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       # Sfeed_curses: a curses UI front-end for sfeed
       Last modification on 2022-05-08
   DIR sfeed_curses is a curses UI front-end for »sfeed«.
       It is now part of sfeed.
       It shows the TAB-separated feed items in a graphical command-line UI.  The
  HTML interface has a look inspired by the »mutt mail client«. It has a sidebar
       panel for the feeds, a panel with a listing of the items and a small statusbar
       for the selected item/URL. Some functions like searching and scrolling are
       integrated in the interface itself.
       ## Features
       * Relatively few LOC, about 2.5K lines of C.
       * Few dependencies: a C compiler and a curses library (typically ncurses).
         It also requires a terminal (emulator) supporting UTF-8.
       * Easy to customize by modifying the small source-code and shellscripts.
       * Quite fast.
       * Plumb support: open the URL or an enclosure URL directly with any program.
       * Pipe support: pipe the selected Tab-Separated Value line to a program for
         scripting purposes. Like viewing the content in any way you like.
       * Yank support: copy the URL or an enclosure URL to the clipboard.
       * Familiar keybinds: supports both vi-like, emacs-like and arrow keys for
       * Mouse support: it supports xterm X10 and extended SGR encoding.
       * Support two ways of managing read/unread items.
         By default sfeed_curses marks the feed items of the last day as new/bold.
         Alternatively a simple plain-text list with the read URLs can be used.
       * UI layouts: supports vertical, horizontal and monocle (full-screen) layouts.
         Useful for different kind of screen sizes.
       * Auto-execute keybind commands at startup to automate setting a preferred
         layout, toggle showing new items or other actions.
       Like the format programs included in sfeed you can run it by giving the feed
       files as arguments like this:
               sfeed_curses ~/.sfeed/feeds/*
       ... or by reading directly from stdin:
               sfeed_curses < ~/.sfeed/feeds/xkcd
       It will show a sidebar if one or more files are specified as parameters. It
       will not show the sidebar by default when reading from stdin.
   IMG Screenshot showing what the UI looks
       On pressing the 'o' or ENTER keybind it will open the link URL of an item with
       the plumb program.  On pressing the 'a', 'e' or '@' keybind it will open the
  HTML enclosure URL if there is one.  The default plumb program is set to »xdg-open«,
       but can be modified by setting the environment variable $SFEED_PLUMBER.  The
       plumb program receives the URL as a command-line argument.
       The TAB-Separated-Value line of the current selected item in the feed file can
       be piped to a program by pressing the 'c', 'p' or '|' keybind. This allows much
       flexibility to make a content formatter or write other custom actions or views.
       This line is in the exact same format as described in the sfeed(5) man page.
       The pipe program can be changed by setting the environment variable
   IMG Screenshot showing the output of the pipe content script
   DIR The above screenshot shows the included »sfeed_content« shellscript which uses
  HTML the »lynx text-browser« to convert HTML to plain-text.  It pipes the formatted
       plain-text to the user $PAGER (or "less").
       Of course the script can be easily changed to use a different browser or
       HTML-to-text converter like:
  HTML * dillo
  HTML * links
  HTML * w3m
   DIR * webdump
       It's easy to modify the color-theme by changing the macros in the source-code
       or set a predefined theme at compile-time. The README file contains information
  HTML how to set a theme.  On the left a »TempleOS«-like color-theme on the right a
  HTML »newsboat«-like colorscheme.
   IMG Screenshot showing a custom colorscheme
       It supports a vertical layout, horizontal and monocle (full-screen) layout.
       This can be useful for different kind of screen sizes.  The keybinds '1', '2'
       and '3' can be used to switch between these layouts.
   IMG Screenshot showing the horizontal layout
       ## Clone
               git clone git://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
       ## Browse
       You can browse the source-code at:
  HTML * https://git.codemadness.org/sfeed/
   DIR * gopher://codemadness.org/1/git/sfeed
       ## Download releases
       Releases are available at:
  HTML * https://codemadness.org/releases/sfeed/
   DIR * gopher://codemadness.org/1/releases/sfeed
       ## Build and install
               $ make
               # make install