Monday 15 July 2024 Third day of the Old Computer Challenge 2024 ============================================ Today was the third day of the 2024 edition of the Old Computer Challenge. I am getting used to the terminal only setup. Battery time ------------ I added two lines to my ~/.emacs: (display-battery-mode 1) (setq battery-mode-line-format "[%b%t minutes] ") Now the remaining battery life is shown in the Emacs modeline. Yesterday evening I used the laptop with the power brick connected. This morning it showed a remaining time around 70 minutes. Sending email ------------- I had some troubles with sending email from the laptop. My home network has a jail with the sendmail STMP server and the dovecot IMAP server. It turned out that sendmail didn't want to have anything to do with mail from my laptop, because it could not verify the hostname. After adding the hostname and the ip-address to the local name server everything was fine :) I can now use the laptop for both reading and writing/sending mail, which is great. Links to Goher burrows and Gemini capsules ------------------------------------------ On the server I added the burrows and capsules from the participants. See gopher:// and gemini:// Changed terminal colors ----------------------- In the default setup I had problems with reading some text, because it is sbown as dark blue on black background It turned out, the terminal colors can be changed by adding some lines to /boot/loader.conf, like: kern.vt.color.0.rgb="0,0,0" kern.vt.color.1.rgb="128,0,0" kern.vt.color.2.rgb="0,128,0" kern.vt.color.3.rgb="128,128,0" I have lines for kern.vt.color.0 to kern.vt.color.15. With this, the dark blue on black changed to purple on black, which is much better readable. I can now experiment a bit more with the colors. although the urgency is gone. Compared to the first day, the usabilty has much improved. First by using the kernel driver for the Radeon videochip, which resulted in a much better display and good font, readable and a nice size. It allows for two usable dindows side by side in Emacs and two usable panels side by side in tmux. Daily use ---------- Today I used the laptop to read and answer emails. Also, I read some Gopher and Gemini posts. Wonderful to read how people do things their own way for the challenge :) In Gnus I followed mailinglists and RSS-feeds with the help of the brilliant service of gmane,io and, and also followed some RSS feeds in Elfeed. I went through the first 40 or so toots, using toot. Without the abiliy to view the images, it is not much inspiring, and I didn't fetched more headers. Last edited: $Date: 2024/07/15 20:10:35 $