        _______               __                   _______
       |   |   |.---.-..----.|  |--..-----..----. |    |  |.-----..--.--.--..-----.
       |       ||  _  ||  __||    < |  -__||   _| |       ||  -__||  |  |  ||__ --|
       |___|___||___._||____||__|__||_____||__|   |__|____||_____||________||_____|
                                                             on Gopher (inofficial)
  HTML Visit Hacker News on the Web
  HTML   We outsmarted CSGO cheaters with IdentityLogger
        xyst wrote 8 min ago:
        So adtech tracking techniques also work for fingerprinting ban evaders.
        Go figure.
        Charon77 wrote 52 min ago:
        I got 404
        Omni5cience wrote 2 hours 49 min ago:
  HTML  [1]: https://archive.ph/xcad7
        kjkjadksj wrote 5 hours 52 min ago:
        Couldn’t you stop cheaters by just looking at how their telemetry
        metrics are different from the baseline? If you get to a point where
        the cheater has to cheat to only be as good as a median player in the
        lobby in order to evade detection, you’ve effectively neutered it.
          grayhatter wrote 4 hours 4 min ago:
          How would something like that work?
        codefined wrote 7 hours 33 min ago:
        > I only shared the solution and technique with one other server
        operator I fully trusted based in the UK
        I think that was us!  We ended up combining it with other
        fingerprinting indicators, but the whole 'use VGUI' was a surprisingly
        effective way at handling this.  I believe they removed the web browser
        in ~2018, which was disappointing.  Being able to have custom skill
        trees / fun integrations with servers was really powerful!
        mobeigi wrote 7 hours 38 min ago:
        If the website is down or slow and you want to read the article, here
        is a full page screenshot of the post: [1] Sorry :'( I didn't expect
        the post to get this much traffic.
  HTML  [1]: https://i.imgur.com/SPp6IHX.jpeg
        avree wrote 7 hours 56 min ago:
        This link is 404ing for me. Anyone else?
          notwhereyouare wrote 7 hours 43 min ago:
          seems like the whole site is 404'ing
        ultimafan wrote 7 hours 58 min ago:
        Cheating in online games is a scourge and I really don't understand why
        people do it. It's one person selfishly getting a "win" at the expense
        of ~60 other people in that match having their time, pleasure,
        potentially money absolutely wasted.
        I think even more infuriating than blatant hacking is this epidemic of
        "micro cheating" for lack of a better way to put it that I've seen
        prevalent in some games that just boost some stats or reactions by
        amounts large enough to help the cheater but low enough where new or
        inexperienced players have absolutely no way of telling if someone is
        cheating or genuinely good especially in games with high skill
        ceilings. At least when it's blatant you can leave without time wasted
        but when they're doing it subtly you end up getting tilted and spending
        the whole match with a bad taste in your mouth second guessing if
        someone is actually playing fair or not. Chivalry 2 is a really bad
        offender for this, once you notice it you can't unnotice it anymore,
        almost every match will have at least one guy with his swing/move speed
        adjusted by ~10% and in a game where swing manipulation is a legitimate
        mechanic it can be borderline impossible to catch someone out on it
        unless you're really paying attention.
          daghamm wrote 7 hours 15 min ago:
          Cheating is also big business. Players can pay big bucks to rent (!)
          a cheat.
          IIRC  there is an episode on darkness diaries podcast about this.
            ultimafan wrote 5 hours 5 min ago:
            Yeah I get that, I understand why cheat developers do what they do.
            It seems like there's a huge market and I find it hard to blame
            them trying to make a living- morality wise they're probably more
            worried about rent, bills, family than whether or not someone's
            game time is ruined. But it's only this way because so many people
            are willing enough to cheat that dropping money on it is fine for
            them. It's their psychology I don't really get. Even if they're
            doing it because they want the satisfaction of a "win", doesn't
            that victory feel hollow because it's something they paid money
            for? It's like the difference between a community valuing you
            enough to give you an award vs going down to the trophy shop and
            paying someone a make you your own trophy that doesn't really mean
        wnevets wrote 8 hours 16 min ago:
        I wonder what kind of theories these cheaters invented to explain how
        they were getting caught.
        Joel_Mckay wrote 8 hours 22 min ago:
        In general, hardware/GPU/MAC signature hash checks are the only
        consistent way to bind player account histories, and even then cheats
        will change their identity with new hardware on fake postal addresses.
        Best to add a few weeks delay with "reviewing" ban status to prevent
        them returning hardware to retailers. Each day randomly permute which
        hardware signature trips the auto-re-ban after a random number of
        Cheaters ruin the fun for everyone including themselves. Admins need to
        provide a personal cost deterrent for problem users, and randomly hang
        the game for people using code mods.
        Let the ban hammer fall =3
          johnisgood wrote 4 hours 58 min ago:
          Unless I misunderstood, I do not see how this would actually work in
          practice considering the client can be modified and I can send
          whatever I want to the server, i.e. spoofing.
            Joel_Mckay wrote 3 hours 7 min ago:
            Even the Webgl signature check is resilient, and is the new
            tracking cookie on many sites like YT etc.  It is a robust unique
            property of a specific system, and GPU. Not just the serial
            Indeed, duplicate salted-hash signatures on multiple active users
            mean shills, and immediate bans issued for both accounts tainted by
            the black list.
            The trick is to randomize a mix of easy and difficult signature
            checks daily.
            i.e. the exploit writers will have to spend time cleaning up bugs,
            redistributing the patches, and dealing with angry people that have
            a GPU that is on the blacklist for a game. The more hardware
            details collected, the more difficult it is to prevent tripping the
            admin alert.
            This is already done by some studios... "Play Stupid Games, Win
            Stupid Prizes" as they say... =3
        Retr0id wrote 8 hours 35 min ago:
        > Wonderful, we have found a way to silently persist a cookie for each
        player as they join the server.
        This violates GDPR, no?
        Edit: It sounds like this took place before GDPR was being enforced.
          kemitche wrote 8 hours 24 min ago:
          GDPR isn't a blanket ban on cookies. You don't require a cookie
          notice for strictly necessary cookies, which you have a "grounds of
          legitimate interest" for: [1] Fraud prevention is listed as an
          example of a "legitimate interest."
          So no, by my layman's interpretation, they would not have been bound
          by GDPR to notify the user of cookies or other fingerprinting used
          solely for anti-cheat. They'd run into trouble if they use that same
          ID for marketing/advertising without consent, though.
  HTML    [1]: https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/r...
            newZWhoDis wrote 7 hours 37 min ago:
            GDPR is toothless eurotrash.
            I saw a consent form that had 72 optional, 21 “legitimate
            interest” cookies.
              Ylpertnodi wrote 5 hours 50 min ago:
              That means gdpr is working.
            Retr0id wrote 8 hours 6 min ago:
            They're perhaps not required to gather explicit opt-in consent, but
            my understanding is that they'd be required to disclose what
            information they collect/store.
              phire wrote 5 hours 51 min ago:
              The same rules apply to the steam ID and IP address.
              As far as I'm aware, you can get away with disclosing the fact
              that you are tracking "unique identifiers for the purpose of
              anti-cheating" in the terms and conditions, without explicitly
              explaining the technical details that it's a cookie.
              Also, this is a server covering the Australia/New Zealand region,
              so it doesn't have to worry about GDPR compliance.
        lwansbrough wrote 8 hours 36 min ago:
        I suppose different people are entitled to different opinions about
        fingerprinting, but I reckon it only takes working on a single project
        where this is a real issue for you to change your mind.
        We do behavioural analysis on top of various fingerprinting for bot
        detection - some people are trying really hard to ruin the internet!
        I suspect a sufficiently advanced server side behaviour analysis could
        do a pretty good job discovering cheaters.
          ghxst wrote 7 hours 25 min ago:
          Not at the expense of false positives, though. Sophisticated cheat
          developers and bot creators are skilled at exploiting that narrow
          margin of error where companies can't push detection further without
          compromising the experience for legitimate users and destroying their
          game or service.
        leetbulb wrote 8 hours 44 min ago:
        This isn't about stopping cheaters (cheat detection). This is about
        stopping repeat cheaters trying to ban evade. Detecting cheats,
        especially nowadays with hardware cheats (DMA, etc), is an entirely
        different ballgame.
        IMHO, one of the most effective way to stop ban evaders is to actually
        charge money for the game.
          Frotag wrote 2 hours 51 min ago:
          Banning by TPM also makes ban evasion pretty expensive. At which
          point the cheater has to either buy a new mobo or solder a new TPM
          chip onto their mobo (not always possible). Though I guess at some
          point a sloppy vendor will leak TPM keys and it'll be spoof-able.
          kemitche wrote 8 hours 28 min ago:
          At the time of the events in the blog, CS:GO was NOT free, and yet
          there were still cheaters that apparently had access to 80+ accounts.
            bob1029 wrote 7 hours 56 min ago:
            Charging money and banning at the payment provider level can be
            quite effective. It isn't a perfect answer but it cuts out gigantic
            chunks of the problem space.
            I'll take a ~99% cheat-free experience over not having any
            improvement at all.
              kemitche wrote 7 hours 45 min ago:
              Agreed, but in this particular case the blog writer was running
              private servers, rather than being Valve. They had no control
              over payment processing etc.
            leetbulb wrote 8 hours 1 min ago:
            That's fair. There will always be cheaters like this. However,
            anecdotally, after CS or any other game I've played that went
            free-to-play, cheaters became a much much larger problem: from
            seeing one every now and again, to at least one in nearly every
            connicpu wrote 8 hours 5 min ago:
            Why pay for the game when you can go to an onion site that will
            sell you hundreds of compromised accounts that own the game for a
            fraction of the price?
        snarfy wrote 8 hours 44 min ago:
        For UT2004, you can ban by player GUID (a hash of the CD key) or IP. 
        With the game abandoned by Epic, a number of key generators have
        cropped up, which makes GUID bans useless.  IP bans only go so far with
        VPNs costing $2 these days.
        The main solutions we have today are IP ban + VPN blocking using a
        database of known VPN subnets and adding them all to the firewall, and
        a similar fingerprinting technique which scans their folder structure
        of certain system folders.
          TechDebtDevin wrote 2 hours 0 min ago:
          Who is gaming in a competitive game behind a VPN.. I suppose if its
          your only option, but I don't think this would be a great playing
            dietr1ch wrote 11 min ago:
            There's a bunch of services that can moderately reduce latency by
            using better paths. Specially worth it if you want to play with
            friends in servers farther than 1000km away.
            hnick wrote 38 min ago:
            Can help routing induced latency as the other comment says (or
            force a new route if having downstream issues with your ISP
            peering), and some games in the past could leak IPs especially if
            using a p2p model and a VPN can mitigate that (especially one that
            only routes traffic for the game).
            IIRC you also need one when playing from some countries, whether
            due to legal reasons or server restrictions.
            takoid wrote 1 hour 3 min ago:
            Using a VPN with WireGuard can actually reduce latency if your ISP
            has poor routing to the game server, as a VPN with better peering
            or routing paths can improve your connection. It’s not always the
            case, but with a decent provider, you might see lower ping in
            certain situations.
            afavour wrote 1 hour 50 min ago:
            > Who is gaming in a competitive game behind a VPN..
            Cheaters, which is why they’re getting banned in the first place
          CSMastermind wrote 2 hours 51 min ago:
          Wait, can you help maintain UT2004?  Because I love that game.
          I don't play online anymore because I get destroyed but it's still
          fun to pop in for a quick match against AI when I have 30 minutes to
          johnisgood wrote 5 hours 27 min ago:
          > IP bans only go so far with VPNs costing $2 these days. [1] was
          made specifically against people using VPNs.
          It was made for Tremulous (ioquake3 fork) where people kept evading
          IP bans, but it can be used for any other games.
          It is not my project, but I know the author, and I could personally
          fork it and make it suitable for specific (or any) games if there is
          demand for it.
          You may also use heuristics, too, in schachtmeister2:
            whois   -10      "Hosting"
            whois   -10      "hosting"
            whois   -7      "Server"
            whois   -4      "server"
            whois   -10      "VPS"
            whois   -13      "VPN"
            whois   -3      "Private Network"
            whois   +7      "residential"
            whois   +7      "Residential"
            whois   -20      "Dedicated Server"
          Edit: I noticed that the git repository returns 502, contacted the
  HTML    [1]: https://redman.xyz/doku.php/schachtmeister2
          project2501a wrote 5 hours 55 min ago:
          sorry for the not-so-smart question.
          the cheats are software, software has certain quirks, like the way it
          aims or the way it tracks. And I'm willing to bet it has enough
          distinctiveness from human aiming to be classified. Couldn't a
          classifier work on the behavior of the cheating software itself,
          rather than use IP bans?
            cwillu wrote 2 hours 2 min ago:
            Some “aimbots” don't actually assist with the aiming, they just
            fire the trigger any time the user gets on target.
            derefr wrote 5 hours 33 min ago:
            In order to actually catch a cheater mid-match rather than long
            after the match is already over, you'd need the servers that
            players are interacting through to have enough CPU grunt-force to
            do that kind of analysis "faster than realtime" — i.e. for the
            server's CPU to be able to run the game's physics faster than any
            client can, so it can run the physics with extra math in the same
            time it takes the clients to just run the physics.
            Which might be something you could guarantee, if the game were
            locked to wimpy console hardware; or if the game had minimal CPU
            physics such that it was effectively never running CPU-bottlenecked
            and there were massive gaps in frame-time where even the client
            CPUs are sitting idle, that a server running in lockstep could cram
            that kind of analysis into.
            But gaming is a race-to-the-top, hardware-wise. The CPU in a gaming
            rig might not have as many cores as your average server CPU, but
            it's almost certainly going to have higher single-core perf.
            And part of the reason for that, is that games really do try to use
            your whole CPU (and GPU), with AAA studios especially being
            factories for constant innovation in new ways to make even the
            minimum requirements just to run a game's physics, higher and
            higher every year.
            And if the server can't do "faster than realtime" analysis of the
            streams of inputs of the players, then by queuing theory, it'll
            inevitably get infinitely backlogged — the server will keep
            receiving new analysis work to do every timestep, and will fall
            further and further behind, never catching up until new work stops
            being generated — i.e. until the match is over. And then it'll
            have to probably sit there for five more minutes thinking really
            hard before spitting out a "hey, wait just a minute..." about any
            given match.
            Which is fine if there's a big central lobby server that the game
            is forced to connect to, and your goal is to ensure that some
            central statistic that that central server relies upon (e.g.
            match-rank ELO) gets calculated correctly, such that cheaters are
            prevented from climbing the leaderboards / winning their way into
            high-ranked play. (And that's exactly the situation the big eSports
            games companies are in.)
            But in the context of older games that use arbitrary hosted servers
            and random-pairing (or manual lobby-based match selection) — or
            in modern, but "dead", games, that only persist due to being modded
            to accept private servers — this "after-the-fact" punishment is
            useless, as most servers have no incentive to do this analysis,
            especially when cheaters can just hop around between servers. So
            there's nothing preventing people from being matched with cheaters,
            sometimes over and over again, if the cheaters can just tell their
            clients to roll up with a new key+IP for every match.
            ...and that's assuming there even are servers. You can forget about
            any of this working in a p2p context. (Think about what a Sybil
            attack means in the context of a federated set of individual tiny
            disconnected p2p networks.)
              Arch-TK wrote 4 hours 9 min ago:
              CSGO doesn't do P2P matchmaking and Valve _are_ working on
              real-time heuristics based cheat detection to kick cheaters
              IPTN wrote 4 hours 25 min ago:
              You should be able to limit analysis for this type of detection
              to only the input leading up to a kill/hit and ignoring
              everything else. The majority of the time players are not
              shooting could be used to do the analysis with plenty of time to
              boot midway in a round let alone a full game.
              Also simple analysis of only the input streams as you stated
              really doesn't have to do with the phys rate of the game server
              and should be alot cheaper computationally. It can be offloaded
              to another process even if it was found to be too impactful to
              run alongside the game server directly. Something all those extra
              cores might be good for.
                Xss3 wrote 2 hours 32 min ago:
                Cheats nowadays can and do
                a) run on 2nd pc passively capturing the screen and  commands
                to a fake mouse device plugged into both machines,
                b) "humanise" the aim with ai models trained on professional
                c) add random variances within the limits of human reaction
                So it doesn't solve things, really it'd still be playing
              blangk wrote 5 hours 1 min ago:
              Not to mention the most sophisticated cheats are now running on
              second computers
            treyd wrote 5 hours 41 min ago:
            This is part of what Valve does in CS.    It works pretty well but it
            does have false positives so it requires user intervention for
            confirmation of bans.
            snarfy wrote 5 hours 49 min ago:
            It's more effort than it's worth.  There are server aimbot scanners
            which do something like this.  There are also aimbots written to
            thwart this type of detection, adding delays, random drift, etc. 
            It's a cat and mouse game.  We don't have a lot of players left so
            it's not that much of an issue.
          dietr1ch wrote 6 hours 0 min ago:
          What about banning VPNs?
          IncreasePosts wrote 6 hours 2 min ago:
          How about just a whitelist? I can't imagine there are a ton of legit
          ut2k4 players left?
            snarfy wrote 5 hours 53 min ago:
            Yes, we have a whitelist ability also, but it is definitely a last
            resort.  The game is mostly dead and difficult to discover for new
            players.  We don't want that roadblock if we can avoid it.
              catlikesshrimp wrote 2 hours 54 min ago:
              Suggestion: Anybody can play against bot(s). Whitelist can
              interact with real players.
              VTimofeenko wrote 3 hours 20 min ago:
              Do you happen to have a link for a good manual on "how does one
              get into the modern UT2k4 multiplayer"? I.e. must-have modlist,
              servers, etc.
              Syntonicles wrote 5 hours 39 min ago:
              TIL people still play UT2004.
              I was going to mention how much I loved that game, until I
              realized I played UT99.  Time sure does fly...
                dylan604 wrote 3 hours 11 min ago:
                Is this game online/multiplayer only? I mean, people still play
                Galaga and PacMan and other older classic games so why would
                you think someone wouldn't still play this one too?
                ghffjgff wrote 4 hours 17 min ago:
                Ut99 with the matrix mod was where it was at for LAN parties...
          gosub100 wrote 7 hours 51 min ago:
          Just curious if IP bans work with IPv6 or if they are fundamentally
            ghxst wrote 7 hours 3 min ago:
            IP bans are fundementally flawed since you can't assume a static IP
            in the vast majority of cases anymore, if you rely on an IP
            blocklist then it's inevitable that you will end up hurting the
            experience of small amount of unlucky but innocent players. I
            suppose this might be more of an issue on ipv4 than it could be on
            ipv6, but really you should always expire IP bans to avoid issues
            like these, or you want to combine another data point with the IP
            such as a hardware ID (or a hash of a combination of hardware IDs).
            Cheaters do know this so even if we could assign everyone a static
            ipv6 they would likely just disable ipv6 support on their NIC and
            rely on their ipv4 exit ip.
            Edit: If you don't think this is an issue I urge you to Google
            "pokemon go belgium ip ban" for a fun rabbit hole.
          ghxst wrote 8 hours 14 min ago:
          This still leaves you wide open to cheaters using mobile data
          tethering and proxies. Have you considered more advanced network
          analysis? It's one of the areas I have an interest in (professionally
          and personally) so if you want any suggestions let me know.
            ec109685 wrote 47 min ago:
            Want does mobile data tethering make it harder to ban an IP
              kmeisthax wrote 20 min ago:
              Mobile networks are all IPv6. IPv4 traffic is behind CGNAT. As a
              result, you can't ban individual cheaters, you have to ban the
              whole network.
            mouse_ wrote 7 hours 57 min ago:
            The tactic 4chan uses:
            Regular IPs can post freely
            VPN or mobile IPs (blacklisted) must pay for a key ($20/year) that
            allows posting from blacklisted IPs. Key is good for posting from
            one blacklisted IP, locked for 30 minutes, so users cannot share
            keys. That way, you can ban the user by their key, if their IP is
            It's not a perfect solution but it seems to be the best they've
            found for such a situation so far.
              ryandrake wrote 5 hours 47 min ago:
              I mean, in this case it's 4chan so who cares, but I hope we are
              not very slowly moving towards a troubling world with lower
              classes of IPs and upper class IPs. IPs should be IPs should be
              IPs, it shouldn't matter whether it comes from an ISP, a mobile
              network, a VPN, or anything else, and we shouldn't attach some
              kind of IP caste to providers or countries. I think we really
              need Internet-wide IP randomization, where you can't just block a
              /24 or a /16 because they're in some icky ghetto. Yes, I know
              there is abuse, but if this is the alternative, it doesn't seem
              worth the cost in terms of innocent people losing access.
              EDIT: Well, I guess the tribe has spoken. Pretty surprising. I
              think y'all are just assuming you'll always be the ones with the
              "good" IPs...
                koito17 wrote 22 min ago:
                Reputation matters.
                On some Japanese BBSes, spammers tend to use non-Japanese IPs
                or data center IPs. A good chunk of the spam goes away by
                blocking non-Japan IPs (easy to do with BGP data) and
                disallowing data center IPs (these often host VPNs, scrapers,
                etc.) from posting.
                Posting from overseas thus costs money or is not possible. The
                trade-off is 1-100 extra users or significantly reduced spam
                for little effort. It's not surprising that most website
                operators choose the latter.
                I also know of a file uploader that recently had to block
                overseas IPs due to such IPs repeatedly uploading illegal
                content. This is an example of a few bad actors ruining things
                for everyone.
                kbolino wrote 5 hours 18 min ago:
                We are already there and have been for a long time. Geoblocking
                is very common for low-effort DRM and abuse mitigation, common
                VPN providers are easy to detect by IP but generally frustrate
                and/or ignore abuse reporting (until serious illegal activity
                is committed), college and other institutional networks are
                often no better than VPNs in this regard, etc. The Internet
                hasn't been able to operate as a network of peers at least
                since it was opened up to the public.
                  miki123211 wrote 1 hour 3 min ago:
                  > until serious illegal activity is committed
                  What do they do in such cases?
                  Assuming they get the report after the fact and assuming
                  their "no logging" promises are true, can they even do
                  anything? They're not even supposed to know which customer
                  did it, after all.
                  If their promises are false, wouldn't they reveal their hand
                  if they handed logs over willy nilly?
            kelnos wrote 8 hours 5 min ago:
            > This still leaves you wide open to cheaters using mobile data
            tethering and proxies
            Is latency going to be good enough on mobile data (especially if
            they're also using proxies) for a FPS, though?    Sure, they're using
            cheating software, but I wouldn't be surprised if the software gets
            the information it needs to cheat too late often enough for it to
            be useful.
              jjmarr wrote 5 hours 57 min ago:
              I regularly played CSGO in Europe because the North American
              ranking system were screwed up.
              I got to Supreme (2nd highest rank) with 150 ms ping. The people
              I queued with hit Global.
              It's possible to play legitimately with very high ping. The
              higher ping put us at a disadvantage, but the skill gap between
              regions made it worth it to arbitrage.
                Systemmanic wrote 5 hours 47 min ago:
                What was screwed up about the NA ranks?
                  xnyan wrote 5 hours 8 min ago:
                  NA is (or at least was when I played) the most populated and
                  visible regional zone, and attracts a lot of players
                  attempting various kinds of rank manipulation. On the one
                  hand you have smurfing, which is the practice of a relatively
                  high skill player using a an account with relatively low rank
                  so that they can dominate lower ranked players. On the other
                  side you have boosting, which is a relatively high skill
                  player ranking up new accounts for later sale.
                  In practice this means at lower ranks, it was not at all
                  uncommon to be matched with players with similar rank but
                  vastly better skills.
                    ultimafan wrote 4 hours 49 min ago:
                    This was my experience too years ago when I played CSGO.
                    The difficulty at higher ranks (up to a certain point) felt
                    significantly easier than the lower ranks. Getting out of
                    the silver and gold ranks (can't remember the exact names)
                    was a hellish grind with lots of matches that ended in one
                    sided stomps with one or two guys on the other team racking
                    up some insane k/d. Past that was smooth sailing for a long
                    long way.
              ghxst wrote 7 hours 11 min ago:
              Yes the latency is not nearly as bad as you might think, it's
              comparable to a VPN in my experience, though the quality will
              depend on your location and the available connections.
              Sophisticated cheats in games like CSGO (and other competitive
              shooters) are usually very subtle, such as displaying enemies on
              the mini-map when they shouldn't be visible which provides a
              major advantage without requiring superhuman input, and the added
              latency is often negligible—especially when the info can be
              relayed to teammates and now you essentially have the entire team
              cheating with only 1 player suffering from a bit of increased
              And I wouldn't say this is an edge case either as in my
              experience the majority of cheaters I encountered are individuals
              that play on an alt account and offer a service to guarantee wins
              in ranked games.
              Sayrus wrote 7 hours 58 min ago:
              Assuming obvious cheat, even 100ms or 200ms latency is unbeatable
              by a human. Especially since the cheat doesn't need time to aim.
              Even for non-obvious use-cases, it's hard to beat the advantage
              provided by knowing the position of players.
              On my own hotspot, I have less than 30ms of latency.
        ycombinatrix wrote 8 hours 47 min ago:
        >We Outsmarted CSGO Cheaters by Exploiting the Client
          mobeigi wrote 8 hours 40 min ago:
          The game's the game.
        LinuxAmbulance wrote 8 hours 49 min ago:
        Excellent write up and solution. Cheating in video games makes for a
        wretched experience for those who don't cheat.
        It's crazy how rampant cheating in multiplayer games, especially
        competitive ones has gotten. Ten years ago, I thought it was at an
        extreme, but it's only gone up since then.
        Part of the problem is that for some software developers, writing
        cheats brings in a massive amount of money.
        So instead of some teenager messing around making unsophisticated
        cheats, you have some devs that are far better at writing cheats than
        game developers are at preventing them.
        It doesn't help that game devs have to secure everything, everywhere,
        but cheat devs only have to find a single flaw.
          BlueTemplar wrote 4 hours 2 min ago:
          Some competitive multiplayer games.
          Which seem to be exclusively FPS games with ~10+M players ?
          I don't even remember the last time when I've heard of a game outside
          that very narrow (albeit decently popular) category to have
          complaints about cheaters. Meanwhile for these games, I hear about it
          like every month, and all this despite this genre being amongst the
          ones that I play the least !
            ClassyJacket wrote 1 hour 47 min ago:
            Well, it's just a genre that's immensely popular and easy to cheat
            If you have access to the game's memory etc, it's pretty easy to
            create an aimbot or thing that lets you see thru walls et cetera.
            How you gonna cheat in a moba? It's a strategy game, you need,
            like, cutting edge AI to beat the best humans at it. In fact OpenAI
            specifically worked on an AI to play Dota 2, it was that hard.
            mvdtnz wrote 3 hours 53 min ago:
            Cheating is commonplace in lots of games much smaller than that.
            Company of Heroes 2 (an RTS released in 2013) for example is pretty
            much ruined by map hackers.
          DJBunnies wrote 8 hours 39 min ago:
          I think a better question here is: why is game code so exploitable?
          A: laziness and cost. It just doesn’t matter the same way that
          baking code matters, I guess.
          So they toss on some cheap anti cheat instead of architecting it
          safely (expensively.)
            ghxst wrote 6 hours 37 min ago:
            A very large amount of games that are released nowadays all use
            well known and well documented engines, that's what makes it a lot
            easier, there's an interview on YouTube with a company that
            develops cheats for multiple games that mention this here:
  HTML      [1]: https://youtu.be/zwruk-tLIOU?si=3O2jBKQneur-n3iS
            numpad0 wrote 6 hours 52 min ago:
            Oh, that's an easy one.
            - GOOD software are simple and easy to understand, which makes it
            EASY to cheat.
            - BAD software are needlessly complex and finicky, so it's HARD to
            rig it for a cheat.
            - Anti-cheats intentionally make software BAD and over-complicated,
            so cheaters would have hard time modifying it. But computers are
            brittle and also aren't smarter than humans so cheaters will
            eventually find a way.
            - Security is completely irrelevant topic since game clients are
            "bought" and run on your hardware; Digital Restrictions Management
            built to work against you as user is anti-consumer,
            anti-right-to-repair, anti-human, super bad thing, and lots of
            efforts are made to keep PC away from it as much as practical.
            It has nothing to do with laziness or cost. If anything it'll be
            the best programmed game that gets hacked fastest. And PS2 that
            gets emulated last.
            kelnos wrote 8 hours 3 min ago:
            I think GP's last line covers it.  It's the same reason why DRM is
            ultimately ineffective, and why even companies that work hard and
            spend time and money to secure their infra still sometimes get
            popped: the game devs have to be perfect 100% of the time, but the
            cheaters only have to get lucky and find a flaw once.
            GuB-42 wrote 8 hours 10 min ago:
            Priorities. Games need content and performance. Give game
            developers more budget, and they will work on making the game
            faster, fix game breaking bugs, and add content rather than make
            the game less exploitable.
            And cheats do not always rely on exploitable bugs. A bot using
            screen capture and input device emulation works at the OS level and
            in other contexts (ex: accessibility), it would be a legitimate
            thing to do.
            lagadu wrote 8 hours 16 min ago:
            Because at the end of the day the game is running on the user's
            machine, a machine in which the user has full access to every part
            of the execution and the software developer does not. You can only
            get around that by streaming the game instead of running it on the
            client side and even then an aimbot or some type of automation
            would be possible nowadays.
            Matheus28 wrote 8 hours 24 min ago:
            It’s not that simple.
            Some games aren’t able to prevent cheating. The client has the
            data on where the enemies on their screen are. The cheat only needs
            to move the mouse and click on the enemies heads. Other games like
            MMORPGs involve the cheat just playing the game and farming on
            behalf of the player.
            It just becomes a cat and mouse game where the anti cheat is trying
            to detect something hooking into the game process while the cheat
            tries to hide itself.
              drdaeman wrote 7 hours 58 min ago:
              > MMORPGs involve the cheat just playing the game and farming on
              behalf of the player
              From a player perspective that's not cheating, that's running a
              bot. It's automation of a routine grind - which is typically
              designed to make players hate it and spend money instead.
              Automating boring stuff is simply natural.
              For pay-to-win games it's effectively a balancing system, a
              pushback against player-hostile mechanics. Not unlike an
              adblocker on the web.
              That's strictly in context of MMORPG genre, of course.
            colechristensen wrote 8 hours 29 min ago:
            This isn't the better question.
            When you have software running locally, you can arbitrarily modify
            how it runs.
            Like an aimbot is a powerful cheat, and there's no amount of
            security that can prevent one from being used outside of an
            anticheat being able to look deep into what your system is doing,
            what it contains.  The only way to prevent that kind of thing is to
            remove your control of your own computer.
              jsheard wrote 8 hours 18 min ago:
              > When you have software running locally, you can arbitrarily
              modify how it runs.
              Well, you can on PC at least. Xbox and Playstation security has
              matured to the point that code modification in online games isn't
              really a thing anymore, the worst they have to deal with is
              controller macros most of the time.
                lagadu wrote 8 hours 12 min ago:
                Until they get jailbroken that is. There is no such as a
                perfectly secure platform in which the user has complete
                physical control over it.
                  jsheard wrote 8 hours 9 min ago:
                  The PS4 and PS5 have been jailbroken numerous times, but...
                  1) Their secure boot implementation has never been broken,
                  which means you can't upgrade from an exploitable version N
                  firmware to a non-exploitable version N+1 while persisting a
                  backdoor like you could on older systems like the PS3. You're
                  stuck at version N until another exploit is found.
                  2) They rotate the crypto keys used for online play with
                  every new firmware so they can easily lock those old
                  exploitable firmwares out of online play for good, even if
                  they try to spoof their version number. There's no getting
                  around not having the new keys.
                  Meanwhile the Xbox One took a decade to get even a limited
                  jailbreak that allows arbitrary code execution inside the
                  game sandbox, but can't escape the game sandbox to take over
                  the kernel, and the Xbox Series systems have yet to be
                  jailbroken at all on any firmware.
                  Hypothetically being able to break anything with physical
                  access doesn't count for much in practice if the thing you
                  want to physically attack is buried inside a <7nm silicon
                  die, doesn't trust anything outside of itself, and has
                  countermeasures against fault injection attacks. The Switch
                  may well be the last big victory for console hackers, the
                  writing has been on the wall for years now.
              Ekaros wrote 8 hours 26 min ago:
              And even then you could do aimbot with camera pointed on the
              screen and either faking a mouse or providing sensor sufficient
              data somehow to simulate movement...  That is reach super human
              reaction times and accuracy...
                drdaeman wrote 7 hours 47 min ago:
                I wish I'd live to see the time of true cyborgs who will exceed
                ordinary human capabilities in some regard.
                  colechristensen wrote 5 hours 6 min ago:
                  How attached and how technical does it have to be to be
                  Me with a pen and paper exceeds many human capabilites.
                  Likewise with wearables like a smartwatch.
                  Does it have to be direct neural integration to be a cyborg? 
                  Definitely people with profound brain injuries have been
                  enhanced to the ability to interact again.
                    drdaeman wrote 3 hours 4 min ago:
                    Good question! IMHO, it's a spectrum, of course, not a
                    binary concept.
                    But if we have to define a criteria... I guess, integrated
                    just enough so it can't be trivially removed, making it
                    more of a "body part" rather than a "tool".
                    Point is, it'll certainly spark a discussion and
                    re-evaluation of what's "fair", potentially shifting the
                    consensus from somewhere around the current "glasses are
                    fair game, but a programmable mouse is not" to somewhere
                    more accepting of differently-abed individuals.
            andrewia wrote 8 hours 31 min ago:
            I think that's a very naïve way of looking at game development. 
            There are many reasons why games are exploitable besides lack of
            reasonable dev effort.
            - Almost all games are going to use a licensed or shared game
            engine.  That means the softwsre architecture is already known to
            skilled cheat developers with reverse engineering skills.
            - Obfuscating the game will only go so far, as demonstrated by the
            mixed success of Denuvo DRM.
            - The game will not be the most privileged process on the machine,
            while cheaters are glad to allow root/kernel access to cheats. 
            More advanced cheaters can use PCIe devices to read game memory,
            defeating that mitigation.
            - TPMs cannot be trusted to secure games, as they are exploitable.
            - Implementing any of these mitigations will break the game on
            certain devices, leading to user frustration, reputation damage,
            and lost revenue base.
            - And most damning, AI enabled cheats no longer need any internal
            access at all.    They can simply monitor display output and automate
            user input to automate certain actions like perfect aim and perfect
              maccard wrote 7 hours 43 min ago:
              A couple of thoughts, but I largely agree with you.
              > Obfuscating the game will only go so far, as demonstrated by
              the mixed success of Denuvo DRM.
              Denuvo is for the most part DRM, rather than anticheat. It's goal
              is to stop people pirating the game during the launch window.
              > The game will not be the most privileged process on the
              machine, while cheaters are glad to allow root/kernel access to
              This ship has sailed. Modern Anticheat platforms are kernel
              > TPMs cannot be trusted to secure games, as they are
              Disagree here - for the most part (XIM's being the notable
              exception) cheating is not a problem on console platforms.
              > AI enabled cheats no longer need any internal access at all.
              They can simply monitor display output and automate user input to
              automate certain actions like perfect aim and perfect movement.
              I don't think these are rampant, or even widespread yet. People
              joyfully claim that because cheats can be installed in hardware
              devices that there's no point in cheating, but the reality is the
              barrier to entry of these hyper advanced cheats _right now_ means
              that the mitigations that are currently in place are necessary
              and (somewhat) sufficient.
                heavenlyblue wrote 6 hours 29 min ago:
                > This ship has sailed. Modern Anticheat platforms are kernel
                so you use a kernel level anti-anti-cheat
                ghxst wrote 6 hours 42 min ago:
                It's not AI enabled cheats that are the issue, it's DMA through
                things like PCIe devices disguised as regular hardware.
                Sophisticated cheats no longer run on the same computer as
                you're playing on. Google "pcie dma cheat" for a fun rabbit
                  maccard wrote 5 hours 16 min ago:
                  Right, but the barrier for entry for those cheats is huge -
                  the sp605 board is $700, for example. There are cheaper ones,
                  but you’re not going to have rampant cheating testing
                  through games when you add hundreds in hardware to the
                  Antiecheats work in layers and are a game of cat and mouse.
                  They can detect these things some times, and will ban them
                  (and do hardware bans). The cheaters will rotate and move on,
                  and the cycle continues. The goal of an effective anti cheat
                  isn’t stop cheating, it’s be enough of a burden that your
                  game isn’t ruined by cheaters, and not enough of a target
                  to be fun for the cheat writers.
            jsheard wrote 8 hours 33 min ago:
            Architecture can help up to a point but it can't stop everything -
            the usefulness of ESP can be reduced by not sending the client
            information it doesn't need to know, but that gets computationally
            expensive on the server, and culling information too aggressively
            can interfere with lag compensation. Perfect recoil compensation
            can be prevented by not replicating the servers RNG state on the
            client so it can't predict where the next bullet will go, which
            CS:GO started doing at some point. Aimbots though? Those are just
            automating an input the user could theoretically make legitimately,
            so you're pretty much stuck with statistical heuristics or
            client-side detection.
            doctorpangloss wrote 8 hours 33 min ago:
            > I think a better question here is: why is game code so
            The nature of FPS games means only environment integrity can stop
            cheating. It's not exploitable per se. Just the game skill can be
            done by a computer perfectly.
            Conversely who knows how long it will take for AIs to play
            Hearthstone with never-before-seen-cards well.
              wbl wrote 7 hours 8 min ago:
              Probably three years
            tedunangst wrote 8 hours 35 min ago:
            No kidding, implementing multiplayer as a VNC session on a
            controlled server is very expensive.
        latexr wrote 8 hours 49 min ago:
        > The best part was that no one knew how we were able to do this and
        our admin team kept the implementation a top secret. We should have
        filed a patent!
        I know you’re joking, but if you had filed a patent you would have
        had to reveal the trick, thus rendering it immediately useless.
        Doesn’t detract at all from your post. Fun read.
        aftbit wrote 8 hours 50 min ago:
        >Now, in order for a player to appear to us as a "fresh player" they
        would need to change their Steam ID, IP address and Steam installation
        folder. As you can imagine, no one is going to do the latter.
        Really? I would expect that a dedicated cheater would reinstall Windows
        (or reload from a snapshot) every time they are caught.
          Ekaros wrote 8 hours 46 min ago:
          Seems like they were private servers. So they really need only hurdle
          enough to have cheaters go somewhere else. Not totally kill their
          ability to play. And well most people will move on. Only those who
          take it most personally start to spend lot of time.
        beeboobaa3 wrote 8 hours 52 min ago:
        I hope they asked permissions for storing those cookies. Otherwise
        they're violating various EU laws.
          ketkev wrote 8 hours 23 min ago:
          I'm not a lawyer, but I think this actually has some interesting
          things to think about. Not all cookies require consent under the
          ePrivacy directive, there is an exception for cookies that are
          "strictly necessary for the delivery of a service requested by the
          user". I think that'd fit in this case, since providing a cheater
          free experience is part of the "service" the players are looking for.
          At the same time, the ePrivacy directive also mentions that the user
          should be provided with "clear and comprehensive information" about
          what is stored. Providing that would render the cookies useless.
          I don't know how these would balance each other out legally, but it's
          fun to think about
            beeboobaa3 wrote 6 hours 25 min ago:
            No, that doesn't count. Companies have tried arguing that their
            ads' tracking cookies are strictly necessary otherwise they
            wouldn't be able to offer their services (ads pay the bills). And
            yet, they require consent.
            Preventing cheaters is similar. And this is blatantly a tracking
              eqvinox wrote 5 hours 39 min ago:
              You aren't considering that ad cookies/tracking are used to
              enable a service to someone else (ad buyers), while this
              anti-cheat tracking cookie is used to enable a service to the
              user themselves (a cheat-free gaming experience.) I think that
              may make the difference.
              Also, all of this was in 2017. Anyone doing it in 2024 should
              indeed run it past a lawyer.
          leoff wrote 8 hours 26 min ago:
          mobeigi wrote 8 hours 27 min ago:
          Great point!
          This community is Australian & New Zealand based, we had 0 European
          players or visitors. And as @unsnap_biceps this predated GDPR
          You are right though that you wouldn't be able to do this in Europe
          today because asking for fingerprinting consent defeats the purpose
          because the hacker would likely quickly figure out what is happing
          and circumvent it.
          unsnap_biceps wrote 8 hours 35 min ago:
          GDPR didn't take effect until May 2018, this only worked until
          October 2017.
            ketkev wrote 8 hours 20 min ago:
            GDPR is about the processing of personal data. Cookies (and such)
            are subject to 2002's ePrivacy directive
          latexr wrote 8 hours 45 min ago:
          Not every cookie requires consent. [1] In this case, this one might
          > User centric security cookies, used to detect authentication abuses
          and linked to the functionality explicitly requested by the user, for
          a limited persistent duration
  HTML    [1]: https://commission.europa.eu/resources-partners/europa-web-g...
            beeboobaa3 wrote 6 hours 27 min ago:
            It's clearly a tracking cookie.
            > for a limited persistent duration
            > However, the VGUI browser had no issues saving cookies with
            expiry dates exceeding 10+ years!
            So no, it doesn't even qualify.
              blahyawnblah wrote 5 min ago:
              10 years is a limited duration
        voytec wrote 8 hours 55 min ago:
        Kudos to the author for using RFC5737[0] TEST-NET-2 address for:
        > An example of an IPv4 IP address is
  HTML  [1]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5737
          o11c wrote 5 hours 43 min ago:
          Where it gets interesting is when documentation uses a typoed
          reserved address (e.g. or There are
          actually several RFCs that do this.
          mobeigi wrote 8 hours 53 min ago:
          I'm a big fan of using identifiers reserved for examples. I use
          TEST-NET-2 IP's and example.com all the time in my documentation!
        beeboobaa3 wrote 8 hours 55 min ago:
        > If a player joins with a different Steam ID but with an IP address
        that is already banned, the system now re-bans them
        This works great until you realize you're punishing innocent players
        because of CGNAT and IP addresses getting rotated. Cheaters usually
        know how to get their router to request a new IP address. That IP
        address then gets assigned to someone else later.
          mobeigi wrote 8 hours 50 min ago:
          This scenario definitely did pop up and we would review it on a case
          by case basis to unban users or make exceptions. However, it was
          quite rare. Only a handful of reported instances over several months.
          If our servers were more popular we definitely would have run into it
          a lot more.
            LudwigNagasena wrote 8 hours 9 min ago:
            You would need to ban random people and see how many of them report
            it to estimate the real amount of such errors.
            Alupis wrote 8 hours 47 min ago:
            I would wager most people just move onto a different server -
            leaving you with useless/suppressed data on how many people this
            may have impacted.
          Vvector wrote 8 hours 50 min ago:
          That was addressed in the article.
          cwmma wrote 8 hours 53 min ago:
          They addressed this in the section entitled "Problematic cases of IP
          address fingerprinting"
            lagadu wrote 7 hours 53 min ago:
            I always found it funny how ip bans seemed to be so popular despite
            being apparently completely ineffective until I realized this was
            mostly a US thing. In my country (2 of them that I've lived in, in
            fact) ISPs always assign the client a dynamic address from their
            very large pools every time I reconnect. This was as true back in
            the 28.8kb dial up days as it is in the 10gbit FTTH days we live
            in. Having a static IP address here has always been a service you
            have to pay for.
            I remember this being hilarious when idiots would ip ban me back on
            the IRC days: "oh no, I have to press the reconnect button!"
              BlueTemplar wrote 3 hours 24 min ago:
              Is it ? I'm not in the US and I've always had a fixed IP.
              Which seems to have been best practice for IPv4 and is still best
              practice with IPv6 :
  HTML        [1]: https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-690/#5--end-...
            onli wrote 8 hours 40 min ago:
            No, not specifically. That section is still written under the
            misconception that IPs are bound to households, or static networks
            like university networks. Instead they can swap at the very least
            country wide (or rather, however the provider manages the IP
            addresses it controls). Their mental model is just not how the
            internet works.
            By using IP as the ban id they created a system that constantly and
            regularly banned completely innocent steam IDs, thinking they are
            somehow linked when a new steam id uses a banned IP, which is
            nonsense. They just did not notice because the banned gamers did
            not complain.
              Ekaros wrote 8 hours 34 min ago:
              Being from country with lot of IPs for operators. I did some
              packet sniffing on DHCP broadcast traffic seen by my router(ISP
              should filter that...) and I saw at least 3 non-continuous public
              IP blocks... And that was just day or less of monitoring this
              So if the same connection(plug in wall) can end up with IPs from
              different blocks, well, trying to do anything sensible with this
              is too complicated.
          therein wrote 8 hours 54 min ago:
          Yeah, you would think they would rely on their secret cookie in that
          situation instead, to minimize false positives like that.
        ZeroCool2u wrote 8 hours 57 min ago:
        Server side only anti-cheat is one of the problem domains that I'd
        really love to work on at some point in my career. This is the type of
        adversarial arms race that just seems really fun to think long and hard
          arminiusreturns wrote 5 hours 29 min ago:
          Something I'm working on now. The real issue is that you get more
          perf hits trying to do all the important stuff server side, so devs
          have become lazy and offloaded more to the client than they should
          have, and then that became the standard. Moving all important actions
          server side isn't easy or cheap but it's how you prevent cheating
          much more holistically.
          Now add in that I'm running a physics-heavy game with 120 tickrate,
          (considering higher after more tests), with fine motor control action
          combat, aimed to scale to mmorpg size, and it really becomes a
          andrewmcwatters wrote 5 hours 52 min ago:
          The state of the art is pretty boring and you can learn about user
          command payloads in an afternoon.
          The world is much more complex now that YOLO-based aimbots exist, and
          I think the real answer is that anti-cheats are now defeatable,
          You can craft a private binary that has no hash registered to any
          major anti-cheat service on the client-side, and on the server-side
          you’re limited to what is allowed by game rules.
          Since there’s no mechanisms for preventing super human reflexes,
          and there probably shouldn’t be, it’s an issue that cannot be
          solved anymore.
          So you need community judgement, and that too is boring. Good players
          being accused of cheating in Counter Strike is a years old and
          entertaining problem.
            BlueTemplar wrote 4 hours 15 min ago:
            > now that YOLO-based aimbots exist
            the what ?!?
              mardifoufs wrote 4 hours 0 min ago:
              Probably refers to the YOLO family of object
              detection/classification models. Though I wasn't aware that they
              could be used for something like cheating in csgo. They are
              really fast compared to most AI models but I thought that it
              still wouldn't be fast enough to give you a real advantage
              (especially for pros), as cheats usually depend on "wall hacks"
              or similar, and being able to see more than what you could see on
              your screen.
          Night_Thastus wrote 8 hours 50 min ago:
          Only problem is, a lot of companies do NOT want to pay for it. It's
          'treadmill work'. No matter how many people and how much money you
          throw at the problem, it still ends up just coming back. It's a
          losing battle because there are many, many more players than there
          are developers.
            J_Shelby_J wrote 5 hours 17 min ago:
            > Only problem is, a lot of companies do NOT want to pay for it.
            Because they're 10 years behind the curve and don't understand that
            a game's lifespan is contingent on anti-cheat. Once it becomes
            clear to the casual player that a hacker is going to effect every
            gaming session, the game dies quickly. Many games have gone so far
            as to obfuscate the presence of hackers so that players are less
            likely to notice them (CoD)! Other games build from the ground up
            with anti-cheat in mind (Valorant). Other games have an ID verified
            3rd party system for competitive play (CSGO).
            Personally, I think there is a middle ground between root level
            hardware access, and treating cheating as an afterthought. I'd lean
            more heavily on humans in the process... Use ML models to detect
            potential cheaters, and build a team of former play testers to
            investigate these accounts. There is zero reason a cheater should
            be in the top 100 accounts; An intern could investigate them in a
            single day! More low hanging fruit would be investigating new
            accounts that are over-performing. I'd also change the ToS so legal
            action could be persued for repeat offenders. Cheaters do real
            economic damage to a company, and forcing them to show up in small
            claims court would heavily de-incentivize ban evaders. This
            probably sounds expensive and overkill, but in the grand scheme of
            things it's cheap; it could be done on the headcount budget of 2-3
            engineers. It'd also be a huge PR win for the game.
              doctorpangloss wrote 34 min ago:
              > Other games have an ID verified 3rd party system for
              competitive play (CSGO).
              Ha ha, you mean paying for the game and holding your Steam
              account as collateral?
              Unit327 wrote 57 min ago:
              > don't understand that a game's lifespan is contingent on
              Or you could spend a huge effort on cheatproofing only to find
              that no-one plays your game in the first place, e.g. Concord. I
              imagine getting cheaters in your game often falls into the "nice
              problem to have" category and it is easy to kick the can down the
              TechDebtDevin wrote 1 hour 56 min ago:
              > Many games have gone so far as to obfuscate the presence of
              hackers so that players are less likely to notice them (CoD)!
              How does CoD accomplish this, or other games that use similar
              strategies. I can't wrap my mind around how you could do this
              effectively while also not identifying hackers for the purpose of
              banning. Banning = Cheater buying another license to the game, I
              thought they like banning people for that reason :/
                J_Shelby_J wrote 47 min ago:
                One example I remember from CoD warzone is they've increased
                the number of in game 'wallhacks' available to players like
                UAVs and heartbeat sensors. So if you get killed by someone
                with wallhacks, it easy to tell yourself they were using the
                plethora of legitimate ways to be detected. It could just be a
                coincidence that these new features obscure a hackers
                visibility, but given the behavioral psychologist they have on
                team, I won't write off any coincidence as chance.
              globalnode wrote 3 hours 25 min ago:
              even though im not a cheater in games, i wouldnt play a game that
              threatened to take me to court if they deemed me to be one.
              interesting thought though.
            willcipriano wrote 8 hours 30 min ago:
            My idea:
            1. Determine minimum human reaction times and limit movement to
            within those parameters on the client side. (For example a human
            can't swing their view around [in a fps] in a microsecond so make
            that impossible on the client) this will require a lot of user
            testing to get right, get pro players and push their limits.
            2. Build a 'unified field theory' for your game world that is aware
            of the client side constraints as well as limits on character
            movement, reload times, bullet velocities, etc. Run this [much
            smaller than the real game] simulation on server.
            3. Ban any user who sends input that violates physics.
            Now cheating has to at look like high level play instead of someone
            flying around spinbotting everyone from across the map. Players
            hopefully don't get as frustrated when playing against cheaters as
            they assume they are just great players. Great players should be
            competitive against cheaters as well.
              TechDebtDevin wrote 1 hour 53 min ago:
              Cheaters who spin don't care if they get caught. Its the closet
              cheaters you can't catch like this who's aim bot only locks on
              the head of someone when the cross hair its a certain amount of
              pixels from the head, or they set it to never lock on the head.
              ultimafan wrote 4 hours 37 min ago:
              Playing against subtle cheaters is imo more rage inducing once
              you realize it's actually happening. New or poor players won't
              notice and won't call them out on it or participate in a votekick
              because they genuinely can't tell the player is cheating. Average
              to good players get tilted because they might have enough game
              knowledge to know something is off but not notice it every time
              or be able to call out exactly what's happening. They end up
              second guessing too much. And you can't improve and get better
              playing against subtle cheaters because they're going to be doing
              things you just can't. Great players can probably tell more often
              than not but they're going to quit in droves when they realize
              the playing field isn't fair. Subtle cheating is much more
              destructive to a games longevity because trust in public matches
              is heavily eroded over time. Rage hackers you can just
              kick/ban/leave the match yourself because it's obvious.
              Workaccount2 wrote 5 hours 25 min ago:
              The vast majority of cheaters are not "rage hacking", but instead
              using cheats as a skill assist.
              Take a moment and think about how you would design cheats that
              would be undetectable. Hot keys, real time adjustments, all the
              options and parameters you could provide cheater to dial in their
              choice experience while also keeping them looking legit.
              Then realize cheat developers thought of all that decades ago and
              it is waaayyyy beyond what you can dream up in a few minutes.
              Hell cheats nowadays even stop cheaters from inadvertently doing
              actions that would out them as cheaters.
                willcipriano wrote 2 hours 24 min ago:
                You misidentify the core problem, or at least why it is a
                problem from a business perspective.
                The problem isn't cheating itself, the problem is players
                feeling like they have been cheated (and thus not buying micro
                transactions in the future).
                If you can limit player action to things that look plausibly
                human, less players will feel cheated and will be less likely
                to drop out.
                This system would be put in place on top of existing systems
                and if implemented as I have described could be done so fairly
                cheaply from a operational perspective (getting it off the
                ground will require a good bit of dev time).
                If you had ELO based matchmaking (that dropped matches where
                the player performed far below what they had previously done to
                prevent sandbagging) a cheater with "perfect play" would end up
                only playing against other cheaters after a time.
                johnisgood wrote 5 hours 7 min ago:
                > skill assist
                Yeah, most games have builtin aimbot, called "aim assist". I do
                not like it, in fact, I find it annoying as a player, too (I
                come from Quake 3).
              jorvi wrote 5 hours 46 min ago:
              > Now cheating has to at look like high level play instead of
              someone flying around spinbotting everyone from across the map.
              Players hopefully don't get as frustrated when playing against
              cheaters as they assume they are just great players. Great
              players should be competitive against cheaters as well.
              No, those are still just as vehemently hated as “closet
              cheaters”, for example the whole XIM / Cronus infestation on
              any game that has controller AA.
              It’s still possible to, on average, spot if it’s a closet
              cheater or an actual good player due to things like movement and
              gamesense, but for the average player it will be much less
              obvious, leading to a huge amount of rage towards good players
              because they are by default suspected as “just another closet
                johnisgood wrote 5 hours 5 min ago:
                What are you referring to by "gamesense"? FWIW you can
                implement all sorts of movement hacks, from dodging bullet
                particles to appearing laggy enough to seem to be teleporting.
                  jdietrich wrote 4 hours 32 min ago:
                  Gamesense: a mental model of the game by which players can
                  anticipate and pre-empt the actions of other players.
                  A CS:GO player with good gamesense will habitually keep their
                  crosshairs at head height and aim at corners where an enemy
                  is likely to emerge. They'll have an intuitive sense of how
                  long it takes to run from one point on the map to another.
                  They'll listen through walls for footsteps to try and decode
                  where the enemy are, where they're headed to and what
                  strategy they might be about to attempt.
                  To the uninitiated, it looks a lot like cheating - you peek
                  through a window and instantly get headshotted before you've
                  had any chance to react. To the guy who hit you, it's just
                  basic gamesense - you did a predictable thing and he punished
                  you for it.
                    ultimafan wrote 4 hours 9 min ago:
                    Yeah, it feels like a dead giveaway when someone at higher
                    ranks has near perfect but within the realm of believable
                    gameplay from a mechanical standpoint (great aim
                    control/accuracy, hitting lots of flick shots) but then
                    they're running all over like a headless chicken, getting
                    lost on the map, have no regard for positioning and angles
                    when pushing or defending, just purely leveraging "skill"
                    johnisgood wrote 4 hours 19 min ago:
                    Thank you, that makes sense.
              berbec wrote 8 hours 12 min ago:
              This is a slippery slope which we can view in real-time looking
              at the speedrunning community. Many current real person runs are
              using strategies once thought to be computer-only. A Mario run
              from 2024 would be viewed as totally impossible in 2004.
                burnte wrote 5 hours 54 min ago:
                No one does multiplpayer speedruns.
                  endgame wrote 3 hours 9 min ago:
                  Counter example: [1] There's also the multi-world randomiser
                  community, where people network a bunch of emulators
                  together, and finding an item in one game can actually unlock
                  something else in another player's game.
  HTML            [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g_7Hx42P1Y
                  BlueTemplar wrote 4 hours 26 min ago:
                  Of course a lot of people do them. They even do them with
                  multiple teams in parallel, starting at the same time !
                jwagenet wrote 6 hours 1 min ago:
                This isn’t really a relevant concern for online games since
                speed running is mostly rehearsed play with predictable game
                mechanics, not inhuman response to novel stimulus.
              bob1029 wrote 8 hours 14 min ago:
              This is kind of getting into my idea - Statistical methods &
              maybe a sprinkle of old-school machine learning.
              What I would try is to hire a red team & blue team and put them
              in a sandbox environment. The red team cheats on purpose. The
              blue team is guaranteed to be playing legitimately. Both teams
              label their session data accurately. I then use this as training
              & eval set for a model that will be used on actual player inputs.
              The only downside is that you will get a certain % of false
              positives, but the tradeoff is that there is literally nothing
              the cheaters can do to prevent detection unless they infiltrate
              your internal operations and obtain access to the data and/or
            anamexis wrote 8 hours 46 min ago:
            Are there more sophisticated cheat developers though?
              Night_Thastus wrote 8 hours 39 min ago:
              Cheat development these days is incredibly sophisticated. There
              are swathes of tutorials, old and recent examples to research,
              advanced inspection tools, etc.
              It's so much easier to make cheats today than it was, say, 10
              years ago.
              It's also easier because more and more games are sharing common
              infrastructure like game engines, as compared to the past. What
              works in one Unreal game may save you a lot of time developing a
              cheat for another Unreal game.
              These days, many online games encounter serious cheats within the
              first couple of days of release - if not the day OF release.
                BlueTemplar wrote 4 hours 17 min ago:
                It's funny, with "sophisticated", I would have expected "so
                much harder".
                But I guess the documentation and standardization are even more
                advanced ?
                berbec wrote 8 hours 10 min ago:
                It can happen in days sometimes.
  HTML          [1]: https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-14s-latest-...
                oneplane wrote 8 hours 24 min ago:
                Some of the sophistication is not really in the technical
                breaking of the game or protocol anymore, figuring out if
                something is plausible might yield detections that you cannot
                "cheat" because it no longer matters if your cursor clicked on
                a head at the right time or not, it matters if your
                posture/reputation/experience makes your behaviour plausible.
                Cheating and anti-cheat used to rely a lot on the pure
                technical parts (like "is something sneaking some reads from
                the memory the game engine uses to clip models?"), which is
                ultimately not something you will win as a game developer
                (DMA/Hardware attacks or even just frame grabbing the eDP or
                LVDS signal and intercepting the USB HID traffic has been on
                the market for quite a while).
                But implausible actions and results for a player can only be
                attributed to luck so many times. Do 30 360noscope flick
                headshots in a row on a brand new account and you can be pretty
                sure something is wrong.
                If we can get plausibility vs. luck sorted out to a degree
                where the method of cheating no longer matters, that's when the
                tide turns. Works for pure bots as well. But it's difficult to
                do, and probably not something every developer is able/willing
                to develop or invest in.
                  Night_Thastus wrote 8 hours 12 min ago:
                  It's hard to balance around those sorts of things. For
                  example, imagine a cheat that gives the player additional
                  info about where enemies are and their state (ie: health).
                  Even if they are of totally normal skill level in terms of
                  movement and aim, that info will allow them to be
                  substantially better than others. How are you going to detect
                  that, and differentiate it from players who simply have a
                  great sense of map awareness and a good ability to keep track
                  of enemies and when to punish them?
                  Anything that makes assumptions about player's skills runs
                  into problems too. For any online PvP game, the skill ceiling
                  will rise with time. What once may have been considered
                  improbable may soon become what's consistent for the top 1%
                  or even 0.1% of the playerbase given a few years.
                  As well, it can run into problems as rebalancing occurs and
                  new abilities are released.
                    oneplane wrote 7 hours 53 min ago:
                    Even the base example would make that specific scenario
                    trivial: an account that is new has no business "being
                    better" than everyone else.
                    The only group you'd punish with that is skilled players
                    that lose their account (and create a new one), but if you
                    use a moving skill window they can grow back into their
                    plausibility pretty quickly, and it's a small cost compared
                    to everything else. And you could even mitigate that by
                    making things like the first 10 matches require a different
                    plausibility score than the matches after that.
                    And with different I don't mean "no scoring at all" or
                    something like that. But a cheater tends to not cheat "a
                    little bit". You might have togglers, but that sticks out
                    like a sore thumb (people don't suddenly lose or gain skill
                    like that). And even if that fails (lots of "cheating a
                    little bit" for example), you've still managed to boot out
                    the obvious persistent cheating.
                    And that's just with 1 example and 1 scenario. Granted,
                    that bypasses the fact that it is still difficult and doing
                    it broader than one example/scenario is even more
                    difficult, but that's why I ended the previous comment
                    pointing out the difficulty and associated cost, which goes
                    hand in hand with the balancing difficulty you pointed out.
                    Even tribunal-assisted methods (not sure if Riot games
                    still does that) have the same problem.
                      johnisgood wrote 5 hours 2 min ago:
                      > Even the base example would make that specific scenario
                      trivial: an account that is new has no business "being
                      better" than everyone else.
                      You cannot and should not rely on that, depending on what
                      account really means, e.g. in ioquake3 games, having a
                      new GUID (you delete a specific file to get a new one)
                      makes you a new player.
                        oneplane wrote 4 hours 50 min ago:
                        Sure, it would only work on games where the client and
                        server both authenticate, otherwise none of this will
                        work as there would be no reputation to be relied on.
                          johnisgood wrote 4 hours 12 min ago:
                          I agree, just thought I would mention. :)
                          > A smurf is a player who creates another account to
                          play against lower-ranked opponents in online games.
                          Happens in many games, including League of Legends on
                          which people typically spend a lot of money.
                      Night_Thastus wrote 6 hours 43 min ago:
                      What about new players who are competitive in other,
                      similar titles, and thus start off with a strong
                      And - what about experienced players who cheat?
                      In some scenes, it's actually more often that cheaters
                      are some of the best, most experienced players who have a
                      strong competitive lean and feel they 'deserve' to win,
                      so use cheats to get an edge. It's far more common than
                      you'd think.
                      That's the problem with any anti-cheat system. It's all
                      the what-ifs. Every single 'clever idea' that has been
                      theorized under the sun has been tried and most have
                        oneplane wrote 4 hours 43 min ago:
                        Those players would be initially quarantined either way
                        and a sliding experience window would put a limit on
                        what is plausible. Same goes for transferrable skills.
                        Experienced players who cheat will still be subject to
                        plausibility. Say there is a normal amount of variance
                        in humans but suddenly some player no longer has
                        variance in their action. That's not plausible at all.
                        Or a player looking at things they cannot see, that
                        might sometimes be a coincidence, but that level of
                        coincidence is not plausible to suddenly change a
                        drastic amount.
                        Again, this sort of thing doesn't catch all subtle
                        cheaters, but those are also not the biggest issue.
                        It's the generic "runs into a room, beats everyone
                        within 10ms", and "cannot see, but hits anyway all the
                        time" type of cheat you'd want to capture
                        A what-if in a tournament or the top 1% of players is
                        such a small set of players, you'd be able to do human
                        observation. Even then someone could cheat, but you're
                        so far outside of the realm of general cheating, I
                        wonder if that's worth including in a system that's
                        mostly beneficial inside the mass market gaming
                        Either way, this sort of detection is usually done in
                        the financial and retail world, and results in highly
                        acceptable rates and results. It's not perfect with a
                        100% success rate or something like that, but it's
                        pretty successful. Just not something studios or
                        publishers seem to want to invest in. It's much simpler
                        to just buy or licence something (like Easy
                        Anti-Cheat). Broad internal expertise isn't something
                        the markets are rewarding at this point.
        therein wrote 8 hours 59 min ago:
        I am surprised VGUI browser shares cookies across Steam accounts. When
        I log out of my Steam account, switch to another one, launch the same
        game, I would have expected an entirely different datastore to be used
        for the VGUI browser.
          mobeigi wrote 8 hours 31 min ago:
          It was a security nightmare. Basically a half baked browser with a
          subset of the security considerations you'd expect from a browser.
          Valve worked on it for a little while patching bugs as they popped up
          (notoriously slowly I might add). Then in August 2017, an exploit in
          which server operators could execute JavaScript on players that
          joined their servers started to spread and was maliciously abused by
          bad actors. For example, some server operators using their player
          bases residential IP addresses to sign up to gambling websites so
          they got kickbacks. Others simply tried to hijack Steam accounts or
          sell rare Steam virtual items on the Steam marketplace to themselves.
          After Valve patched the above exploit, some smaller bugs popped up in
          the following weeks and 2 months later in October, Valve completely
          binned the VGUI browser in CSGO. They had enough! This broke a lot of
          plugins like IdentityLogger and music players that would play music
          in the background as you played the game. But at least the attack
          vector was removed.
          jandrese wrote 8 hours 35 min ago:
          The VGUI browser was a security nightmare, which is why Valve
          eventually deleted it from Steam.
          awestroke wrote 8 hours 47 min ago:
          The VGUI browser also allowed servers to steal the steam session
          cookies. So not a very hardened implementation at all.
        Giorgi wrote 9 hours 0 min ago:
        Thinking about it, steam should force this on every game developer that
        has cheating problem (I am assuming mainly shooters), maybe implemented
        better fingerprinting way, giving developers options to hide cookies
        somewhere in folders of their choosing.
          jandrese wrote 8 hours 30 min ago:
          The problem is that once a technique like this becomes standardized
          the cheat software will know how to automatically disable it.  Even
          in the article it points out that had the cheaters put in the work
          they could have edited a single text file to break the system, but
          they did not.  If this solution had been implemented for all CS:GO
          players then it would have been defeated fairly quickly, but since it
          was just one set of servers those were easy enough for the cheaters
          to avoid.
          That said, eyeballing the chart in the article you can see an
          enormous ban wave that happens when the system is turned on, but
          afterwards the total level of cheating quickly returns to roughly
          where it started.  If there were long term impacts it was only in the
          reduction of staff hours needed to review game footage to determine
          if a player is cheating.
          Ekaros wrote 8 hours 53 min ago:
          Risk there is that what ever id is generated tends to leak. So lot of
          cheaters will either tamper with it or circumvent it. So the game
          will continue and not actually be effective for very long.
        Broge wrote 9 hours 5 min ago:
        Feels disgusting with the hidden fingerprinting but very technically
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