        _______               __                   _______
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        kibwen wrote 3 hours 31 min ago:
        What is MIR in this context? On the one hand, given the mention of
        Cranelift, it seems like it could be referring to the Rust compiler's
        intermediate representation, but given the context perhaps it's
        referring to an independent intermediate representation that also just
        happens to be called MIR?
          throwaway17_17 wrote 10 min ago:
          MIR is the compiler intermediate representation used by Ion. I know
          the IonMonkey docs say the acronym is Mid-level Intermediate
        pshc wrote 6 hours 48 min ago:
        In modern times I seldom reach for a linked list... cache friendly data
        structures almost always win.
          dist1ll wrote 5 hours 18 min ago:
          Yup. Almost every DS in my compiler is either an array or a hashmap.
        rpearl wrote 6 hours 49 min ago:
        Wow, that dominator tree algorithm I wrote as an intern ( [1] ) seems
        to have lasted 13 years! At the time we assumed that graphs would be
        small enough to not warrant the constant factor against
        Lengauer-Tarjan. ...And of course, browser-based apps have gotten much
        bigger since then.
        Semi-NCA hadn't even been published yet and seems like the clear choice
        nowadays, so I'm glad to see it in place! Great work!
  HTML  [1]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=666426
          DannyBee wrote 2 hours 52 min ago:
          Amusingly, the LLVM implementation was also written by an intern at
          one point :)
          Semi-NCA was actually published back then, just not in the cited
          See "Finding dominators in practice", published in 2004, section 2.3.
          So two decades ago.
          The main advantage of Semi-NCA (and why LLVM uses it) is that it
          makes for a good incremental update algorithm.
          See [1] Truthfully, as much as I love Cooper and friends (they were
          responsible for a lot of very thoughtful, well engineered algorithms
          at a time when lots of stuff was just "here's some research i think
          is better"), the "simple" dataflow based algorithm was never worth
          Part of the thing i was good at way back then was keeping track of
          all of the research in compiler opts and which was any good - most of
          their stuff is very good.
          I used to go through every paper that came around and keep an up to
          date library of ones worth looking at (both now and in the future)
          that a bunch of folks used. This was harder back in the days of
          nobody really publishing code, i used to have to write a ton of
          prototype implementations to see which numbers were real and which
          were BS because they compared against crappy implementations or
          SEMI-NCA was an obvious win - it was simple enough to implement and
          test, equally as fast as what existed now, and could easily be
          extended to incremental updates.
          If you want to see what it takes to do incremental updates with LT,
          take a look at GCC's dominator update code back around that time
          period (I think it's unchanged since then, actually, but i haven't
          looked in a few years).  There were a fairly small number of people
          who could understand the data structures and algorithms involved.
  HTML    [1]: https://reviews.llvm.org/D34258
          mananaysiempre wrote 3 hours 21 min ago:
          > Semi-NCA hadn't even been published yet and seems like the clear
          choice nowadays[.]
          For those who are awkwardly lingering and casting longing glasses at
          the entrance door of compiler engineering like I am, and who were
          just as dismayed by this sentence, it wasn’t “properly”
          published but looks to have been described in a thesis from 2005[1]
          and in an extended abstract (ugh) before that[2].
          But also, the reduction of RMQ to NCA, really?.. Ouch. I’m having
          flashbacks to my (very brief) competitive programming days, and not
          the good kind. [1]
  HTML    [1]: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/research/techreps/TR-737-05
  HTML    [2]: https://www.cse.uoi.gr/~loukas/index.files/dominators_soda04...
            DannyBee wrote 2 hours 51 min ago:
            It was published prior to that in a paper named "Finding dominators
            in practice", published in ESA 2004[1].
            For once, the title is not actually an oversell, it actually covers
            that topic quite well for a conference paper.
  HTML      [1]: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-30140-...
        koala_man wrote 7 hours 4 min ago:
        > extremely large functions
        > quadratic behavior
        *High five*
        I fixed several of these during my time as a compiler engineer too.
        It's true what they say, quadratic is the worst possible time
        complexity. Fast enough to work on all your test cases, slow enough to
        explode in prod.
        mgaudet wrote 8 hours 30 min ago:
        It's too bad the title prefix "75x Faster" got dropped.
        icsa wrote 9 hours 11 min ago:
        Moral of the story:
        First, use an array. 
        If an array doesn't work, try something else.
          kevingadd wrote 8 hours 37 min ago:
          It's definitely the case that in many scenarios, the right data
          structure is an array, since you'll have work dominated by gets and
          However, the OP has one scenario where the opposite was true - they
          were using a dense bitset that needed to be obscenely huge because of
          degenerate code in the wasm module, so swapping to a sparse container
          was a win.
          In the end you just have to profile and understand your data.
            icsa wrote 6 hours 15 min ago:
            To your point, profile your data as you would your code.
            A sorted array of bit locations would represent a sparse bit set
            well enough to start, with O(N) storage and O(log N) access. Once
            the sets became large and/or dense, another data structure could be
        zyedidia wrote 9 hours 32 min ago:
        Is there any AOT WebAssembly compiler that can compile Wasm used by
        websites? I tried locally compiling the Photoshop Wasm module mentioned
        in the article but the compilers I tried (Wasmtime, wasm2c, WAMR) all
        complained about some unsupported Wasm extension/proposal being
        required (exceptions seems like the blocker on wasmtime, and the others
        gave cryptic error messages).
        Is it really the case that browsers have default-enabled all sorts of
        extensions that are not yet widely supported by the rest of the
          aseipp wrote 8 hours 15 min ago:
          No, I think most of the AOT compilers in practice are a bit behind V8
          and/or Spidermonkey for newer features. Realistically, most
          development driving new WASM features is motivated by website-ish use
          cases. Exception handling in particular is still not standardized so
          I guess it's expected that the browser engines would be the one to
          have the most evolving support (and the ability to test it
          thoroughly) because people want that platform as their inevitable
          target anyway.
          kevingadd wrote 8 hours 41 min ago:
          > Is there any AOT WebAssembly compiler that can compile Wasm used by
          This doesn't really make sense, given that the wasm used by websites
          is going to import a bunch of JS functions as dependencies. You're
          not going to have those available in any native environment.
          > Is it really the case that browsers have default-enabled all sorts
          of extensions that are not yet widely supported by the rest of the
          Photoshop in particular is a good example of a bleeding edge wasm app
          - browsers had to relax restrictions on things like function pointer
          table size in order for it to work. So I wouldn't expect it to build
          and run anywhere outside of v8 or spidermonkey.
            zyedidia wrote 7 hours 11 min ago:
            I think one of the interesting aspects of WebAssembly compared to
            JavaScript is that it can be efficiently AOT-compiled. I've been
            interested in investigating AOT compilation for a browser (perhaps
            there is a distant/alternative future where web browsing does not
            require a JIT), but maybe Wasm AOT compilers aren't really there
              kevingadd wrote 6 hours 29 min ago:
              Functionally what browsers do under the hood is AOT compilation
              but not in the way that i.e. Wasmtime is. The following is my
              knowledge that may no longer be accurate, but this is the sort of
              model we planned for when designing WASM to begin with:
              Browsers do a on-demand 'first tier' compilation for fast
              startup, and in the background using threads they do a high
              quality AOT compilation of the whole module. That high quality
              AOT compilation is cached and used for future page loads.
              It is possible to use a JIT model for this but AFAIK it is
              typically not done. In some configurations (i.e. lockdown mode)
              WASM is interpreted instead of AOT compiled.
                hencq wrote 6 hours 17 min ago:
                > It is possible to use a JIT model for this but AFAIK it is
                typically not done.
                Isn't this what the last line of the article is hinting at? 
                > our WebAssembly team is making great progress rearchitecting
                the Wasm compiler pipeline. This work will make it possible to
                Ion-compile individual Wasm functions as they warm up instead
                of compiling everything immediately.
          Dylan16807 wrote 8 hours 41 min ago:
          > Is it really the case that browsers have default-enabled all sorts
          of extensions that are not yet widely supported by the rest of the
          I don't know the answer, but it would be hard to blame them for
          following normal browser development practices on the standard they
          created for the purpose of being in browsers.
            zyedidia wrote 7 hours 24 min ago:
            Fair enough. I think it would be unfortunate if the WebAssembly
            language in browsers were a significantly different language than
            WebAssembly outside of browsers (just referring to language itself,
            not the overall runtime system). I don't think that has quite
            happened, and the outer ecosystem can probably catch up, but it
            worries me.
              titzer wrote 7 hours 14 min ago:
              Non-browser environments are a little behind on the Wasm
              standard, but not by much. E.g. wasmtime has now landed support
              for Wasm GC. AFAIK they implement all phase 4 proposals. Wizard
              implements all the Phase 4 proposals as well. The Wasm 3.0 spec
              will be out soon, which will be a big milestone to motivate Wasm
              engines outside the Web to catch up.
        cjblomqvist wrote 10 hours 29 min ago:
        If anyone have a comparison with V8 that would be great!
          kevingadd wrote 8 hours 40 min ago:
           [1] has various comparisons between Firefox and Chrome, the script
          oriented ones are basically Spidermonkey vs V8
  HTML    [1]: https://arewefastyet.com/
          emmanueloga_ wrote 8 hours 50 min ago:
          Not sure what kind of comparison you mean, but you can compare
          desktop browsers with [1].
          I just ran it on my mac M2 Max and got:
              (F)irefox 131.0.3
              (E)dge 129.0, V8
              (S)afari 18.0 (20619.
              Speedometer 3.0
              (F) 25.9  
              (E) 22.3
              (S) 30.9
              (F) 251.787
              (E) 350.74
              (S) 360.568
          Safari seems slightly faster in all benchmarks. I did not run
          motionmark because it takes forever :-/. The page says JetStream2 is
          what you want if you want to benchmark wasm.
          How this relates to TFA, no idea ... is not really easy to tell which
          version of SpiderMonkey is running on the installed Firefox.
  HTML    [1]: https://browserbench.org/
            KwanEsq wrote 8 hours 2 min ago:
            Spidermonkey just follows Firefox version numbering, so far as I
            know, and the linked bugs in the article seem to have landed in a
            mix of the 132 and 133 milestones, so you'll have to wait a couple
            of release cycles for the full effect.
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