Wednesday 3 July 2024 Leaving traces and FOSS ======================= Today prahou posted [1] the wonderful speech from Erik Sandewall, from 2014, with the title Leaving Traces – Words on the Road If you haven't read it, do so now, it is a very inspiring speech. Sandewall links the phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants" to the concept of leaving traces. He argues that scientist are leaving traces while doing their research. He states the wonderful observation: We are not standing still when we do science, we move ahead, we search our way ahead, and while doing this we leave traces, but we are also led by the traces of those that researched before us. For those who come after us --------------------------- Another concept Sandewall discusses, is the dictum that is used by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, namely For efterkommande meaning "For those who come after us". Here Sandewall adds the observation: This all reminds us that there are two different reasons for pursuing science, namely to satisfy our natural curiosity, and to do something useful. These two reasons apply both to individuals, and to the entire society, and it is usually said that these reasons go hand in hand. FOSS developers --------------- I think that much of the above also applies to FOSS developers. Like scientists, FOSS developers are standing on the shoulders of giants. They take what was developed before, and starting from there, add new concepts, ideas and bring the software further. And while developing software, FOSS developers leave traces, and are also led by the traces of previous developments. I guess that most FOSS developers also work to satisfy their natural curiosity, and to do something useful. And as a community, the FOSS movement has moved the world forward and will continue to do so. When we look back to the last 40 to 50 years, we see that open source has become a wonderful and huge universe, for which we can only be in awe and thankful. [1]: gopher:// Last edited: $Date: 2024/07/03 08:29:39 $