Saturday 31 August 2024 Wrap-up of 100DaysToOffload =========================== At the start of August 2023. together with Prahou I started the 100DaysToOffload challenge. Just like the #100DaysToOffload challenge published on, but we wanted to do this on Gopher. The idea was to post one hundred phlog posts in one year, see: gopher:// The challenge started on August 1st, 2023. Currently it is August 31, 2024, and this is phlog post 98. Close enough, I think. Ambitious --------- The goal of 100 posts in one year is quite ambitious. Creating 100 posts in 52 weeks theoretically means, on average, at least two posts per week. There are always weeks without writing, because of holidays, other commitments and priorities, and so on. In practice this means that the rate of writing posts should be above two posts per week, probably closer to three. Environment ----------- When doing a challenge like this, it is important that you create an environment that works for you. When your environment works against you, it will be hard to complete the challenge. Setup an environment where you can start your writing immediately and make the publishing part as friction-less as possible. I write my phlog posts in Denote, using the wonderful capabilities of org-mode, like outlining. A small Elisp script turns the denote-file into a plain text file, with some simple markup. The posts are checked in into RCS. This automagically sets the last-edited date at the bottom of the phlog post. Experience ---------- At the time we played with the idea of participating the challenge, the first thing that came to mind was to create a list of possible subjects for phlog posts. I started building such a list, and was still collecting ideas in the beginning of the challenge. In hindsight, this was not needed. I hardly used this list, perhaps only one or two times in the early phase of the challenge. It turned out that it is enough to be geared toward writing a post every few days, When you open your mind to it, the subjects will present themselves. Some noticeable effects of doing the challenge: * Posting has become easier, and I think that is because I am more relaxed about it. * Subjects for posts present themselves. This is a wonderful revelation. * It has become easier to write about non-technical subjects. * Writing posts has become a habit. When something presents itself as a subject to write about, I just start writing. And now? -------- Now the habit has formed, I expect to keep cranking out phlog posts at a regular interval. Just like during the challenge, life goes one, and some weeks will see some more posts, and some others none. That's OK, of course. Should you do it? ----------------- A nice question is, can one recommend doing this challenge? Why should anyone want to do it, and what are the benefits? * First of all, we need you to write phlog posts :) The Gopher sphere is precious, it is the last resort that is not tainted by the monetization and commercialization. We should cherish it. It can only survive if we keep writing phlogs. * Doing the challenge can help create a writing habit. * Committing to the challenge adds some accountability, that can help you keep on track. This can be helpful in the early stage, when your writing habit is not established yet. * Nobody is forcing you to go for one hundred posts. You can also do a `fifty posts in fifty weeks' challenge. Or any other number. Committing to any number helps. * It is fun to do. Harness the power of initiative, and start your challenge today! Last edited: $Date: 2024/08/31 09:27:33 $