6 hours 57 min ago:
          Is there something you'd like those observers to hear?
        dtquad wrote 7 hours 11 min ago:
        The Chinese government has direct access to the WeChat backend so it's
        unlikely that these weaknesses were government mandated. Probably just
        the result of overworked 996 developers:
        >The name 996.ICU refers to "Work by '996', sick in ICU", an ironic
        saying among Chinese developers, which means that by following the
        "996" work schedule, you are risking yourself getting into the ICU
        (Intensive Care Unit)
  HTML  [1]: https://github.com/996icu/996.ICU
          firen777 wrote 6 min ago:
          > The Chinese government has direct access to the WeChat backend
          Oh dear, I need to rant about this.
          Everyone and their grandma know in their guts that the ccp keep every
          single thing you ever send. So why on earth do wechat not back up
          your convo (a bog standard feature that is available to even e2ee
          messengers) when you need to switch to a new phone? Yes, I know you
          can transfer data locally (with unintuitive process since wechat does
          not support simultaneous login on multiple devices) but what happens
          if your old phone outright died? I already relinquish all my privacy
          to the overlord so can they at least give us back some usability
          instead of this archaic pos?
          Just need to vent my recent painful experience.
          notpushkin wrote 33 min ago:
          Most likely, yeah. This also reminds me of the issues with KakaoTalk:
          [1] [2] , [3] Wondering if Line is next up!
  HTML    [1]: https://stulle123.github.io/posts/kakaotalk/secret-chat/
  HTML    [2]: https://stulle123.github.io/posts/kakaotalk-account-takeover...
  HTML    [3]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40776880
          daghamm wrote 6 hours 49 min ago:
          WeChat is basically one of the tools the communist party uses to
          control the population. If something is on there it is most likely by
          Off topic (or is it?): While back a western journalist in China
          reported that her wechat account was banned 10 minutes after changing
          her password to "fuckCCP"...
            lucw wrote 44 min ago:
            The server-side store a full plain text archive with government
            access is by design.
            the weak encryption is NOT by design. It's due to incompetent
            mmooss wrote 2 hours 25 min ago:
            > If something is on there it is most likely by design.
            It's a common mistake to overestimate the 'bad guy'. The Chinese
            government, like all other large human institutions, certainly does
            plenty of dumb stuff.
            olalonde wrote 3 hours 18 min ago:
            The issue of accounts being banned after a password change is quite
            common, especially outside of China. This isn't related to the
            content of the new password.
            Additionally, it's unlikely that the protocol has
            government-mandated vulnerabilities, as such weaknesses could
            potentially allow foreign governments to spy on WeChat users that
            are abroad.  The Chinese government doesn't need such weaknesses,
            as they have access to the servers.
            homebrewer wrote 6 hours 3 min ago:
            I had my account banned for absolutely no reason (I didn't even use
            it to talk to anyone and was simply learning the interface myself
            to explain it later to a friend who was traveling to China). You
            can't infer anything from that story. Their "security" automation
            is even more paranoid than Google's, that's probably all there's to
            tptacek wrote 6 hours 45 min ago:
            The point being made in the preceding comment is that the threat
            model for WeChat already overtly includes its operators being able
            to puncture its confidentiality. It doesn't make a lot of
            operational sense to introduce complicated cryptographic backdoors
            (such as the IV construction, which the authors say could
            potentially introduce an AES-GCM key/IV brute forcing attack) when
            you control the keys for all the connections in the first place.
              throwaway48476 wrote 5 hours 36 min ago:
              Not only control keys, but control the software update mechanism
              (backdoor a la xz).
        mouse_ wrote 7 hours 26 min ago:
        Show me the outcome and I'll show you the incentive.
        Hint: backdoors
        I wouldn't trust any federally approved encryption. From any country.
        I wouldn't trust them, but I WOULD use them, given no other choice to
        reach the users I'm after. But always assume zero trust. With any
        computer thing, zero trust. Computer systems and those who orchestrate
        them are sneaky little devils.
          palata wrote 6 hours 10 min ago:
          > I wouldn't trust them, but I WOULD use them, given no other choice
          to reach the users I'm after.
          Which is no different from trusting them. The reality is that you
          have to trust something at some point.
            sodality2 wrote 4 hours 21 min ago:
            Not true, you can use something in an untrusting manner. Like
            assuming everything you send on the platform to be known to the
            government. Anyone in the USA who uses SMS should be operating like
            that, for example.
          creatonez wrote 7 hours 7 min ago:
          And even if it isn't screwed up by active malice... don't be
          surprised if it's screwed up by pure incompetence. South Korea's
          internet is still plagued by government-approved encryption
          standards, which, due to the deprecation of ActiveX, sometimes
          require installing institution-specific cryptography software to
          tunnel connections through a local HTTP server so it can be encrypted
          outside of the web browser -
  HTML    [1]: https://palant.info/2023/01/02/south-koreas-online-security-...
        kccqzy wrote 7 hours 29 min ago:
        I personally am not very interested in this research. WeChat is well
        known not to use end-to-end encryption. Considering that the app is
        unlikely to adopt end-to-end encryption (likely due to censorship being
        a business requirement, which was mentioned in the article and
        previously uncovered by this lab), I don't really feel like I care a
        whole lot between good non-end-to-end encryption and bad non-end-to-end
        encryption. Parties that are interested in subverting this kind of
        encryption, such as governments, likely already collaborate Tencent to
        get decrypted messages from the source.
          palata wrote 7 hours 25 min ago:
          > I don't really feel like I care a whole lot between good
          non-end-to-end encryption and bad non-end-to-end encryption.
          That's the difference between "you have to trust WeChat" and "anyone
          can read your chats". Of course you may not personally be interested
          because you don't personally use WeChat, but for the billion active
          users who do, I think it should matter.
            kccqzy wrote 7 hours 17 min ago:
            Where did you see that "anyone can read your chats" in this
            article? Indeed near the beginning of the article in the fourth
            bullet point the author states "we were unable to develop an attack
            to completely defeat WeChat’s encryption" right there. The only
            parties who are interested in expending more effort to break this
            kind of encryption are just governments, who can simply force
            Tencent to give up plaintext records.
              palata wrote 6 hours 7 min ago:
              > Where did you see that "anyone can read your chats" in this
              I didn't. I answered to what you wrote, which I quoted. But I can
              quote it again:
              > I don't really feel like I care a whole lot between good
              non-end-to-end encryption and bad non-end-to-end encryption.
              datadeft wrote 6 hours 59 min ago:
              Yep. Btw the threat model for me is this:
              - against random 3rd party, even WeChat is ok
              - against random black hats, most of chat software is ok, maybe
              even WeChat
              - against gov agencies, nothing is going to protect you
              When I am in China, i happily use WeChat including the gazillion
              of services available through it. Buying metro pass, ordering
              food, getting a battery pack and so on.
              Btw no country could replicate this outside of China, which is an
              interesting phenomenon. We have endless ads including actual
              scams and malware distributed by Google Ads yet I cannot buy
              train tickets in the EU through a single app and order food as
              well, let alone getting a cab. It would be great though.
              kadoban wrote 7 hours 2 min ago:
              > I don't really feel like I care a whole lot between good
              non-end-to-end encryption and bad non-end-to-end encryption
              Bad non-end-to-end encryption is exactly that: "anyone can read
              your chats". That's not what the research found, it's just the
              implication of your original statement.
                kccqzy wrote 1 hour 54 min ago:
                Okay I shouldn't have used the word "bad" here. I should have
                used "flawed but not detrimental" just like what's described in
                the article.
                est wrote 2 hours 30 min ago:
                Please realize, in China, you can't trust your "end" either.
                It's always infested with spyware with local root access.
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