Thursday 18 July 2024 Sixth day of the Old Computer Challenge 2024 ============================================ Today we went for a long bicycle trip. After returning home again, we were both dead tired. I also had to mow the lawn, I could not postpone that, tomorrow the waste from the garbage-container for green waste is collected. Now I sit here with not much energy, and planning to make it an easy evening. Daily stuff ----------- I started with opening Antenne and reading some gemtexts. The most interesting write ups require too much of me, I can't muster the required focus. Maybe tomorrow. I read some Gopher posts from other OCC participants, but didn't register the content that much, and stopped opening new posts. Hopefully, tomorrow I have the energy to go back to these the Gopher and Gemini posts and read them with more focus. That's it for tonight, I am just going to relax. We abandoned the television from our lives a number of years ago, otherwise I would probably be spending my evening watching something on it, with half-closed eyes. I'm re-reading `Fahrenheit 451' and am about half way the book. It's mostly new to me, the previous time I read it was in the seventies. I guess I'm also to tired to pick that up, and probably would regret it tomorrow. Tonight I'll settle with just enjoying a large mug with tea, slow music, and some staring out of the window, and make it an early night. Happy OCC-ing! Last edited: $Date: 2024/07/18 18:54:12 $